Ok, this is starting to get really annoying

Thought to queue for some Island Expeditions on my Monk today, and well, being kicked twice in a row, both with deserter debuff’s.

Apparent Reason: Being in Mistweaving Spec.

Can we change the kicking system around in Island Expeditions to something similar to doing BG’s where we can report for AFK? People kicking others from Island Expeditions because of them being in a Healing Spec is not on.


Just find two people in group finder


Not to sound argumentative, because you do have a point that the kicking system could use some fine-tuning – but most players want IEs to be done quickly. Being in healing spec is counter to that mentality.

You could always run them with friends if you want to stay in heal spec – pugging it you’ll run into the go-go-go mentality most of the time.


Having a healer in an IE can actually also make it go quicker too. Think about it, keep everyone alive while they pull more.

But the point is, everyone should have every right to do an Island Expedition without being kicked because of the spec of class that they want to play. If they want to go quickly, then I guess the same responce as I already got, they could queue with friends or guild members too.


Oh is that how it is supposed to be? I thought it was supposed to be set so that groups dont have to play with someone if they dont want to.


What kind of logic is that?


Solution: Go windwalker or form your own group.


The logic is that if theres a player that the majority doesnt want to deal with why should the rest suffer because of one person.


But the thing is, there is no rule saying that people have to be in a DPS spec when queuing for Island Expeditions. Nor is there any roles as well when queuing.

Kicking someone out because of them playing a spec though is more or less, abusing the vote kick system. If join in on a toon, and is in a healing spec, it has every right to be in there, just as anyone else, and should not be vote-kicked out because of it being in a healing spec.

Well, that is easy, we should also say that to people who don’t want healers in there group as well.


The group doesn’t want a healer and majority rules. This has been a common practice for awhile, now.

If you don’t like it, Blizzard isn’t going to overhaul the votekick system just for you. Make your own group, or comply.


Nor is there any rule that anyone has to play with someone who insists on bringing a healing spec.


No blizz wont put those kinds of restrictions on it, but groups can. Some people like the idea of playing with a healer and others do not. If they feel like it will ruin their run then why should they have to deal with it?

There is only so much blizz can do to control players in group activities. What is the line? Gameplay results may vary or something like that. Maybe they should just remove the queue system from things like islands in the future and then everyone will have to find people. Maybe they shouldnt.

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They should have just deleted the kicking program from island expeditions. There is no point to kick your team members in them. Of course asking Blizzard to fix something, they usually go the opposite direction. They make it worse.


If people don’t want to play with you, they shouldn’t have to. What’s so hard to understand about this?


The groups who have had people afk on the boat would disagree with you I think.


I think as a compromise Blizzard should eliminate the deserter debuff for IE groups. It seems punitive for players who don’t want to DPS in a setting where Blizzard has made the most efficient manner taking a full DPS group.

Just accept that some truly AFK or problematic players will slip through the cracks, but until they come up with a system that can tell the difference in these naunces, they could err on the side of players for a change.


True, but these are not dungeons, raids, or bgs. These are the terrible island expeditions. They do not give you very much of anything worth while. They should just get rid of the kick option for them or just get rid of the deserter buff, which at this point is ridiculous and does not really help.


Yes! Then fingers crossed that hopefully I will be able to just keep queueing until I get the island I want. Sincere, not sarcastic.

That doesnt help deal with moochers.


Doesn’t help moochers? What does that mean? Island expeditions give you the exact same azerite that you get from a dungeon. The only thing it gives you is a quota you have to fill in order to get more azerite, just as the same amount those weeklies give you. They do not need a kicker for it, or deserter buff as well. If you have an afk, just exit out and re-que. You will get back in no time.


They do not need a kicker for it, or deserter buff as well. If you have an afk, just exit out and re-que. You will get back in no time.

Or you can kick the afk, exactly like how the system is designed to do, and punish that afker…