Ok, this is starting to get really annoying

Que as WW, once the other two players leave the boat just change spec back.

They won’t check again

I am presenting the viewpoint of someone who would kick a healer. To them, regardless of skill and gear, having a healer in IEs is a detriment. They are not obligated to play with said healer if they don’t want to.

I so want to slap anyone for this stupid comment. You can have a healer and do just fine. I que up with guildies on my main and we do huge pulls with me as a healer and do just fine - no deaths. This kind of logic you have is stupid and not needed. Healers are good enough just like all other specs. You dont like it then make your own group. I can use that logic against you too sweetie.


Personally, I have never seen a healer get kicked just for being a healer. Maybe you just had some bad luck.

I absolutely love this idea! Many times I’ve wondered if someone that went off by themselves was doing anything if they aren’t showing changes in health, etc. I don’t want to kick someone that was actually participating and I think this would be awesome!

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Yeah, you can do ‘just fine’. To some people, ‘just fine’ isn’t enough. They want optimal, efficient. And that’s their prerogative.

My GF and I enjoy doing IEs. She’s a pally, I’m a DH, we queue up and kill and kill and kill and it’s fun for us. So… some people actually do want to do the content.

And they have the right to kick him because his class or spec? Where it is said that you have that right? I remember to you that we are talking about a group created by the group finder of the game. It’s actualy you who are breaking the rules of the queue system by kicking any healer that you get randomly.

If they voted to kick him, yes. That’s why the vote kick option exists. What rule says you can’t kick a class/spec you don’t need or want? Because I’ve read no such rule. By your logic, raid teams and arena teams don’t have a right to choose their make-up. Clearly they do.

You are mistaken. “Bring the player, not the class” was the design back in MoP. The design from Legion and BFA is specializations are mini-classes and should have their own unique niche. Which is why you have things like MDI comps almost entirely being the same specs and race and “bad” specs being declined for low level Mythic groups.

Wouldn’t really bother me at all so long as we maintained a lead over the AI, and even if we lost it wouldn’t really bother me because loot drop rates are too low and too RNG to really care either way.

This is somewhere between completely wrong and an oversimplification. The players who kick healers want speed runs because they don’t enjoy the content and want to be finished ASAP. Those players should never ever be catered to in LFG content. If ever you are in that big of a hurry that you’re willing to kick someone else for being the “wrong spec” then you should form your own groups of like minded players.

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I would prefer a healer follow melee over me… My felgaurd usually tanks well enough… but I can be limited on large pulls … Where most melee really arent

Wrong, really missinformed and wrong. Healers are not allowed to queque in 2v2 not rated arenas. It’s mandatory there play double dps in 2v2, and is mandatory there play with 2 dps and 1 helear in 3v3.

And Islands and no-rated arenas are organisated by the game, by Blizzard rules. You want play with the class you want? With the combo you like? Then don’t use that system, make your own group first, and then get in the game. But don’t put your own desires over a system that is the same for everybody, and over the rights of every player have beyond his class or spec to play the game as Blizzard ofer him. Because that person, like you, is paying to play the game, and play it by geting all the features and posibilities that the game he is paying ofer him. Or your money is more important than the money of a helear?

Compared to how it was through to MoP, it’s still bring the player, not the class. Many classes have similar tool sets, tool sets they didn’t have in earlier expansions. We don’t have 30+ unique niches.

No, it’s not completely wrong or an oversimplification. Many players don’t exactly enjoy IEs, probably have several alts they have to run them at this point, and some of those players want to get through them as quickly as possible. Yes, they can and do form their own groups, but if they’re randomly placed with someone with the same mindset, they don’t need to form a group, do they? What you think should or should not be catered to in LFG is entirely subjective.

Well, those arena rules weren’t always that way. I don’t arena, for a host of reasons. Point still stands with raids and dungeons though.

Blizzard rules don’t state that you have to play with whomever you’re randomly placed with. Blizzard rules don’t state that everyone else has to cater to your preferred spec, despite the fact that it may be less than optimal for your chosen aspect of gameplay. They try to design classes and spec such that it shouldn’t be an issue, but nowhere does Blizzard say you have to play with someone. That person who is making a choice to play a class/spec combo that may be more difficult to find a group is willingly choosing to do so, where there are more successful avenues to approach it. That’s on the player, not the system, or other players.

Yes. People have the right to kick someone from a group for whatever reason they want.

i joined one and we were all healers lol, i switched though.

Sorry, nope. You don’t “have to run them”. You can skip them entirely. Reputation rewards are account level. Azerite isn’t important enough for you to feel the need to spam IE’s on every 120 alt you have or plan to create. 8.2 automatically puts everyone at 35, you only need to hit 40(?) to have permanently unlocked Azerite gear traits and you’ll get the first and main HoA trait after unlocking the Hearforge via the Magni quest chain/intro to Azshara.

If you aren’t the .001% pushing Mythic level progression and gearing X alts for FoTM patch swapping then you don’t need anything else from Azerite.


Not if the 2/3 of the team doesnt wanna do that strat.

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You’re bickering semantics. People run them, and they run them on alts. Perhaps they’re farming pets, mogs, mounts, Azerite, the weekly treasure map. Why they feel the need to play them is irrelevant. Point being, is they’re not obligated to play with any particular spec/class if they don’t want to.

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I mean, stuff like this is why people stop heal/tanking for pugs or lfg.

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