Ok, this is starting to get really annoying

Depends on the drop rate of shards, which is more frequent then getting gear from a dungeon.

Edit: Also it depends on what difficulty the dungeon is on. You get more the higher the difficulty.


Dungeon 150 + boss drops (35 for each boss, 75 for ending boss). Depends if you get equipment from the boss.

Islands: 225, suppose to be 150, must have changed.

If you can get the majority to agree that they don’t want to play with that player… yes that is fair.

That’s the whole bloody point.

edit: I think people are mixing up nice and fair… they aren’t synonyms.

  1. I never said anything about the ToS or vote-kicking someone for the wrong reasons is against the ToS.
  2. There is no rules or anything in the ToS stating that everyone has to be in a DPS spec or DPS’ing in an Island Expedition
  3. I said vote-kicking someone for the wrong reason is acting more towards an Elitist player. Is this what everyone wants to be known as? An Elitist player?
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Just a heads up, I would never kick a healer from a group. All these people who say they would, I’d kick them from my group.


No, it isn’t fair.

No, it’s not fair, I agree. However, vote kick is majority rule, and healers are undesirable in islands. So it happens.

Vote-Kick a healer for being in a Healer spec is more towards acting like an Elitist player.

If it’s anything else, I’d agree, but in this case, it’s probably more of a bored play who wants to get out.

How much do heroic dungeons give?

Depending on your spec I think anywhere between 250-350.

Except you know, not every DPS spec has a lot of AoE.


So… doing a heroic dungeon, which probably lasts longer than an island if youre running it normally, may or may not give more than an island thanks to RNG. Got it. I was actually asking since I may need a new way to farm azurite, but it sounds like another waste of time.

You dont actually have an automatic right to be in group though. Its up to the majority.

I have every right to do Island Expeditions, regardless of what spec or classes I play, just the same as everyone else.


Better off staying DPS in them. Most any DPS can solo a named and a handful of trash mobs without dieing unless they just can’t play.

No, but you implied you had a right to play with others as whatever spec you choose. Only the TOS really determines what rights we have.

You’re right, there isn’t. There’s also nothing stating that people have to play with you when you’re playing a spec they don’t want or need.

What you view as a wrong reason is entirely subjective. People on the other side may view the fact that you’re running IEs as a healing spec is lazy and looking to be carried. Not saying that’s the case, but it’s not unreasonable that someone might see it that way. It’s not elitist to want to get something done as efficiently as possible. Between class abilities/spells and the healing orbs, you really don’t need a healer in IEs.

Yes, but not with whoever. The random group doesnt belong to you.

What is with the face palm thing? I have played heoric dungeons and I have gone through them very fast. Depends on the group. I was not talking about time. Why are you talking about time. I am talking about doing 1 dunegon or 1 island. I did not say anything about time.

/Puts his hand on his head and sighs.

You need to stop trying to argue about mathematics, which have proven in my favor. 1 vs 1. Dungeons provide more azerite then a island.

I have every right to do Island Expeditions, regardless of what spec or classes I play, just the same as everyone else.

Yes, which is why you can queue for it like everyone else. Now, those who are in there with you have every right to kick you.

Yeah, for what? If I was AFK and doing nothing, yes, I can understand.

But if I am doing something, and also contributing to the group, then what is the reason to be kicked for?

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So the answer is no you have not learned you lesson.

Because anyone who is doing islands is going to do more than one for the weekly, but when you compare the time to do heroic dungeons (queue included) with number of dungeons unknown vs 4 heroic islands for 2500 to 3500 azurite it may take way more time to get the same amount from heroic dungeons.

But if I am doing something, and also contributing to the group, then what is the reason to be kicked for?

Because the 2 other people don’t want you in the group. That is, quite literally, the only reason needed to kick someone. Players are free to kick whoever they deem to by a detriment to the group.


That is not a reason, that is an excuse. That is just toxic behaviour.

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The amount of contribution in heal spec may not be as much as a DPS’s contribution?

That is not a reason, that is an excuse. That is just toxic behaviour.

Nope, you just think too highly of yourself. No one is obligated to play WITH you, and if they don’t want to, they have every right to remove you, for any reason.

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