Ok, this is starting to get really annoying

It’s not generalizing.

The logic is like this. Under geared people can’t speed run islands, so a healer is actually helpful to them, thus they are unlikely to kick a healer. A group with decent ilvl, even a pug, can kill mobs much quickly. The quickest strat would be to split up and kill mobs in different direction, since honestly the biggest time drain is the travel time. They might kick a healer because it’s a significant drain on the kill speed.

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So what about the weekly bonus where you get 2500 + a mission board quest. Do you still get more in a dungeon than the Island Expedition?

While this is true, they shouldn’t have any right to kick someone out because of the spec they’re playing.

Actually, sometime last week, I did an Island Expedition on my Shaman, and had a 413 hunter that wanted to kick out a low ilvl mage because of there ilvl. Kicking someone for the wrong reason shouldn’t happen in the first place.

I did it once, and next thing, the next person that came in was AFK. Couldn’t kick the AFK’er. But by my own stupidity, I learnt, never vote-kick someone out unless they are doing something wrong.


I am talking about fury dps, I am not talking about tank. I have noticed I get squished a lot. A pally dps has more healing capabilities then a warrior dps, also they have shields. The prot warrior has to have a higher defense, because of its lack of spells and magic shields.

Agreed with prot.

By the way, I do not play as a warrior very often. I played more with my demon hunter, rogue, Druid, and priest.

I use to play as a warrior from vanilla to BC. Then switched to a rogue, so I would not get ganked by horde druids.

You dont keep azurite from doing islands. The weekly quest to fill the bar is where you get azurite which is like 2500 azurite if I remember correctly. What I am trying to learn from you is how much a heroic dungeon gives.

Until you compare amount of DPS with a healer vs without a healer. 3 undergeared DPS will be faster at killing the mobs than 2 undergeared DPS and a healer, yeah?

I’m not thrilled to find a healer in an island but I’ve never seen one kicked and I wouldn’t kick someone for playing a healer.

In fact I’ve only seen 2 people ever kicked on an island. Obv I voted to kick but didn’t initiate it. Both times the person was afk on the boat or afk as a corpse in front of the boat for the first half.

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I don’t count the weekly bonuses. They are equivalent to doing weekly emissary quests.

I am talking LFG. You get the same amount, with the exception of getting more from boss drops in dungeons.

Ah I see what you mean. Fury still have a decent amount of armor, on top of that it has a 5% hp heal every 3 seconds, and a 2x 25% heal every 1.5 mins. Short of standing in multiple circles, it’s really hard to get killed on an island as a fury.

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I never said that. You get a shard of azerite from completing the island mission. The stuff you collect on the islands, fills your meter. Then the weekly, once you complete it.

That’s how the whole system is supposed to work. That’s why we have Vote To Kick in the first place. You cannot force someone to play with you if they don’t want to. (And just for the record, I have never initiated a kick against someone in an IE, and I rarely vote in favor of a kick anytime anywhere.)

I think you get some tiny amount at the end of the run. Is that what youre referring to? The weekly is the main thing when it comes to azurite and islands. Never mind that though.

How much do you get from heroic dungeons?

Yeah next time, I am going to kick a DPS spec player for being in a DPS spec. Now you think that is fair?


That doesn’t make it a valid kick reason. If I was in an IE (long shot on it’s own since I find them extremely boring) and someone tried to do a kick vote with that reason I would decline, and then initiate a kick vote against them with the reason “tried to kick the healer for being a healer” so that the healer knew what was going on.


I have actually gotten killed because of the LFG. I always follow someone if they split up. Then you have to watch out for aggro, which I did gain. I died.

There are basically 3 things a warrior can do to get heals? Right? I forget.
The bloodthirst, which only gives you 5% health back. Then you have the 1.5 heal cooldown thing. Then you have that other that is 30s. I had to use my cooldown because of gaining aggro. Then the 30s one is only good if you can get the killing blow to instant cool it. Yeah, kind of hard to get the killing blow for me. I guess I do not have the addon for targetting the lower health one or I am just unlucky.

If the vote passes with the other person then yes.

I am not talking about the weekly. I am talking about the shard of azerite you get at the end of the islands. Then comparing it to the same amount you get at the end of the dungeon. Plus in the dungeon, you have more of a chance to get more azerite shards from the bosses, then gear. You will at least get one shard if not two or more in dungeons.

I do not count the weekly. I compare the weeklies to the same as emissary quests.

Edit: You get more for doing a dungeon then doing an island.

No, it isn’t fair.

Once again, as I said, everyone, regardless of what spec they play, or what class they’re playing, has every right to do an IE without being kicked for the spec or class they’re playing.

Vote-Kick a healer for being in a Healer spec is more towards acting like an Elitist player.


Didn’t say it was a valid kick season. Just explaining the usual mentality in IE pugs. If you read past my initial posts I even advocated removing the deserter buff altogether for IEs because it ultimately does more harm than good to the players trying to get their weekly or farming done.


I am a WW spec but,other than I find IE extremely boring use of my time, it is the reason why I refuse to do IE at all.

How much do heroic dungeons give?

You said it was more than an island so clearly you have some idea how much a heroic dungeon gives, yeah?

Um, no they don’t. There isn’t anything outlined in the TOS that says that. You don’t have a ‘right’ to play with others. If you’re playing what is viewed as a subpar class/spec for a particular aspect of gameplay, nobody is obligated to play with you.

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