Ok, this is starting to get really annoying

That would actually be cool.


It depends on how good the DPS are I guess. Theres a lot of factors that could cause a group to fail. The DPS would have to make up for the DPS that the healer isnt doing to keep on track and not fail. Since dying (aka not getting healed once in awhile) doesnt slow things down as much as a player who isnt DPSing very much, most people prefer the idea of 3 DPS.

The only way a healer seems to be a good idea is if the group pulls large numbers of mobs together and cleaves them down, but based on the sound of things it seems like people would prefer the steady pull a pack or two and DPS method more, which makes sense in a random group.

Not my ideal tactic. I have gotten killed by mobs because some team member pulled them. He died and so did the other. If you say that people do not need a healer, then I think you could be wrong.

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or at least remove the Deserter debuff. That is messed up.


but based on the sound of things it seems like people would prefer the steady pull a pack or two and DPS method more, which makes sense in a random group.

You can easily pull 4-5 groups and burn them down without ever needing a healer.

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Depends on how many elites you pull also. Also note there might be a thank within the group or a tank pet. That could be the reason why some people can pull so many mobs.

Edit: Of course not every character uses plate armor.

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Like I said, it depends on the players involved. At my ilvl with friends or guildies yes youre probably right, but with a random person who is low ilvl or doesnt know what they are doing? Maybe not.

Well have you learned a lesson yet?

That isn’t how IE work. If you stand in the bad and over pull ranged even a healer isn’t go to save you. If you don’t then the massive amount of healing on IE make a healer irrelevant.


Depends on how many elites you pull also. Also note there might be a thank within the group or a tank pet. That could be the reason why some people can pull so many mobs.

Unless you have 3 squishy classes, mostly any combo works. A plate dps, hunter, or lock would make it easier.

Like I said, it depends on the players involved. At my ilvl with friends or guildies yes youre probably right, but with a random person who is low ilvl or doesnt know what they are doing? Maybe not.

I mean, if a freshly boosted person goes in a heroic islands and dies every pull, I have 0 sympathy. There are content appropriate for each gear/experience level.

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Exactly, every elite drops a orb that full heals the part in range. There are food scattered around that full heals. Mostly of the time the mobs die before either is required, so having a healer is highly inefficient.

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Hunters have pet tanks. Locks have demon armor and a demon tank. Plate dps have a different level of defensives, toughness of there armor for one.

Specific plate armor units. Pallies have heals and defensive spells in order to survive. Warriors are the only squish that I could think of, or possible squish.

Edit: you still have to kill the elite to get the orb. You have to eat the stuff before or after the battle, or run far away from the chasing mob to eat it.

Unfortunate result of a queue system. Don’t like it? Make your own group nobody stops you. Think it’s unfair for healers? well then remember how much time dps have to wait to get in a dungeon queue. :woman_shrugging:

Trust me, fury warriors are anything but squishy haha. Can’t speak for arms though, but you hardly see them these days.

Killing an elite on heroic islands is a matter of several seconds, even when you are cleaving.

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Dungeons award you with gear and azerite. Islands award you with some azerite. Dungeons offer you more.

My point is that if you throw 3 random people together its a mixed bag of marbles. Theres a whole spectrum of player ability and gear, so results may vary. So we have to think in broad terms when we analyze.

Which dungeons and how much azurite?

I have a warrior, so I do know what can make them squishy. I forget my ilvl. I think it is 360 or higher. I like the dual two-handed feature since BC or WOTLK.

Edit: I think I have a squishy tank, or at least it feels like a squishy tank.

The undergeared people are very unlikely to kick a healer, so the situation shouldn’t even apply. The only people that would kick a healer are the ones who are overgeared and wants to get out asap.

Once again, generalizing isnt going to help.

I have a warrior, so I do know what can make them squishy. I forget my ilvl. I think it is 360 or higher. I like the dual two-handed feature since BC or WOTLK.

Edit: I think I have a squishy tank, or at least it feels like a squishy tank.

Wait, a prot warr is the tankiest tank right now? Fury warrior has relatively low damage mitigation, but a stupid amount of self healing.

LFD gives you azerite at the end of completing a LFG. You also get azerite or gear when defeating a boss in the dungeon. The OP is talking about Looking for Islands, LFI. So all of them. So actually you get more in a dungeon then on an island.