Ok, this is starting to get really annoying

It’s still far less efficient than having 3 dps and just burn down the groups. With good dps, the mobs die extremely quick and no one needs healing.


Thats kinda funny because unless something changed MW monk could tank, heal and DPS all at the same time if it was moderately geared.
Hardly a good reason to kick.

What your saying isn’t wrong, my point is 3 dps will always complete an island with 2 dps and 1 healer. So if a group is confident in their abilities, they’ll shoot for speed rather than healing.

Im sorry…am I missing something? Are IE’s on a timer now?
OR is this just the same go go go crap that ruined heroics at the end of legion?


It’s not on a timer, it’s a horribly boring content that nobody actually wants to do and want to get out asap.

Edit: also, how do you ruin heroics? That’s been ruined since at least WoD.

I find them fun actually. I like doing them. It feels more lighthearted than other group content, and Flynn is there!


Everyone likes something other people don’t. Glad you like it.

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I see. So i was correct…its the go go go crap that ruined heroic runs in Legion.
Glad I pulled out of BFA months ago.
people are right…this game community is toxic.


I’ll amend my statement, islands is a horribly boring content that few actually wants to do and want to get out asap.


If the AI fills their bar before you a group could absolutely fail an island, so there is a time limit.

People have noted that they have failed islands before.


Doing them on a 111 twink makes it much more enjoyable. Where you can zip by pull everything with fast speed and AOE the entire island down. Done within 4 min.

Are you dumb, or can you not read? Islands is boring, repetitive, and for the most part, useless. People run them for azerite because they have to. People want to do island quick BECAUSE THEY DON’T BLOODY WANT TO BE IN THERE!

You are calling people toxic because they won’t do something they hate and cater to your every whim…yeah, toxic much?

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I havent run enough to know. Two IE’s were all I could stand.
If theres a timer thats legitimately going to cause a problem, then I get it.
But why am I getting the feeling that that AINT the reason the MW monk was kicked.


Sorry that happened to you OP,people these days are blind to the sheep mentality of “Meta or get lost, you don’t belong here.” I agree wholeheartedly people shouldn’t boot over spec especially if the victim of the kicks do their job well. It’s crap like this that ends up being the why people hesitate to play tanks or healers in dungeons.Yes while this is in IE,there isn’t a reason outside of having the attention span of a gnat and wanting to cheese everything to not have a group that has a potentially workable tactic. Healers keep tanks alive during huge pulls which in turn lets the pulls be sizable to where you can kill two birds with one stone and DPS widdle them down while tank keeps the SoB’s at bay.

It baffles me how some people gripe about QoL features/nark on alleged “easy mode” in one breath yet are the same camp who wants to cheese everything just to save a few seconds as though they don’t wanna miss their favorite TV show or something. It just doesn’t make any sense to ignore an ideal tactic in favor of cookie cutter,discriminatory meta humping.


I havent run enough to know. Two IE’s were all I could stand.

So you can’t stomach it yourself, but you want to drag it out for others? Really? Really?

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I agree, if people AFK on a boat, then they deserve to be kicked. But if people are in a healing spec, and are not AFK, then they do not deserve to be kicked.


healers were always in demand for group up content, leave it to this development team to come up with a group up situation where a healer is unwanted


Wow, that is sad that a team booted a healer, just because they are a healer. I guess the group(s) do not think about tactics.


Islands need a solo option or with game mobs as companions.


Well, unfortunately, the best tactic for island is zerging with 3 good dps…