Ok, this is starting to get really annoying

Makes more sense to send the person afk out instead of having 2 people leave and then 2 people end up joining the afker again, sorry.

And yeah the weekly is the reason to do islands for AP. There are other reasons of course, but the weekly is probably the main reason the masses do it.


No one wants a healer in islands. A third DPS is a lot more efficient. You deserved to get kicked. Queue with friends if you want to be a healer in content where it’s not necessary.


I do not care about island expeditions. I do not remember the last time I went on one. Must be one of things that are memorable. I have gone in with my healing class and others. I have not been kicked by people, because they had the sense knowing I would actually heal them.


Wrong! I went on their with my priest as a healer. I killed units and healed my teammates. Also went with my druid and healed my teammates, while using some attacks. Some people actually know that a healer is good for the group.


That is why I said Azerite gauge fill up. The same amount of AP you can get for Emissary quests.

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I do islands on my monk with a friend. She pulls and DPS’s everything, I go in mostweaver spec and heal her in between mining azerite nodes and chests etc. It’s a good system and has worked for us so far.


Healer is an overall negative on efficiency, there are very few mobs in a queueable island that could kill you, even with large pulls, unless you stand in things.


Like any queueable content, the majority dictates the rules. The motive to vote kick do not need to make sense, if they agree, you’re out.

They could remove you for your haircut and would still be a valid reason. It seems silly to me but that’s the life of PuGs since the beginning of times.


I use a shield as a healer, smites, the other instant spell, and the disc. Then I heal some in the process. With other healers, you just have to know the rotation. People say it is overall negative, but I have seen better results with a healer.


Okay. You were lucky. The fact is that a third DPS in heroic islands is more efficient. There is nothing that you need a healer for unless the group is undergeared. A 400 DH and a 400 fury warrior, for example, can pull the whole island already without a healer. You are just bringing them down by being there unless you can help kill stuff. I would have kicked you too if you joined my group as healer.

So people can do an emissary or 4 heroic islands or both. Its called choice, but it doesnt have anything to do with this.

The vote to kick option was put in place for very good reason. Until someone comes up with a better system (which many players have tried) that is all there is.


This is looking for group, not formed group. There are people I have out dps with my priest and such. Then I have seen people die very easy because of their pulling. To say people do not need a healer is nonsense.


Healers aren’t needed or wanted in pug IE’s, people are there to get their weekly cap and get out.


These are idiots who have a ‘one way or the highway’ mentality.

Truth is pulling large packs and maximising aoe while a healer keeps them up and does what dps he could would prob be just as fast.

The ‘meta’ or nothing stupidity knows no bounds.


While I agree with OP’s complaint, unfortunately when you go into the pug world, those have rules of their own. Fix the vote kicking and people will do other things to ruin it for you.

Unfortunately if you want to heal in pugs, you’ll have to ignore these moments, wait out the buff and try again… or go the easier route, find a group of players who constantly run islands for w/e god forsaken reason and queue with them.

Sad but the only real options for now.


“Overall negative on efficiency”, if you want to argue, at least argue against the right points. A healer will generate far less dps, less than 40% of a similarly geared dps. At the same time, the healing isn’t necessary. So, overall, they make the group less efficient.

I won’t kick one, but I can see why others would.


OP If you want, send me in game mail to this toon. I’ll add you to bnet. I’ll go windwalker and you can be mistweaver, my friend and I will run them with you.


Those probably aren’t the people kicking healers, are they?

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Not really. If a group pulls a big group and the healer just heals. The group would be more efficient. Popping all cooldowns and easily take down the mobs.

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True. Those are the ones that actually group up for strategy or ones that do not know what they are doing. A good group will take all and find a way to actually get things done. If it means pulling huge mobs and having the healer heal, or just using three dps, or a tanks with 2 dps.