Ok, this is starting to get really annoying

But it is a reason, just because you don’t like the reason, doesn’t stop it from being one.

This isn’t grade school, people don’t have to play with you if they don’t want to. The ability to avoid being kicked from future groups is entirely in your hands. You can either keep queuing up as a healer (though the act of doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results has a name), and hope you get a group that doesn’t mind, or you can queue as dps.

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“You gotta play the way we want to play, not the way you want to play.”

You can play however you like on your own, no one cares. However, when you chose to play with others, and do something that is disagreeable to the majority of your group, then that group can choose to stop playing with you and remove you from the group. Is that so hard to understand?

No, according to you, and others, kicking anyone in a healing spec from Island Expeditions is fair gameplay.

Majority rules, plain and simple. Whether you consider it to be fair or not, it’s within the bounds of each player’s right and within Blizzard’s ToS. Again, you can be removed for any reason, it can be as dumb as someone not liking your name/transmog/class etc.

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I’m genuinely concerned that you consider simple majority rules as elitism. Or that you believe you should be able to force yourself into a queue pool and everyone should just run with it. Not you specifically, but people like you. The kind of people who stand at the front of retail stores, demanding to return things that have three different signs saying you can’t return it because you feel entitled to do whatever you think you should be able to, regardless of what the system you’re trying to operate is.


Vote to kick is a majority rules system where if the majority of the group doesn’t want you there, you get kicked out. The reason doesn’t matter.

It is clear the majority of the player base does not want healers in their Island Expeditions, which is why you keep getting kicked. Either learn from your past experiences, or continue getting kicked. Blizzard should not, and will not, take any steps to force people to put up with your personal preference.


It’s fine Blizz wants it this way. Why would they put heals all over the island, not up healers dps in islands and allow healers to be kicked in this manner simply because of their spec.

Healers are not deemed “useful” in IE’s. There’s other stuff healers are good for… but not that! People think healers just want a free ride. That they aren’t capable of contributing enough and lets face it who really wants to be in an IE any longer than necessary? Kick them before they can prove anything or harass them to change specs.

It’s pretty pathetic that they haven’t tweaked anything…

Bring the player, not the class (but not that spec).

Ok, login with a healer, try to queue in a 2v2 no-rated arena. Then, tell me how you doing.

Don’t like the idea that one random healer want to do IEs? Make your own group before queue.

Well you can only queue for a skirmish, and in two v two you don’t get healers in skirmishes unless you have a healer on both teams, so that kind of proves the point of if a healer is useful, it’s force queued. Unless you mean go into the group finder, at which point you’re making your own group.

They don’t have too, majority rules means they can boot out the healer since 2 v 1 wins. The flip side also applies, however, and we can boot anyone who tries to kick a healer if we wanted.

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Not really, healers can play only in 3v3. It’s exactly what the interface says.

The very moment you queue your group, you are giving up on that right. Your right not to play with certain people is not above my right to play the game using LFG mechanics, as long as I’m not a troll or impacting negatively on others’ game experience (no, choosing to heal in IE is not a negative impact on your experience - if you want to go faster by 3-dpsing it, then find 3 people on your own, don’t queue).

If you are that picky with players, then it is you who shouldn’t queue in the first place. Just stay forever in the LFG premade finder until you find someone who meets your needs,

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I’m not sure why someone would kick a healer in IE. It seems like it’d hinder your timer more than help it if you don’t find another partner in time.

I can understand why someone wouldn’t want a healer in IE because it’s relatively useless. If you can just play Tank or DPS spec in IE.

Blizzard has said repeatedly that the majority vote wins and that what you said is not the case, I am sorry.

Not a problem. If I do them at all it’s with friends or maybe one PuG very rarely, and my friend plays heals sometimes, or my other friend has played tank so… I am not picky. However, I fully believe in players having a say in who they play with. If majority doesn’t want to play with one person, then the majority shouldn’t have to leave. If a solo player doesn’t want to play with a group then they have the ability to leave.

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Yeah…no, a Blue post actually clearly stated that anyone can be kicked for any reason. Your right to “play the game” just means you have access to every aspect of the game, not that everyone has to accept you into a group. If the majority of the group wants you out, you are out.

If you are that picky with players, then it is you who shouldn’t queue in the first place. Just stay forever in the LFG premade finder until you find someone who meets your needs,

The sheer arrogance to assume that your opinion should automatically override that of two others…

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This is part of the reason why I dont heal or tank. No sense getting the gear for it if you get kicked from the content you (can actually) use it in.

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This is part of the reason why I dont heal or tank. No sense getting the gear for it if you get kicked from the content you (can actually) use it in.

I mean, I main tank outside of raids, I’m just capable of realizing that there are content that doesn’t require a tank, like islands, or world questions, or battle front…

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Meh I seem to like dps more. The azerite system keeps me from doing offspecs. Meaning damage is generally the best for most activities. Legion was good to main a tank spec though.

If the other people in the group agree with me, yeah it is. Majority rules.

Ummmm who dies during IEs? . But you are right, you should not be kicked for being in healing spec.

Can’t say ive ever been kicked for being resto

Yeah I dont know why they kick healers. If our group doesnt have a tank, and Im playing something like my mage, I want to have a healer, since I have no healing myself.

Blizzard said that Classic was never going to be a thing.

You guys have to start realizing that Blizzard is not God - they’re humans and as such they can have a wrong or undesirable stance.