Ok, this is starting to get really annoying

But forcing people to play with other players for whatever reason is a very bad idea.

Abusing kick for wrong reasons should not happen.

Only target AFKs. Disable votekick and set autokick AFK and zero damage/heal for like 1 minute after game start.

I was getting kicked a lot for not being from the right “server.” So I just asked a friend, he is a tank, we queue together and now I don’t get vote kicked. :slight_smile:

Sure, you can play any way you want. It’s your $15, after all. Have as much fun as you want. In any way you want. Everyone has that option.

Right up until you’re hindering my fun. Then it’s no longer OK. If I and another dps feel that you, as a healer, will slow us down on an island, then you’ll be kicked. Your $15 does not entitle you to harm our fun. Blizz isn’t going to enact some rule to force us to play with you on your terms.

I know the kick rules get abused. But it’s really the lesser of 2 evils. I’d rather get kicked wrongfully from time to time (or kick someone righteously), rather than everyone be forced to put up with people they don’t want or need.

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There are other reasons for removing someone besides afk…and people can and will abuse the system if they can’t be vote kicked at all.
We had to vote kick a druid that signed up as tank and was tanking in grey cloth gear and pulling all the mobs and not holding aggro. This was in shadowfang keep a few years back.

@ OP back in Wrath we had a raid leader in m old guild that had a saying whenever someone was late. We’re not waiting for you, we’re waiting because of you.

The reason I say that is because in a way it applies here. You’re insisting on inconveniencing the two other players in an IE by healing, and slowing the group down, when healers aren’t needed.
Yes it’s your 15 bucks a month to play the game, but they also pay the same. Why should they have to put up with being slowed down by carrying you, since they don’t need heals and if you aren’t lifting a finger to kill anything then they’re doing all the work.

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Ya no — heal spec in islands is a waste of a spot… there are so many ways to auto heal etc … heal just slows group. Plus if there is a hunter in group who can pretty much pull and pet tank everything while others help clear/ mine etc

And the most useless comment on the forums goes to… You.

Honestly though when you decide to jump into the LFG queue you should accept the RNG group you are given instead of discriminating against people because of their class/role.

The reverse works for those players, if they want to go-go-go and be full dps with no tank and healer then THEY can be the ones who form a premade instead of using the LFG tool.

That’s what premade groups are for. If people can’t stand being in a group with a healer, don’t. Just don’t queue up in LFG where that may happen and you will never have that issue.

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What I find hilarious in all this and this comes from someone who runs IEs as disc (but also on my boomkin and havoc dh- where I would never ever kick a healer).

DPS cry whaaaaa all the time. DPS queues are too long. Whaaa. There aren’t enough tanks and healers in the game. Whaaa.

So you need us healers to run dungeons and raids and the like. We have to help you play the content we both want to do. Guess what. We both want to do IEs too.

Comes to IEs DPS says “kick healers they slow us down” - don’t you see the double standard there?

Throw the poor healers a bone. We help you out in so much content and the second you don’t need need us you DPS throw us out like trash. And then you wonder why there are less healers in the game.

Enjoy your long DPS queues guys!!

Also seriously guys. It’s been said before, and I’m sure people have said it in this thread.

These are god damn Heroic IE’s…like seriously do we need meta comps and 415 ilvl to complete this stuff? It’s designed around 305 ilvl or something similar…if you have two players near 400 you are already more than contributing for what a three person dps group was supposed to be dealing, so why is having the healer an issue.

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I mean these are great sentiments and would probably happen more often than not if we lived in a perfect world, but we don’t.

This idea works both ways. That’s why the majority of the group gets to decide what happens to said group.

The same could be said for any healer though that doesn’t want to get kicked.

I honestly don’t know what to tell you. I have never voted to kick anyone in an island unless there was something weird going on like they were AFK or what have you.

But I fully support the group majority being allowed to have the final say when it comes to the group for any reason. If I was getting kicked for my server name or whatever I would still support it.

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Its called pulling more.

Same thing can be applied. “If you don’t like pugs randomly queueing, go start your own group.” Debate is never ending. When you use public queue, you automatically signed up for randomness even if you don’t like it. Its not the players fault.

I got no issue with healers or tank joining when I play DPS.

it’s not players fault that blizzard made mode for dps only. Try mythic in group finder

Aren’t mythic islands (and pvp islands) premade only?

that’s the point, people will look for healer for them

How odd I thought healers wanted to do that content as well. In fact, don’t they get EXTRA rewards for doing that content and queueing as a healer.

I don’t understand this attitude that you are doing everyone else a FAVOR by healing. You are doing your role in that content.

This content has no role and yet you still think you should be special and just do what you want. Guess what you can but if the group doesn’t agree with what you are doing they can kick you.

I like running IEs with healers. I pull more. Ran a few IEs with healers this weekend. Some took a little longer but nothing to make me want to kick the heals.

Yes so because there isn’t an official system in place…

The players handle it themselves.

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Are you ignorant or just stupid? If you find two others in group finder which by the way you moron has a Islands tab, then they won’t kick you because you are lead. They also will see you as heals and will more than likely be fine. If they leave we’ll queue back up and wait for someone to join in. So who is the idiot now? Learn to use your critical thinking or is your mental capacity that low?

Just swap specs for the IE and follow them…