Ok, this is starting to get really annoying

It’s not actually possible to abuse the vote kick system. You can be vote kicked for anything, literally anything, as long as the group as a whole agrees. Democracy!


I feel sorry the the OP, you just got unlucky amd queued in with dropkicks.

All roles are viable in Islands

I queued into a random Heroic last night and our team consisted of

  • monk tank (me)
  • monk healer
  • priest healer

We completed it and won, easily with no issues.

Heroic Islands are practically soloable now, anyone whos kicking people because they’re not a DPS spec are utter morons.


Actually priests can do a ton of aoe. Forgetting spell name, but in big tight group you can spam that light spell that hits everything around you for DPS and heals. In a big mob my priest did more damage than the DPS.

But kicking someone for doing nothing wrong is not something I would agree with. Would you?

This thread is starting to show off a few of them too.

Blizzard doesn’t have queue rules. And certainly nothing that says “you’re obligated to play with everyone, regardless of whether you need their spec/class, whether they’re skilled, geared etc for the content you’re doing”.

Don’t like the idea that two random people don’t want to do IEs with a healer? Make your own group before queue.

Oh, everyone can say the same thing too. Don’t like the idea of a healer in your IE Groups? Make your own group.

This is true. But there is nothing saying kick those who you don’t want to play with to make them wait longer to do it.

There’s the vote kick system, which allows you to vote on kicking someone, for whatever reason. Majority rules.

Yeah, but to ruin others gameplay because you don’t want them in? Think that is fair gameplay?

I personally don’t care. I’ve said earlier in the thread, so long as someone isn’t afk at the dock, I’m fine with whatever. But, if other people want three DPS and no healers, or three tanks and no DPS, that’s their call.


It’s about as fair as you’re going to get. There has to be a majority for it to happen.

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But that is not fair gameplay.

  • Yes, there is no roles when queuing for Island Expeditions
  • Yes, most people like just get the Island Expedition done fast.
  • No, healers do not slow it down. In fact, I have been in a few Island Expeditions where had a healer and it has gone quickly too.
  • No, kicking healers because of them being in a healer spec isn’t a reason.
  • Yes, everyone does have the right to do Island Expeditions. But if people don’t like healers in there group, then they should be the ones to group up with friends instead of forcing the healers to group up with friends.
  • No, there is no rules or anything about having to do DPS or being in a DPS spec when queuing for an island expedition.

No where, but it also doesn’t say anything about others have to play with you if they didn’t like your spec, so how it goes both ways?

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What part of “for any reason” do you not understand? It’s not abuse, it’s proper and intended use.

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What part of “kicking someone out because of them being in a healing spec is not a reason” do you not understand?

Oh, everyone can say the same thing too. Don’t like the idea of a healer in your IE Groups? Make your own group.

2 of them, 1 of you, majority rules.

This is true. But there is nothing saying kick those who you don’t want to play with to make them wait longer to do it.

Well, I mean, if they aren’t obligated to play with you…they are going to remove you?

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What part of “kicking someone out because of them being in a healing spec is not a reason” do you not understand?

I explained to you, in depth, along with a dictionary definition, that it is a reason. It might not be one you agree with, but to the two people who booted you, it is a reason.

Did you fail basic logic or reading comprehension?


You honestly sound like this:

“You gotta play the way we want to play, not the way you want to play.”

No, according to you, and others, kicking anyone in a healing spec from Island Expeditions is fair gameplay.

EDIT: Thread muted. Sick of all this Elitism

I would agree, yes. That’s how flat, majority rules works. Do I boot healers from Islands? No, and I vote no against anyone who does without overtly malicious gameplay. Do I see why people kick you out for wanting to be a healer in content that doesn’t need a healer? Yes, and I fully support their right to kick you out.

And to add to that, you’re suggesting in contention to people who tell you to make your own group if you want to heal that they should make their own group if they only want dps. They don’t have to do that, because they aren’t going against the majority. You are, which means you have to go make your own groups.

Pretty much what you’re saying is “I don’t want to be booted from a game mode I want to play because I want to play it in a way the majority of players don’t want me too”. Except majority rules.


-What you view as fair is entirely subjective.

  • Correct, there isn’t

  • At this stage of the game, yes, people want to get IEs done fast

  • Relative to competent DPS who properly use the mechanics in the IEs, all things being equal, a group with a healer will be slower.

  • Someone quoted a Blue’s response, that the vote kick system can be used for any reason. Not being the desirable spec is a reason. If you’re raiding, your raid doesn’t need another healer, are you going to insist they drag you along, even though they need another DPS to do the content? Chances are they won’t, and will find someone else to fill that role if you’re unwilling/unable.

  • Rights are outlined in the TOS, nowhere does it say that you have a legal or moral entitlement to any content that would force other players to play with you. You have access to the game, that’s what you pay for. You don’t pay for a satisfactory guarantee when it comes to interactions with other players.

  • No, there are no rules set that say you have to be DPS, but the community has discovered through experience that DPS will get the job done. Hence the reason that most people queue as DPS for IEs.

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