Ok, this is starting to get really annoying

Not really, every queue have his own rules, no matter what feature of the game are we talking about. Queue rules are Blizzard rules, not yours.

What is good and what is wanted are two differents things. The point is that a 2dps-1healer combo, is allowed and encouraged by the game designers. You don’t like it? make your own group before queue.

Its not “encouraged” anywhere by blizz. Players can queue up as whatever. There are no set roles like dungeons.

The “make your own group” argument goes both ways. Dont like getting kicked in heal spec? Make your own group.

This is why a majority rules thing exists when it comes to the vote to kick system.

Some healers can put out enough dps though. I always thought holy priest was a spec that couldn’t until my friend on his priest did one with me. Even though he wasn’t really that geared he was doing 9k dps.

The trouble with most healers is they think they shouldn’t be touching those damage abilities.

If it is the default option, then is encouraged. Even if that wasn’t the intention. This rule works not only for video games, but for other several things from real world. How will be encouraged something that you are not allowed to do? And if you want to do something, but you must to attach to a set of conditions in order to be allowed to do it, then you are get not just encouraged but forced.

Healers lack AoE which is not useful for chain pulling the entire island. Which is what you should be doing on the queueable ones because the BIGGEST enemy has like 500k health on heroic. Everything else has sub 100k and dies in a few globals to 3 dps.

Blizzard didn’t bless any of the specs I play with strong AoE anyway so I am not going to hold that against them.

Even Affliction which is absolutely horrid at doing islands (at max level so no legendary ring shenanigans) will do 3x a healer in damage. The “best” healer for it is probably rdruid, but even that is still mediocre and you are going to spend most of the time doing damage ANYWAY so why not just go an actual dps spec. There isn’t damage in queueable islands. There is no need for a healer. If you take enough damage you need to be healed more than the full heal orbs that spawn then you are doing something wrong. I am using “you” as a fill in for “insert player here” not as an attack on YOU.

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What default option are you talking about?

I don’t care for healers in islands either, but I don’t mind them if they are doing above 5k dps because at least that means they are doing something.

At that they are no different than the mages or whatnot that come in there with green gear and an ilvl of 298 and die constantly.

So I got a question? Where does it say Island Expeditions queues that everything needs to do damage?

Because last time I checked also, there was also plenty of things that those who are in a healing spec can do as well.

Killing stuff fast heals the group in Island Expeditions, a healer is unnecessary.

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I mean can you blame the people for kicking healers when the most healing you get is from killing enemy when those orb things drop from em? Most players just want to get in and get out going very very fast.

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If you aren’t living up to the expectations of the group, the group can kick you.

That is my expectation and it is pretty low. If I am in a group and the other person has the same expectation as me, then you risk getting kicked. If I am in a group and the other has your expectations, then you get to stay and I will leave.

Now I don’t come on here making threads expecting everyone to agree with me this is how things should be, I just leave. Why do you expect the game and everyone around you to agree with the way you want things to be done ?


But once again, where does it say that people have to be DPS’ing or be in a DPS spec to queue for or be apart of Island Expeditions?

You can do what you like, but if the group doesn’t approve of your spec, out you go.


See, once again, just abusing the vote-kick system. Oh right, this is World of Warcraft, were elitism comes first.

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Where does it say you are able to queue as a healer ?

Where does it say you’re able to queue as DPS or Tank as well?

You are correct, there also is no tank queue. But guess what if you don’t do any damage on those islands you don’t win them (except on the rabbit foot week).

When there is no role selection that means you do everything, dps, tank and heal yourself unless the group comes to an agreement things will be done differently.