Ok, this is starting to get really annoying

I’m not there for a “just fine” experience, I am there to get in and get out. I don’t like IE’s, I do them only for the AP on characters that still need it. I want it done as fast as possible.


What do they even need it for? The last trait is typically mediocre at best and the last slot is just an item level bump.

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Because I want it complete, whether or not you think the last trait is worth it or not isn’t really the issue.

Blame the design and direction, don’t blame the player for wanting to finish faster.


You can’t complete it though. You’ve just had a momentary respite with the cap at 50 which changes next Tuesday when the grind returns.

And you shouldn’t attempt to finish expansion long grind mechanics anyway, particularly on multiple characters. That just burns you out on the content faster and makes the content increasingly less enjoyable.

That’s alright.

There isn’t much in BfA that’s enjoyable in the first place, I’ll be fine.


Well, I like pulling big chaotic masses, cheesing the meters, and trying to stay alive so IE’s are actually pretty fun to me. The chance at a cool looking parrot or dragon mount is nice and means I get to hunt pirates and dragons to slay.

Now, if the pet market kicks in good after next Tuesday with the new dungeon I’ll hopefully be able to unload all these pets I keep getting and make some gold for a repair mount or frog.

Probably should add: Chopsurloin and Syngyn on Zul’jin Horde if your monk isn’t Alliance.

I mean this is 2019 Blizz we’re talking about here…

Man I would kill to have a healer everytime I que for an island cause I pull BIG. Screw those losers for kicking you. You just want to enjoy the game like everyone else in your way. In my opinion they should just get rid of the deserter debuff.

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Yes please. Then I can keep queueing and leaving so that I only have to run Jorundall.


I’ve been saying this for months: the island expedition kicks are easily abusable and blizzard so far has done nothing to prevent that from happening.

For starters, get rid of the deserter debuff if you are being kicked for whatever reason. Then, prevent players starting votekicks again and again if they already started a votekick that island run.


Personally, I think a healer is fine. They can just pull bigger groups and healer can collect the nodes. But people do kick for all kinds of reasons.

Before it starts, I would just say, “is it ok if I heal and collect nodes? You can pull bigger groups.” And see what they say.

You probably don’t have agil weapons and trinkets, but just switch to windwalker if they say no and practice that spec even without the best gear if that is what they want.

I amended that comment later on in the thread haha.

I’ve quoted the most important part. It is a majority rules system, they don’t need a reason, nor do they have to share it with you. This is not harassment. There are no rules broken.

This is a blue quote about the vote to kick system. Yeah, healers have every right to join islands, just as the rest of the party have every right to kick healers. Like I’ve said, not the nicest move, but perfectly within reason AND allowed by the rules.

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It appears you are just guessing why you got kicked. You can just find a friend or two to go do those with you know if you feel this is the reason you are getting kicked.

Some healers are fine in their, however, most of them end up being useless.

Right, people stop healing/tanking over a game mode that doesn’t require healing/tanking, not because people act like idiots in lfg content. Of course, why didn’t I bloody draw that connection…

You do have a right to do an Island Expedition, just as people have rights not to be forced to play with you if they don’t wish to.

If you get three geared dps, they can split up and finish that a lot quicker than having a two people stayed together so a healer has something to do.

That’s too bad. I was in a group with a mistweaver once and boy could she heal. The other person we were with, did the, “I’m not playing with you…seeya” move. But she tagged with me, and we found ourselves in a mess. She kept me alive, and I kept the crap off her. Then the horde jumped in…still kept me alive. Good heals are nice, and it’s a shame this is used as a reason to be kicked.


There is also no rule that says that the other two people have to play with you if they agree they don’t want to.


Not for the queueable islands. There is no risk of dying when you can kill everything faster and get healed by the over abundance of orbs from mobs. You have to go out of your way to die in heroic islands.

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