OK..So.... Will classic really be static?

That’s what I understood too, it’s why oQueue went the way of the dodo.

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I guess that remains to be seen.

We’ll just have to see how far Blizzard plans to go with their plans to ensure that “group finding” add-ons do not work.

Translation: you have no idea.

Their API supports text parsing, whispering, adding people to a group manually. So what’s stopping people from getting a vQueue to work?

Are you on the alpha? How do you know what systems will and will not implemented?

LOL it’s amazing how people talk smack about the tech behind Classic and yet get snarky when they’re being proven wrong.

Didn’t answer my question…

Didn’t have to. I’ve been working with the API since vanilla. I know what it can do, and how everything will break if they take out anything that’ll disallow group consolidation.

You are deflecting. How do you have advanced notice of what systems and API will and will not be available in Classic. Are you on the alpha?

Well, text parsing won’t magically come out, it’s a part of LUA.
Whispering won’t come out or else there’s no way auto-replies will work.
The UI will work.

So you tell me - do you think any of those items will NOT work?

Did I ever say that I “knew” how far Blizzard planned to go with their plans to ensure that “group finding” add-ons do not work? No, I never did.

I said I thought that Blizzard had said that they wanted to “break” third party 'group finding" add-ons and that we will have to wait and see how far they planned to go with their intentions to do so.

Do YOU know that they will not “break” third party “group finding” add-ons in Classic? If so, please provide a quote from your Blizzard source.

What works in retail is not guaranteed to work in Classic. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems to me that Blizzard could easily add restrictions to the API for Classic if they felt there was a reason to do so.

You are deflecting. How do you have advanced notice of what system will and will not be available in Classic. Are you on the alpha?

Tell us everything about you being in the alpha…

Show me where I said I was in the Alpha?

I already listed what’s necessary for a group finder to work. None of which would likely being removed.

Also, I was under the impression that AUTO GROUPING was going to be unavailable, they never said anything about a group FINDER.

Do you know that Blizzard will not decide to disallow add-ons that “auto-reply”?

I’m not saying that they will disallow “auto-reply” add-ons, only that we do not yet know what they will allow.

And I never said they wouldn’t allow a group finder add-on. I said we will have to wait and see how far they take their plans to ensure that “group finder” add-ons don’t work.

We do not yet know what they will allow and what they will not allow.

I believe it ride on the success of classic.

Either they bring TBC or they could add new content to the vanilla type theme.

If they add TBC servers I will stay in Vanilla type classic. Experience that road of failure to current WoW. I hoping for 1.13 patch and beyond keeping with the core Vanilla experience. Give options to jump over to 1.13 so if they cannot do it right keep a few static realms/servers till they can get it right.

I honestly don’t see that happening anytime in the near future. Look how long it took Blizz to agree to launch Classic servers.

Correct. Sharding was followed by a huge backlash, and Blizzard “promising” to use sharding as a last resort. Loot sharing is purely to avoid a large amount of tickets - it’s unfortunate, but understandable.

I feel that Classic is opening the floodgates. Once they agree to make something in a “time capsule” so to speak, they’re not as resistant to doing it again if the potential for profit is there.

I feel if Classic does well then they’ll look into doing BC and maybe the other expansions in a similar fashion down the road.

I think it comes down to can enough players support the servers to justify having them around, especially for Classic/BC which can’t pull cross-realm since that was a late Wrath feature with LFG.
I feel, at least for the start, that Classic can sustain it but trying to spread players beyond that I don’t think will work long term.

An expansion in vanilla was not planned.

When they noticed the success of WoW. tBC was created before that time it was only going to be patches.

If classic is beyond successful you will see a change in mind set from higher.