OK..So.... Will classic really be static?

Even back in the day they were doing bug fixes, patches with new content(new bg’s, raid content and the like). I almost find it implausible that they will not keep it static as of 1.12. Time will tell. They might not add content but will they be spinning cycles on bug fixing or… Are they going to release it as it, never any upgrades to the servers, bugs or content and let it ride till it dies?

The ONLY way I could see them ever adding new content to Classic is if the player base was immensely skewed toward Classic. Retail pretty much has to become a ghost town and Classic has to thrive beyond expectations to get ActiBliz thinking about that. Even then, I don’t know what Classic expansion would look like. Opening the Cata zones as 60-only content like Suramar? Dunno.


I mean in terms of balance, yes it will be static. They are going to release bgs and raids in timeframes so it won’t be 100% static I guess. But after all the raids open up then yes it will be static. It all just depends on what they plan to do after all the raids are up. Some think it will stay static forever, some think it will move to TBC, some think both. We don’t know yet.

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The #nochangers demanded the #change from Flavor of the Month to Flavor of the Forever so that their warrior mains would be unchallenged OP forever. Blizzard promptly caved.

The irony is that in doing so they ensured far more competition than they ever had as WAY more people will roll warrior in classic than did in vanilla. Thus giving them even more of what they so feared, competition.

So get your “ LF1M HEALZ then G2G” macros ready. Just don’t spam it more than 3 times per hour or I’ll use the new right click report feature for the spam that it is.



In terms of balance or content, it should be. In terms of bugs that make the game unplayable or something or bugs that arise after Classic is launched, those should totally be fixed.


Pretty sure if they release the game and some bugs are found they will patch the bugs. That’s about it.


Yes, this. Sticking “bugs” under the category of “content” verges on a strawman; of course they’ll fix bugs. And that’s all. Or they’ll do something boneheaded like “spinning cycles” and I, and as far as I’ve seen the bulk of the potential Classic playerbase, will keep our money.


Well, they have said they plan to release the large content chunks staggered out, but once those are all released there is no talk of further development - and definitely no talk of cycling.

My PERSONAL suspicion is that the WOW: Classic team will be available to handle bugs specific to the transition, because Blizzard is pretty much infamous for missing some things. Like the purple lamp they referred to at BlizzCon, there will undoubtedly be some things they didn’t catch, and that could become problems once players find them.

However, that team isn’t tasked with fixing “all” vanilla bugs, and they aren’t content developers. In order to add any sort of new content, Blizzard would have to assign art developers and story developers and quest developers, and carefully train them in what would make additions fit in.

Now, bearing in mind that Blizzard has moved developers off Heroes of the Storm in favor of other projects, do you really think Blizzard plans to moved developers onto WOW: Classic? I find it implausible that Blizzard will want to spend any ongoing development costs on WOW: Classic. Time will tell.

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According to any source on the matter that is entirely incorrect. Recent surveys and private server statistics completely contradict what you’re saying.

In reality what we’ll likely see is warriors being the most popular class between 1 and 60. A lot of players will start a warrior with the intention of leveling them to 60 and never make it. This will bring warriors down to the 2nd or 3rd most populated class at 60.

You keep saying this, Dracarian, but you’re pulling it from thin air. There’s no reason to believe that Classic class population will be any different from private server class population.


Yes. This is what they should do. Let it ride until it dies. And then let it ride some more.

If there’s only 10,000 players still playing there’s no harm in keeping at least a PvE and PvP server up. At that point it might make sense to take down RP servers, but as long as there are at least 10k active players I’d say at least a PvE and PvP server would make sense.

And we probably won’t see the total active population drop that low for 20 years or more. Case and point: Diablo 2.


They’ll probably bugfix.

I think Classic will have at least 100,000 players worldwide for probably the next decade.


I agree. There will be more than enough of a population to justify maintaining servers for decades to come.

The only thing they may have to do is occasionally merge servers if populations drop too low or possibly create new ones if there’s a spike in population.


To play devils advocate here, you can’t compare diablo to warcraft. Diablo doesn’t suffer from the necessity of a bigish population to stay playable. I can login and play all of diablo 2 by myself 100%, I can’t do that with wow alone, and if populations dwindle more will quit because the time to find groups will be astronomical compared to a healthy pop.

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That’s kind of what I felt when I posted in which classes will be the most popular. It’s always been Warrior and now it will 100% be Warrior. Vouch.

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More warriors the better! Free kills all around >:)


Actually that was you and a fist full of warrior mains.

The rest of the player base wanted WoW balance from 1.7 to 1.9; there was a thread on the old forum about this.

I very specifically remember you wanting 1.12 warrior play.


If it proves to be popular and there is money to be made from it, I’d bet on future updates/changes happening.

I personally would love to see it continue with expansions that have nothing to do with current retail. New stuff. Sort of a lore reboot, but keeping the game mechanics true to what it was. Wishful thinking I’m sure.

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I think you underestimate the number of people who will start out with warriors as their sole characters, somewhere around level 20 go “…leveling as a warrior is painful, imma create a warlock alt…” and look back a few weeks later and say, “My main is a warrior! A level 20 warrior. Who’s been level 20 for a while, but I’m sure I’m going to play them tonight, or sometime this week anyway. And I have a level 45 warlock alt.”


Especially on pvp servers. I can see a majority of players will hear “Warriors are best in vanilla”, then get camped by every class under the sun and then once that 20th hunter finally kites them to death they will get frustrated and reroll to warlock or hunter. Obviously the die hard vanilla fans will stick it out but I can see lots of warriors tapping out.