OK..So.... Will classic really be static?

Still making crap up, I see.

Are you saying that you have not been pushing for non vanilla QOL convenience changes?

Are you saying that the automated modern “group finder” you want was EVER present in vanilla?

And LFD is a group finder. The current LFG system is good for what it is, but that’s not what the vanilla system used - and it shouldn’t use it. Not only was it not in vanilla and thus shouldn’t be in Classic, but it also isn’t as beneficial on single servers. Where should you find a group? Through a global communication channel - if you aren’t in a guild and don’t have friends. Running with strangers is something that is likely to happen, but you’ll talk to them and if the run is good should also add them. That way, you can ask them first if they want to join you.

That’s how we made friends. That’s how the community works.

Jesus, dude, just stop, will you?

And yet finding a group using a tool is no different than the group finder channel itself.


It’s different. You put forth an application, instead of talking to them directly. The leader sits there waiting for applications instead of reaching out. The LFG system is unnecessary in vanilla as it isn’t cross-server.

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Why ca’t you talk to them directly? /whisper works, doesn’t it?

Group Finders are “nice”, but actually talking to a party member to vet them makes for a better run. I prefer that method then relying on a random tool.

So if they do that, why use LFG in the first place?

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Because a tool can easily consolidate people looking for a specific dungeon or quest without having to sit around waiting for guildies to log on, etc.

I found the LFG channel good for that. Group finder tools are good for multiple server populations, but with a closed community, the LFG channel works better (at least for me).

Sure. However, as has been repeatedly said, it wasn’t a part of vanilla. Thus, it isn’t appropriate for Classic - which is supposed to be as authentic as possible. There’s also the global chat channel for that too.

Yeah, well, neither was sharding or loot sharing, was it?

Irrelevent, vQueue will work and give people the freedom they need.

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You accuse me of “making stuff up” and then tell me to “stop” when I ask you questions to which honest answers will prove that I am not “making stuff up”?

ONLY if people use it. What works on private servers will not mean it will work on classic.

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You’re using it as an argument that it’ll lead to mog and flying and I’m not going to be a part of that ridiculousness.

People WILL use it, and oQueue worked in vanilla.

You so sure? Classic is quite away off. oQueue wasn’t available in Vanilla

Am I mistaken or did Blizzard not say they intended to “break” automatic group finding add-ons–to ensure that they would not work?


Automated GROUPING, not group-finding addons specifically.