OK..So.... Will classic really be static?

Considering that Everquest was on its eighth(!) expansion at the time, I seriously doubt that NO expansion was planned. It’s not like WoW was treading new ground.

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Based on the documentary they released a while ago on the development of WoW, Burning Crusade wasn’t actually planned until after launch. A good amount of the content in TBC was supposed to be future patch content for Vanilla originally.

Then the game was immensely more successful than they had expected it to be and they figured they should work on an expansion and re-purposed the planned content into TBC content.

Forty posts of people going back-and-forth with Starman. They really need to fix the ignore list.


…Honestly. This is blizzard, not bugthesda.

They also plan on 4 phases of content release, and there will be the seasonal events and dm fair.

Not sure how you couldn’t figure this out on your own, but there it is. What their plans are AFTER all the phases has not been announced.

On a rogue you can usually Sprint away and Vanish, if things get bad.

which means we had a lot of outs. but we werent this op stuff people seem to remember.

Yeah, i certainly was not OP, but there are some videos of a mostly naked rogue, with an awesome dagger killing a bunch of unsuspecting geared players (one on one of course)

and thats why people think they are op.
a rogue caught them unaware and nuked them because Eviscerate doesn’t factor gear into damage.

In patch 1.12 eviscerate scaled off attack power.

Oh yes, World of Roguecraft where he killed a random warrior just hanging out on the bridge in searing gorge, unmounted, for no reason, that did little more than autoattack and keyboard turn.


Or the afk rogue.
Or Maydie at 25% hp.
Or the “rank 13 mage” that didn’t blink out of stunlock.

And so on.

Those epic mouse clicks tho.

I think it likely we will see at least some bug fixes. Say there’s a bug that crashes the client in certain conditions or the pet passive button only works half the time. I don’t see them leaving that in.

This post makes it sound like you’re way in over your head, but Old School Runescape has done exactly this since 2013.

There are lots of people who have been playing Vanilla private servers for almost 10 years now which have possibly leveled, attuned and progressed tons of characters since then, me included. When it launches, it won’t be dying any time soon unless Activision does something incredibly drastic that divides the entire community. This is why we are hoping that Sharding isn’t in the game at all, and if it is we hope it’ll just be the starting zones.

The current LFD system is based on a mod that cleaned up vanilla’s group finder that was originally done through inn keepers (and later meeting stones). Vanilla’s group finder was so clunky that people just used trade and general chat. Through modding it evolved into today’s system.

Gosh I hate those forced expansions so much.

I hope Classic never goes a route that is so unhealthy for the game, and instead gets new content/talent changes and stuff added where needed, not just because “ad hoc” we need them for a new expansion pack.

they are mostly dead now, except for one which has about 10k, and its only been out for like 8 months

Actually, the meeting stones were implemented first in patch 1.3 (http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Patch_1.3.0) and later the option to “queue” at an innkeeper was added in patch 1.5 (http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Patch_1.5.0).


Still holding out for them to be spontaneous by taking the whole thing, and throwing it into a big “what-if” timeline, whilst keeping the game system about the same.

Y’all would probably find my skeleton still sitting at this computer, waiting with bated breath though lol

I’m not sure I trust the current writers enough to write anything new.

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Thanks for the clarification. Either way, we can see that allowing 3rd party mods is what led to LFD and what many blame on death of community.