OK..So.... Will classic really be static?

And that’s exactly what’s going to happen. There will be herds of noobs flocking in with visions of one shotting everything in their path as this unstoppable warrior. They’ll listen to all these greatly exaggerated stories of how obnoxiously overpowered warriors are.

Then reality will hit them like a brick when they attempt to tank their first dungeon or when they first encounter a frost mage 5 levels lower than them out in the world who kites them for miles and murders them without receiving so much as a scratch.


I’d be willing to wager a lot of the players who know that Lock / Hunter are strong but never played them will do so just to find that it’s not their previous choice of class that was holding them back.

I’d also be willing to wager a ton of rogues will abandon the class out of frustration of being kited, killed, and otherwise owned by nearly every class over and over and over.


Rogues will be another I bet that will get rerolled out of a lot too TBH. At least in terms of pvp. I am not saying they aren’t strong but you have to be at least semi skilled as a rogue to not get kited into oblivion. As of 1.12 they aren’t the stun locking gods they were in earlier versions of vanilla.

it’s funny how often you keep saying this and being wrong. many no changers tend to be in favor of pre 1.11 threat, which would help close the gap between classes and keep warriors in line.
but keep up your bullcrap shading of the truth, since its what you know best.
oh and many no changers i know plan on playing anything but warrior. so again. keep it up.

and then i’ll report you for harrasment. simple.


exactly, a lot of people will roll rogues because they heard how op they were in pve and pvp.
they won’t realize that leveling is a pain and that you have to essentially level two extra professions that other classes do not have to worry about. furthermore they will realize that rogues really aren’t that op. sure against nubs they will wreck in pvp, but against decent players they are painfully mediocre.

I can see them doing bug fixes, major gameplay issues that may not be considered bugs per say, and potentially some new holiday content each year or so.

I really don’t know about that. It’s nothing more than a giant guessing game when it comes to people who are willing to re-do content ad-naeseum.

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I mained a protection Warrior all through the original (yeah, even leveling up… I did a lot of dungeons to get to 60) and had a rogue alt. I plan on doing the same in Classic. I know… I’m a masochist.

I might be kind to myself and level a mage alt for farming purposes though.

One thing I knew for certain though, I played on a PvP server and I didn’t screw around with frost mages unless I knew they had already blown their big cooldowns and were mostly a sitting duck. Even then I still lost them on my Warrior enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

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No content from live please. Vanilla needs to go in it’s own direction.

Now, here’s what kind of new content I’d be okay with;

  1. New talents, rebalance & rearrangement of old ones
  2. Racial rework (More powerful Racials & Racial Abilities for each class)
  3. Rebalance items, add proc/on use effects on existing items. Look at statistics which items are never used and improve them(like Arcane-Infused Gem). Create new items that serve niche purposes for some classes.
  4. Epic weapon questline for each class
  5. New BG
  6. Outdoor PvP buffs, add town raiding/conquering
  7. New zones
  8. Bringing in items and mechanics which open up new playstyles, like melee-based hunters, dragon taming hunters, some kind of a pseudo-ranged thrown-based combat Rogues, etc.

It is highly unlikely that the remake of classic will not have its own new bugs that will need to be fixed.

As for new content that is something we will likely hear a more definite answer to in two to three years.

We are just getting classic now let us see how it goes.

There will be lots of warriors until they realize that warriors are garbage weak until tier 2.5 and then they find out that getting full tier 2.5 is WAY harder/time consuming than they ever dreamed.

Pffffffffft no

Outside of fixing major glitches/exploits, I don’t see them changing anything beyond the content unlock gates already announced.

It depends entirely on how much demand there is for TBC and beyond content. Personally I’d love to move on to TBC, and they can either have the server itself progress or open up a new TBC server with one way transfers from Classic realms. Not sure which is a better choice.

Outside of heavy CRZ and the biggest realms, retail is pretty empty feeling. Having people show up on an entirely different server and only being phased into your view isn’t really the same thing.

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Then maybe you’re on the wrong server?

Maybe? Or maybe the fact there are so many open servers and so few that won’t be CRZ’d (if any - even the top ones tend to be CRZ’d, as they’re usually very heavily one sided in terms of faction population) is a sign that there is something wrong with the population. CRZ itself is a band-aid that is in reality a bad addition to the game.

I personally miss isolated servers. It makes things take longer at times, but it also means anyone you see in the world is on your server. I remember noting some peoples’ names and adding them to a, “kill on sight” or, “be nice” list.

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Which is the exact reason why I said that group finders on closed servers won’t be as bad as people say they would.

If you’re referring to LFD and potentially LFR on Classic servers, that wouldn’t be a good idea.

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I specifically said ‘group finder’, not LFD, not LFR.

Still pushing your agenda to see any number of non vanilla QOL convenience changes added to Classic, I see.

I’m all for the group finders that were present in vanilla. Those would be the meeting stones and chat.

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