It’s just really dumb and frustrating to introduce a huge XP buff to get people back and leveling, then have people get balls deep in to leveling a new toon, then make the game incredibly annoying by having to deal with this obnoxious debuff. I mean anecdotally speaking I was really enjoying leveling in STV and now I’ve just logged off because dealing with the debuff by killing myself over and over (because its way faster than traveling to a city) is just a lame game experience and waste of my time.
In theory this is a cool event and there are cool things about it, but in practice I think there’s a lot of unseen damage being done here. I’m probably not the only person who has been completely derailed and put off to the game today and that’s not a great business model.
Because your idea of fun mean depriving other players of their ability to play the game. As someone else said, this event is nothing more than Blizzard’s sanctioned griefing.
but but but
outside of tuesday raid all they do is stand afk in org
now they can’t do that so big mad
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that’s not the people who it’s actually negatively impacting.
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Do zombies not kill the Battlemasters??? I thought all npcs could die.
I was talking specifically about the zombie event. Cry about your queues elsewhere or reply to someone who was actually talking about that.
I know what I’m doing tonight!
Ive been complaining about it. Bren asking them to remove the stulid event before it started. Wait a few days. Anyone that is enjoying it now wont even bother loggimg in. There is a reason they cut it short the 1st time.
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And I said that’s literally the point of the pre patch event. Weak npcs attacking towns you never go to is boring. There is a reason that wotlk prepatch is the most fondly remembered prepatch ever. Instead of sponging up the fun, go queue for your afk AV sessions in alterac.
That’s fine.
Now I get to make it everyone else’s problem instead of my own.
Death to all who oppose us
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For the people complaining, this happens ONCE for a week for all of wow. Enjoy the plague
These non-Grobb folk aren’t used to player interactions, let alone griefing. The complaints will persist until it’s over tbh
Then, the scourge. It ain’t over yet.
The plague is just a week. The scourge event after is entirely optional and doesn’t effect anyone wanting to skip limited time events
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That’s just like the TBC pre patch event, nothing disruptive
I think It’s still fun 15 years later
Wotlk was not the most fond? You are obviously trolling. I was there. I remember it well. There was total outrage and they ended up cutting the event short. Ppl were quitting over it. The game becomes unplayable. Its not fun seeing empty cities. It may be fun griefing other players because that style of toxic attitude is what blkzz has encouraged. But it gets old fast and there will not be anyone logged in to grief. So have fun standimg there playing with yourself.
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My god man have you spent a day in your adult life not complaining about something?
Your hyperbole and exaggeration in quite literally almost all of your posts is insulting to anyone with a functioning brain.
Shut up, and go outside.