OK. honor farm is !@#$. Damn zombies

Us Grobb players have been conditioning one another to be used to unplayable zones

As is tradition


Alright, I’ll bite. Please show me where I was

Time to go zombify starting zones just because I read this thread


Well for starters, you said I was “whining” when I was merely making a simple observation

The fact you felt the need to be confrontational about said observation in the first place

And whatever that petty “uno reverse” remark that came out of nowhere for no apparent reason besides to dodge around what was actually said

That’s one silver lining.

I am capable of reading between the lines. Your entire first post was a (transparent) veiled complaint about people having a little fun at your minor inconvenience.

Sorry, sir! Wont happen again, sir! Yes-man reporting for duty!

It came from your attempt to present your own feelings of being angry onto me. I know that when someone tries the condescending

It means they have nothing left in the tank and there is no point in taking those comments seriously.

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It was not, but if that helps you sleep at night feel free to keep thinking that

Get some new material

Do you even know what you’re talking about at this point?

I’ll take that as a “no”

Gasp, you mean not having the bg finder is stopping players from going into BGs because they NPCs used to queue are dead? Just like we pointed out last week?

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I know you are, but what am I?!


Holy smokes shut up and go outside.


Nah, it’s raining today

I’ve decided I should have probably rolled on a RP server because I love this crap.


Well that means WoW isn’t worth playing for the next week. Luckily it hit on a week where im going to be fairly busy and won’t be logging in much anyways.


I found the Debbie-Downer Wet-Blanket Killjoy!

That didn’t take long.


This week is where we separate the calf from the cow

I’ll see you all wherever the most annoying place to infect others is


You can queue for ANY bg from ANY bg portal (alterac, ashenvale, arathi). Going in the portal brings up the queue menu like talking to a batllemaster and you just pick the BG you want. Have fun BGing as zombies :slight_smile:

Sorry they couldn’t hear you over the sound of MAINTIANING SOCIAL BONDS

Thunder Bluff and silvermoon

Oh for sure, gotta get the places people think is safe

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I used to have Rorschach’s speech from watchmen macro’d during the last event.
“They will look up and say save us”
“I will whisper back, no”