This I agree with. Honestly, renown catch-up on alts isn’t that bad, 2-3 to max at 40. Doing the same campaign again isn’t all that interesting, even that I’ve only redo it on one alt.


I would prefer a weekly time gate over what we have now tbh.

I would like a campaign skip if you’ve completed the campaign on your account. I’ve done the Night Fae one, I don’t want to do it three more times because I’m trying to get one of every armor type into the Covenant.

Over all though, I don’t mind the Renown grind. I’ve done it six times now, with a new character having started it over the weekend, and it hasn’t felt terrible. I just don’t really enjoy doing the campaign against since I’ve already done all four of them.

I would only agree if your main has completed story of that covenant.

Like, i am venth. So my next alt who will go Venth has catch up/boost. But if new alt goes Necro, then no.

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What would give Blizz more game time from me?

Me not playing because I have to catch-up renown? or
Me raiding on 12 toons every week since i’m all caught up and can start raiding asap?

We need

  1. an “i’ve heard this story before”-style skip for the campaign/storyline (auto-completes it once player “confirms” their choice)
  2. the ability to quest/progress thru the campaign when doing Threads of Fate, so when you ding 60 you can hit the ground running on your alt
  3. both
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MAUs were down about 11 million in the report, going from 2018 to now.

Renown catch up is really easy. I ran M0 and Normal/Heroic/LFR and literally went from renown 1 to 40 in a day on a new alt.

Has it, though? Didn’t Ion say last year that the devs were finding working from home even easier than they expected, and things were going great?

Didn’t the Elder Scrolls Online dev team keep to their quarterly schedule of major patches and develop an entire expansion (out next month) while working from home?

This game has a history of huge delays for both patches and expansions, one that goes back years. “Because covid” ignores the fact that this keeps on happening, all while we’re paying by the month to wait for them to chuck something together.

  1. The making of things account-wide had nothing to do with the disastrous development cycle of WoD. Blizzard had nothing before the expansion even launched.

  2. “The economy” was just fine. Those of us scooping up the easy gold still have most of it (even after buying Brutosaurs and spiders!) and “the economy” couldn’t care less that my gold balance exists since I don’t participate in “the economy.” What hurt “the economy” in WoD was literally half a million players leaving in the first six months, followed by catastrophic subscriber losses after the no-flying announcement. You can’t have an “economy” when the shops are empty of customers…

Because each Covenant has a different storyline. Now, you could say “account wide renown if you join the same Covenant.”

Some people like for their characters to be different.

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Account wide per covenant would be fine.

Kyrian story isn’t interesting enough to do multiple times like I had to.

I’m fine with having to level up Night Fae or the rest of them from scratch. Frankly though the covenant ranks are just an arbitrary time gate, not much different from AK/AP. You are best served by playing at the end of the patch.

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Not even account wide to max but…maybe if you are 10 your alts start at 5, at 20 —->10 etc. just something to poop the cat b up.

yes… i dont see why this is a bad thing. i shouldnt have to play alts with the same vigor as my main.

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I have like 4 necrolords already for each tipe of armor. I Want to share all the progress between them :c

Account wide soul ash would be better cause having to go to torghast again kills any chance of me enjoying alts.

Isn’t this thread about account wide renown?

We’re all affected by Covid individually, and the US has been affected by it more than any other country, and with Blizzard having to work from home to pretty much work on this entire expansion separately, and from home, they’ve had to adapt and do things a lot differently than ever before.

Each person has also had to deal with deaths in their families due to Covid too. I know this personally, and i’m not even American, nor working for Blizzard. So things have of course been delayed.

You keep mentioning other games, but they’re not nearly as big nor working with older game architecture as WoW… perhaps that might factor into things? I don’t know, i’m not a programmer. Must be easier if their game is smaller, newer and running with the more modern programming languages.

The game is always “reset” after each expansion.

That you choose not to participate in playing the AH doesn’t mean that it doesn’t impact the game. Many people did and towards the end of Warlords, lots of people found that running missions on many alts made them rich!

I didn’t make my 7M, purchasing my Brutosaur and spider until Legion, but that was well after Warlords and it hadn’t “clicked” with me that that had been an awesome way to make bank as i hadn’t been a goblin yet. It was only in Legion that i learned how to use TSM and reined in impulse buying that i was able to learn how to make gold.

But ultimately, it was a good thing that Blizzard diminished the gold amount that Warlords mission tables made, as that had gotten way out of control!

No, you are one character at a time. None of those games are nearly as good as WoW, they are little baby mmorpg’s. Is Guild Wars 2 even a thing still?

Oh, this reminds me of my idea, I’ll plug it here :slight_smile:

So today if you make a new character he’s as you are used to, a fresh character with no reps or resources of his own. You can continue on with that character as he is if you so please or you can jump him into have him join your “Character Alliance” and he would have access to “things” :open_mouth: What things? :man_shrugging: Whatever Blizz decides but an example could be the renown the farthest progressed character (covenant wise) in the Alliance has achieved.

This would prevent the thing I mentioned earlier from being a problem

If you don’t choose to join your character alliance then new characters are as they currently are but if you do join then you get the Alliance perks :+1:

They need to start making EVERYTHING account wide.