I mean why not? Account or at least server wide renown or covenant progression. Would save alot of dead time catching up alts, wouldn’t need a catch up mechanic, and would solve the faction jumping issues, might even encourage some faction swapping for experimentation. While we are at it, do account/server wide reputation. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


And that saves a lot of “Game Time” from Blizzard.

That’s the reason

EDIT: However, the renown system is more kind than the reputation system so I think it’s okay


Because in this genre there we have power progression and character progression, you’re essentially wanting to exterminate character progression.

So that’s a huge thanks but no thanks from me.


do you really think this is a good idea? or just want to be lazy with your alts? be honest.

Because you are your character, not your account.

You EARNED your renown on your character and your alt didn’t, so why should s/he be friends with said faction? They don’t know each other across alts! They’re not family, lol!

Most things that are account wide are cosmetic.


I find it hilarious that every expansion there is something like this, and it should always be account wide and yet it never is…


Blizzard put timegating stuff in the game for a reason. Highly doubt. If it was friendly then all the covenant sanctum stuff would be account wide. Instead you have to regrind those on alts.

Renown insnt the problem with alts right now, soul ash cap is

“I mean why not.”

Renown is like the Reputation that whatever character you have in that Covenant, has.

That’s why not.

Actually all my alts are sisters (and one brother) and they all help each other out. Always have. They’ve got each others’ backs.

It’s an archaic design philosophy that’s got no place in the modern game.

Yes, you ARE your account, because your account is you and all your characters. ESO knows this. Hell, even SWTOR knows this. Guild Wars 2 knows this.

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Er, no… you’re not. This isn’t Xbox.

It’s an MMO, and it’s called character progression. Look it up.

I’m sorry that you believe that every character should have everything that every other character has earned, but that would just dilute the uniqueness of the races and classes, and the point of playing alts.


…says the person who just completely ignored the examples of popular MMOs that have account-wide progression without the sky falling in.

It’s not 2004 any more.

Did I say that?

No, no I did not. But keep on adding the hyperbole!


I haven’t played those so why would i comment on games without having any experience playing them?

These are the Wow forums last i checked?

If those are the more “popular MMOs” (without archaic philosophies), then why aren’t you playing those? Probably because what isn’t broke seems to’ve worked these past 16y?

i’m all for it just leveled a monk and it just turns me off so bad doing it all over again.

well considering all the players they lost in this short time something sure ain’t right and i bet one of these funky systems they got going on again just frustrated alot to just say forget. and what they got going on right now sure ain’t keeping players playing so something sure needs changed. alts were fine when systems weren’t involved now it annoys alot ion don’t care he plays 1 toon unlike the many who stay subbed to play god knows how many toons.

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Because their Activision Blizzard Q1 2021 Investor Call seems overall rather positive, unless you’re seeing something i’m not?

Keep in mind that this is the slow wait until 9.1, which has been delayed by Covid and is likely arriving probably July/August at the earliest.

So a lot of players are taking time off to play other things in the meantime.

I just want to be lazy with my alts, I admit it. I figure, if I have a character in Bastion with Renown at a certain level, then that shows Bastion that I’m a leader among my peoples and all my peoples should be able to avoid doing the samned damned Renown grind for no real reason. I mean, why?

Also, OP, re your post title:

Don’t post in all capital letters, use a misleading title, excessive punctuation, and/or non-standard symbols, etc. (Forum rules, just thought I’d let you know in case they slap you about for it…)

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i’m on the busiest server on alli almost its flat dead open your eyes. i went to pug keys 10 keys in the whole group finder lol. tryed to do torghast on a new 60 alt 4 groups in group finder 1 world boss group what more proff you need my eyes tell me not some dumb report.

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Because the catch up mechanism that makes it so it so you can max out renown in like 4 days of casual play was implemented from the get go?


How many groups did you make yourself?

Torghast is soloable for the most part.

Group Finder > Custom > and you always find a group for the World Boss, just don’t leave it for Monday night, but do it early in the week.

Just need to know how to use Group Finder.

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