Oh would you look at that

Just because one game that has neighborhoods also has expirations / plot shortage, does not mean that’s the ONLY way.

We’re talking about a video game, you can literally make pigs fly. The only limitation is your imagination. Nothing is impossible.

4-6 months* but yes.

No one is “forced” to do anything. Decos come from all places. It’s for all different players in all different types of content.

All I’m hearing is, “No, you can’t have this, because I don’t want a secondary drop that’s not a loot roll.”


Housing in WoW somehow belongs in a forum for non WoW games???


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I’m not saying if they should or shouldn’t. I don’t personally care either way… But if they do they should capitalize on it hard. Charge an additional subscription fee for those that utilize it, and then put everything and anything that can be placed into it, into the cash shop.

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Yes, I don’t qualify every statement I make with “in my opinion”, because I generally presume the audience is intelligent enough to understand that when I’m giving an opinion, I’m giving an opinion.

I don’t believe “going into house and setting up decorations” constitutes content in a game like world of Warcraft. I believe fighting monsters and players is content in a game like world of Warcraft, and that’s the stuff to which I want developers committing their time.

Player housing would require a substantial amount of developer effort for very little return. I’m not interested in walking into a home and rearranging furniture. I’m interested in slaying dragons and killing players. That’s why I play world of Warcraft


That’s not the case. I can give you several examples over the last two expansions where if I want to do the content I enjoy (mythic raiding) I am forced to do world content

So do yourself a favor and don’t tell me what I am and am not forced to do.

Yeah I’d rather go kill a dragon when I log into WoW than go RP dusting my in-game bookshelf.


I wouldn’t go THAT far lol, but they could make it very lucrative. Honestly, they could be making a lot more money off folks like me if they wanted to WRT shop mogs and cosmetics.

I was refering to housing being more comparable to pet battles, not commenting on whether or not you feel forced to do world content as that is entirely irrelevant.

If they were incompetent enough to tie player housing to player power, then I’d agree with you that it would be better not to have it. But that’s a huge stretch even for blizzard and not in the scope of what anyone is asking for.


Hey my in-game bookshelf isn’t going to RP dust itself.

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It’s been 20 years.

Why even care at this point?

And how would housing affect your mythic raiding? :dracthyr_shrug:

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For the next 20 years, of course.

You know you can play that game too, right?


Also does anyone else find it wild when a mythic raider whines about being “forced” to do anything in a video game?

Like no, you don’t have to do anything. But you also chose to be a CE raider, so you chose to do the content that encourages a hardcore playstyle :dracthyr_shrug:

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With the way that Blizz has a habit of tying player power or another carrot on a stick to manufacture engagement in every new feature it’s reasonable to fear the worst about player housing.

Take into account the limitations of the engine and their past attempt at housing and I have no faith that it would end up fun, good, or that it wouldn’t take away from other things.

The people being unreasonable are the ones that think housing could just be inserted, matching their dream version of it perfectly, with NO drawbacks whatsoever.


You never know… newly developed item that took a ton of resources and Blizz tries to get back their investment… anything is possible… anything.

Broken record. This was already made this morning and as many have said wow player housing would be boring. People bring up garrisons because that was what it was a test run for and it wasn’t what blizzard liked. So that’s all you got.

It’s like evoker being blizz version of bard. It’s all your getting.

If they happened to tie in player power or rep requirements too it.

Like they have done multiple times

I know the last half of your name is very fitting but you clearly ignored where I specified world content

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All the money and time they invest into yet another raid or mythic content patch, could have gone into a housing system.

I am happy for those that find joy in raiding the same dungeon and the same mechanics, in a new layout each expansion pack, but for me there is no innovation or fun in that.
