Oh would you look at that

It’s the one thing every FFXIV player collectively loathes in a community that otherwise produces some of the most creative and enjoyable housing designs out there.

Oh, and because it artificially limits the available housing, it pretty much holds your subscription hostage if you are fortunate enough to get one. Enjoy never being able to unsub for more than 45 days without losing the plot you spent a year getting.

BIG pass on anything like that, for WoW. Not that I’m worried - instanced housing is way more up Blizzard’s alley.

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lol found Blizzard’s ideal model for housing right here.


Forced? C’mon, you’re a smart person. Nobody would be forced to engage in housing.


That we needed 5th thread on this topic?

BTW this will just get removed if you dont move it to where it belongs. If blizz is nice they will simply move it. But my money is on a 404 since you are discussing a non Blizzard Game

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Something you and I agree on. Will 100% be housing 2.0


Then I guess Guildwars is there for you… Go get em champ.


Lol it works like a charm for Enix. And yeah, housing would ultimately come back to some sort of subscription incentive, but I imagine for Blizzard it’d be more in the vein of limited edition furnishings, rare holiday drops, TP, etc.

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To be fair, it wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard has taken an idea from GW2.

I mean I’m already forced to do world content so you aren’t actually sure about that.


Well yea GW2 is an awesome game and we already had guild halls. Plus it is free save buying the expacs. It almost makes Blizz seem greedy…

C’mon though. Imagine all of the renown levels that could be made empty by having a throw rug or table deco reward instead of anything else.

We could get lamp shades in the place of other things on the TP.

And you can spend time clearing the new set of slot filling miscellanea out of your bags after every run.


Imagine a time before mists.

Wow has never had monks, expecting them to have monks is insanity.

It’s almost as if things get added that weren’t in the game before.

This is more akin to saying that you’re forced to collect pets because pet battles exist. If you don’t care about it, don’t do it.


Dear Blizz,

I know you make the most money via online in game micro-transactions so why not use that knowledge to include player housing? some people would buy gold just to have premium housing and that alone will make you increased revenue while increase the fun factor for many players.

Have a nice day

Well at least Draenei are finally getting their own real city

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No you are not, that is what you percieve. I knew a player that didn’t level, and only fished. The player was happy & I think to this day he was / is insane but what I think doesn’t matter, only that players happiness mattered to that player.

You are free to do what you like, you choose to do things, don’t pawn it off, own up to it.

I know what it is. If you want to pimp out your own place go play Sims 4.

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I am so unbelievably excited for WOD Draenei assets to be used in a real city. :sob:

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By the time monks came about the precedent for inserting new classes had existed since Wrath. When Wrath came out they had already given both factions a new class by opening up Shaman to Alliance and Paladin to Horde.

Creating a new class from time to time is a staple of WoW. Housing is not.

Monks were hardly as unprecedented as housing would be imo.

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silly goose, blizzard only makes content that they can throw away 3 years later