Oh would you look at that

How have they done that multiple times when they’ve never had player housing?

Yes I know, you’re going to say garrisons and sound like a fool to anyone who actually has interest in player housing.


And yet every other MMORPG has housing. So while your opinion is noted, it’s not much based in the reality of things.

A very huge return for Blizzard. And for player retention.

No one’s forcing you to go kill Hogger in Elwynn for a specific decoration.

And God forbid should you get a trophy to display out of your precious Mythic raid for doing the content you enjoy, right?!

This is so disingenuous lol.

You know they incentivize everything as much as they possibly can and housing would be no different. They wouldn’t take that shot without trying to ensure it was heavily engaged with.

Oh, and look at their previous attempt at housing (garrisons) for proof that they’ve already done it once.

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You mean the raids that’s the primary focus of the game?

You’re comparing side content to primary content and doing it very badly.

Where did I say anything about previous player housing?

I was clearly talking about them tying player power into current content.

This ^^^

Like you clearly need to work on reading comprehension as I never said anything about garrisons.

Tell me how pet battles or transmog has ever added player power that forced people to do it. I’ll wait.

People that have never utilized player housing in an MMORPG have no business commenting on the subject.


If player power is tied to it as Blizzard has a habit of doing to force played metrics yes I would be forced into it.

Way to completely miss the point.

I think they complained about being forced in open world content. So…

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Once again:


Yep, that’s all you. Once again commenting on a subject you know nothing about.


Anyone ever notice when Blizzard tries to tell players they need to play the game a certain way everyone gets all up in arms… but then the players are just kinda fine with telling other players how they should play the game?

Eh… just something that’s come to mind with all these housing threads.

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Besides this?

If you mean all the people dismissing those who try to explain how housing works while they tell us “no, you can’t have it,” then yep.


Cool, we’re talking about WoW.

Do you understand where we are and how little your or my opinion matters? Just making sure.

Do you also understand that “what other mmorpg’s are doing” is completely irrelevant to the point I’ve made of “where I want WoW developer resources committed”? I don’t care what other MMORPG’s are doing. I care about where I want developer time committed. I don’t want developer time committed to player housing. That’s my opinion.

Not the point I’m making at all, and this is entirely without basis. It’s not possible to link player retention to something so small as player housing. If you want to delude yourself into believing otherwise, that’s not my bag.

The primary focus of an MMO is indeed not raiding, it´s the development of the characters, the exploring of the world, meeting other players and interacting with Quests, while building a home.

Dungeons are just a small aspect of it, I don´t understand why this is not clear to some people.

We are raiding the same stuff for 20 years now, just that they give it a new name and setting each expansion, it´s boring and doesn´t do the franchise justice.

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Player housing would be awesome or a guild hub. You could add cosmetics to the shop blizz and sell them ? Something that you like blizzard MONEY and very easy ! No effort !

Which is probably why I’ve never been given a source for that “player housing pays for itself in every other MMO” claim yet.


Yeah, exactly. But it’s not limited to just housing. Housing just really illustrates the phenomenon.


Glad to know what I said just above was correct. Have fun with trying to keep the game, the content and the playerbase from growing.

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The source will only be a very primitive form of inductive reasoning and confirmation bias. But it’s fun to watch people believe these constitute fact


Again if they WERE too. Do you understand what hypothetical means?

Where I am clearly stating that it’s a possibility not that it is.

Nah you’re doing a fine job embarrassing yourself this time.

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In an ocean of wrong, it’s good for you to isolate the irrelevant points that happen to be right. Nice work.

Lol you really live in your own little world.

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