Oh would you look at that

Housing rakes in millions for SWTOR and that game’s playerbase is small compared to WoW.

Again, it’s not only decos in the cash shop and Trading Post, it’s also player engagement due to decos and trophies coming from everything and everywhere.

When you’ve got MMOs that would probably be dead if it weren’t for housing that’s bringing in millions from small playerbases and you’ve got MMOs based off of player housing pulling people in… yes, we can safely say it’ll make them more money and retain more subs.

There are as many basically dead mmos with housing options as there are middling mmos with housing options.

I’d put SWToR in the middling category. Housing is not the make or break thing for MMOs and WoW has proven that for decades.


Though maybe a bit less like SWTOR. When they finally added an “apartment” and it was another massive space and not Kaliyo’s apartment like everyone wanted I died a little inside. Those furniture packs are EXPENSIVE for how little they do.

…Though the new Chiss estate is gorgeous and they’re apparently adding a personal farm, so I can’t say they don’t have a lot of good ideas.

Do me a favor.

Go play The Sims for a few hours.

Then get an account on ESO or SWTOR (both are F2P) and get a basic house.

Then come back here and tell me PH is “the Sims”


Proof requested.

I miss playing Huttball.

But it doesn’t negate my point: SWTOR playerbase is still much smaller than WoW’s and they rake in millions from subs and decos due to player housing.

And Rift is dead, but still retains its servers and people for housing.

I mean it’s about all that SWToR has going for it.

Were WoW struggling to turn a profit they might need to pivot to housing to milk that crowd but as it stands they don’t.

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I’d be pretty disappointed if it ends up being one plot that everyone shares as a personal phase.

For me, that wouldn’t be worth it.

If it has more of a neighborhood vibe like FF where you can actually see and interact with neighbors, that would be pretty hype.

The pushback on these forums against player housing is just as amusing as the immense pushback there used to be against classic servers.

It will happen eventually for those that like it and no, it won’t ruin anything for those who do not. :upside_down_face:

So once again, a nonsensical argument. “Don’t add new things, because game is stagnant but fine!”


Moving on.


This is the worst style of housing in existence.

Wildstar did phased housing with neighbors you chose. I don’t want to go through the crap that FF pulls with fighting over who gets a plot, who loses it, outrageous costs, etc. It’s horrible design.


Unfortunately neighborhood style player housing is a technical nightmare that leads to housing shortages and people losing their homes whenever they unsub.

Phased housing, like the garrison was, is actually the best way to go. This way no one is left out and you never lose your progress. :upside_down_face:

Idk guys I’d prefer to keep getting gear from raid/dungeon bosses instead of adding more crud like manuscripts to them. I really can’t imagine anything more silly than downing the last boss of a raid and getting a rocking chair decoration.

Just another one of those “there are games that provide this, play them” things.


The difference is the people wanting housing are a minority of a minority.


No one is fully against it. It’s just a silly idea for WoW that a very small but loud minority on the forums want. Garrisons were housing without decorations and it fell flat. People don’t want to see dev resources be wasted.

The problem is that when we say we “don’t like it” the pro-housing people freak out and say things like “Why are you attacking me” and other similar, silly responses. They can’t handle being told no for whatever reason without losing their minds. Then you have the people saying that other MMO’s make “millions” off it when they have zero proof and have zero access to those numbers. It’s just a weird thing to lie about to push your agenda.

I don’t care if it gets added. Cool, do you. I just think it’s a waste since they will have to constantly update it for the rest of WoW’s life.


ESO is another great example. It adds more reason to do all the content in the game, and it also creates more social atmosphere in the game. There’s guild halls where guild members actually se eachother, and guilds fequently host raffles or auctions where housing items are some of the most desirable items.

Housing wouldn’t take that away from you. The “rocking chair” wouldn’t replace your chance at a gear drop lol.


Don’t get me wrong, I agree that the plot shortage, expiration, and prices are terrible.

But I also think solo phases are boring.

There definitely could be a middle ground.

Just because it hasn’t been done yet, doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Take the good parts and leave the bad.

Watch them give us an expansion with “housing” only for it to be garrisons 2.0. Which, honestly, is no better no worse than some of the rehashed/repurposed content we’re getting now.

About the only crap Blizz is putting time into these days is art-team and story-team related. The Trading Post was a nice touch but it’s some ghetto in its own right.

Bottom line is, I wouldn’t expect any sort of housing from Blizzard to be good. So ask for it all you want, expect the worst.

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Not everyone wants to be forced to do all the content in the game.

I see my guild members every Tuesday and Thursday and usually a third day on top of anytime I do keys with them. Just because your guild is dead doesn’t mean all guilds are.


Replacement or not it’s just…lame.