Oh would you look at that

Was player housing confirmed? :slight_smile:


I would love housing in wow, or guild housing, Idk, garrison is nothing, is some predetermined spot, you dont had really control (or fun) over it, is not housing at all.

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That’s great and all but a lot of people just want to throw a lot of spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks. Adding things for the sake of adding things isn’t necessarily good in my opinion and experience.

And, yes, development time spent on one thing usually means development time isn’t being spent on another thing.


They’ve talked about wanting to add it, but said it would take a huge amount of time. Which is fair, considering what has to go into it and nothing should be tossed aside just to implement it.

The last time it was brought up was an interview with Patrick Dawson on Dragonflight:

It’s an interesting feature idea we’d like to do. We talk about it from time to time and always conclude that it will take a lot of effort to get it right. If we do it then it has to be amazing and exactly what players expect.

Deargodinheaven no it can’t. Sims isn’t anything like player housing in an MMORPG.

It’s astounding to me how people can act this obtuse.


Housing isn’t throwing spaghetti at the wall. It has been successful in MMO’s for 20+ years.


And WoW has been what, the most successful MMO for all 20 of those years without it?


Now imagine if WoW also had it.


I imagine the things we wouldn’t have right now because we got it also.


It’s a guaranteed money maker. Not only to sell deco packs, add decos to the Trading Post, but also for retaining players. In lulls they’d be out doing professions, running old and new content, even PvPing for decos. They’d run dungeons and raids, etc for trophies… it’s pure engagement.


Like what? Housing would pay for its own team.

I never understood the argument of “we don’t need anything new, because game is fine as it is.”

God forbid we add more engagement??


I’m glad this happened because it’s gonna force WoW’s hand in some way or another.

The more MMOs have a feature WoW doesn’t have, the more pressure the devs have to add said feature.

It happened with M+ and dynamic flying mounts.

And based on tech improvements over the years, eventually it’ll be feasible in some form.

Call it a player cave or something, I don’t care whether or not it’s an actual house, I just want my own spot.

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I assume the actual reason the game doesn’t have housing yet is engine limitations, and making it work would be a massive undertaking. That’s just a guess of course, but I can’t imagine any other reason Bliz would sleep on the kind of money/retention it would bring in.


It’s fine to ask for it and it’s also fine for people to say “Don’t care for the idea.”

Blizzard is all about money so if player housing would be lucrative for them there is no reason to think they won’t add it. If they don’t add it then chances are good they see the investment as more than the potential reward.

From where I’m sitting I consider “housing would pay for its own team” to be an entirely speculative assertion.

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It is yes. But I feel its a fair assertion when it pays for itself in every other game, most of which are smaller and less popular than wow as you said.

It’s another source of collectibles and design gameplay. And yes, it’s nice for RP.
I spend ages in 14 decorating - tons of people there come up with really creative designs.

They have the tech for personalized instanced content, what they don’t have is the coding mapped out fully for deco placement with a user interface and then a database for decos. So yeah, it is a lot to do and I don’t expect to hear anything about it until after this trilogy. They may work on it in tiny bits over the course of those. But who knows.

It is a massive project. And with games like Palia out now, along with looking at Wildstar housing and even SWTOR housing, there’s a lot to take into consideration on how to do it.


What really annoys me is that it’s not really all that hard what we’d want in a PH system.

Just look at ESO or SWTOR. Something like that.

It’s not garrisons, it’s not The Sims, ffs.


Do we have a source for this? I guess I can believe it but for the better part I’ve always found it to be a gimmick that has never held my attention for long in other games.


Yeah the location is my main issue. Shadowmoon is really hard to RP as a proxy for anywhere else in Azeroth and is also very limited by the Stormwind architecture.

It’s nice for what it is, I still enjoy it and wish they’d expanded on it, but it’s definitely a far cry from what people want when they say housing.

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