Oh would you look at that

Just because it’s old doesn’t mean it can’t be updated to work. It’s just more instances. Like Garrisons.

You mean the game engine that is on modern standards and also consistently updated?

You don’t have an argument here.

Deargodinheaven, there’s a difference between calling Garrisons housing and pointing out the phased tech for a saved area.


Your arguments fell flat. Moving on.

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Exactly. The tech has been there. They just didn’t utilize it to its full potential.


Is it an activity you can do in game? Yes? Then it’s content. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean its not content.


Who are you, the arbiter of “real” players?

But it don’t need to go any further then that. They just need to update the garrison at best so we can plant whatever herbs we want, update vendor, maybe change the instance location to Azeroth and that’s it.

I didn’t say it couldn’t. But you said they weren’t old and that’s not factually true.

It’s also easier to just say these things than for it to be done.

It still has to be changed to add in content that it wasn’t originally designed for.

You do realize that you keep arguing garrisons weren’t housing then trying to use garrisons as an example as to why housing would work.

Once again… Garrisons were not player housing. They were a questing and profession hub.

They can use the base tech to actually create housing. But Garrisons were never housing and should not be themselves expanded.


Player housing sucks.


Nor does WoW need player housing, they can just like I said do a small garrison update and that would be more then enough for players personal playground.

“Oh would you look at that”

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Your opinion is noted but not shared. Not even by the dev team.


Can’t you just play Sims 4 instead? I think we have enough ‘‘silly’’ cosmetics. This is World of Warcraft.


Sims is not player housing in an MMORPG.

I really wish people would research player housing in MMORPGs before making comments.


They will argue anything. They just want attention and to add to their post count. Spam account.

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So the devs want player housing, do share?

Sorry OP, WoW just doesn’t have the engine to have the level of detailed customization you want in player housing. Otherwise, we’d already see it in character customization, and we would no longer have painted-on armor.

.erew snosirrag tahw s’tahT

But it can do what you ask for.

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What I like about 7 days is that you can build anything. There are different weather areas that go up in difficulty.

So like right now I have build a wooden base and am in the process of upgrading it to stone and eventually cement.

Once I get that done I can put blade traps on the walls that will eliminate zombies if they attack my base.

I wish people would want to see the game they are playing get more improvements and content and be more successful, even if some content doesn’t appeal to them specifically. I don’t care about pvp, but if a cool new feature for pvp gets announced thats awesome for me too, because the game doing well is good for me.