Oh would you look at that

Did I somewhere call someone out specifically? I made a general comment on how people around this forum are hypocritical when it comes to flagging stuff.

The only people here who are upset are those who keep trying to come at me about this.

God forbid I make a comment. :roll_eyes:

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Do you not realize what you are typing? Just scroll up. You’re coming off a little unhinged and trying to play the victim over someone quoting you. I think you’re just trolling for post count. Whatever, do you.


If we get housing, I want it to be completely unlike FFXIV’s. If it has limited plots and a deletion timer I will actually scream.

But if not… Go right ahead if you have the time and resources, Blizz.


I’m not against housing. Just IMO it’s lame.

This is the real argument. IMO, they don’t. But, what do I know /shrug.

People tend to forget that the way cities and buildings are set up, they don’t come with tables, chairs, etc built into them.

All of that is separate assets and it can all be used as decos. That’s how Old Republic does a lot of their stuff. Even raid decos are just assets from that raid.

I made a general comment on the state of the forums and flagging. The only one acting unhinged here is you. And no one is playing victim.

Sorry you can’t handle my reply. Use the ignore feature in the user settings and be done with it. You’re the only one here making up drama and being hostile over a single comment. Time to move on and ignore me.

It’s called common sense. Considering the servers are old and not designed for housing the cost there alone is enough to make it not a viable return on it.

No idea why people are so obsessed with player housing. I guess it’s a roleplaying thing?

It’s not content. You’re just sitting around looking at stuff in your house. Idk, if I wanted to do that, I’d just sit around my house and look at stuff on the walls.

I play wow to be in the world and to do content. Player housing doesn’t accommodate either of those things


Ooo maybe we can have squishmallows of our favorite WoW characters infest our make-believe home! :upside_down_face:

We would earn them by going to that NPC and beating them in game of hearthstone!

My little spawns love those things.

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Servers are not old, they were recently updated and they handled Garrisons even with the bugs they eventually worked out.

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Garrisons just need to improve, we just need more locations to choose and that’s it.

Been playing 7 days to die and can confirm. What I started as a base in the frost byum is now slowly turning into a castle :joy:

Which people? And how do you know the other threads weren’t flagged by most of the same people who flagged this one, but not enough to hide the post?

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No one who really plays the game cares about player housing.


Just because something is updated doesn’t mean it’s not old. Walmart has cash registers with 50 Year old computers. They get updated but they are still old.

It’s also not just servers. The game engine as well.

If there were issues they didn’t “handle” it.

You also can’t use garrisons as an argument considering you vehemently state that garrisons weren’t housing.

You can’t claim something isn’t housing then use it as an example as to why housing would work.

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Incorrect. It is content. Because decos come from everywhere. In all content and all professions. And no one just sits and stares in their house. They’re out in the world, old and new, in every type of content, gathering more decos. I’d recommend trying out Old Republic or ESO for housing. Maybe check out some videos on Wildstar housing.

Palia is an MMO entirely built around housing.

Generic comment is generic. I’d suggest getting over it.

Because they’re not hidden from flags. Shocking.

Y’all need to calm down. This isn’t new for people to flag a thread they dislike and claim spam, but leave up the other ones that are, because it’s a topic they do like.

That’s how the forums have been for ages.

Time to move on.


I have built small cities in Valheim, Enshouded, Conan Exiles. It’s a far better experience then some MMO pre designed building you only get to put furniture in.

WoW is playing keep up with other games all the time. Which game do you think they got dragonriding from?

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I’ve been in since F&F… nearly 21 years of this game, I deserve an actual home to call my own in the huge world known as Azeroth.

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No idea, what game did they get dragon riding from?

Look back at the ranch in MoP and the garrison in WoD, both could have served as player housing/bases because we know Blizz has the powah to create these little instants that cater to individual players.

But for some reason Blizz wrapped up the ranch and garrison as expansion features so when that expansion was over they were left in the dust.

IMO this would be the same thing that would happen with player housing. Blizz would introduce it as an expansion feature then abandon it when the next expansion came out. And then of course no one could ask for player housing because Blizz delivered what was asked.