Oh would you look at that

Spam. OP saw the front page and decided to make another post to jump on the current bandwagon.


So it’s okay to have seven billion threads complaining about week 7 Awakened or the myriad of other same topics, but not this one? Yeah. That makes sense.


Why do you care so much?

We all see what’s on the front page. People are making spam threads about something not in game. Don’t deflect.

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Can you show me where I said I’m somehow wholly invested in it? I asked a question. Then replied to your comment. Sorry that I called out hypocrisy? Why so bent out of shape?

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Keep going you’re almost at 25k post.


In other words, you’d rather make stuff up and can’t possibly just take comments at face value. Such drama over a simple question.

Quoting you is “making stuff up”? K.

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You had garrisions, and look how it ruined WoW.

I like GW2 and all, but we should probably wait to see how the feature turns out before assuming it’s not as barebones as garrisons (which I do want back in some form).

Thanks for trolling. All you’ve done is try to personally attack me over a question. I’m assuming you’re one who flagged the thread if you’re this defensive. Hope you have a better day.

Oh boy haha! Now you’re playing the victim card. You do realize everyone can just scroll up? Seems to me you just want to add to your post count. I didn’t realize quoting someone could make them so upset or be considered “attacking” them. Odd.


Once again, Garrisons were not player housing. They were a questing and profession hub.


Ugh… that guild… Ruinous… so many bad memories…

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The intelligent thing to do would to be rolling forward in new expansions you create builds with a grid technology and apply assets to the grid. XYZ axes. Use that to build your expansion assets and if you use an old asset, bring it into the new system. After 3-4 expansions you would have had 1) less development time on asset builds for the world and 2) a very strong foundation for housing to turn over to the players.

It’s maddening to see how piss poor this company is at preparing for the future.

Look at the blue posts about building out classic. They had to completely remap the spell tables to fit modern wow because it wasn’t built like that from the beginning. Obviously it was worth while to rebuild the same asset here.

Instead of trying to cram it in all at once in a 2 year development cycle, and leave a bunch of crap on the cutting room floor.

It’s not like other studios don’t do this. Frozen had a major software overhaul for snow physics. Moana had a major overhaul for water physics.

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Did anyone say it was okay? Or is that just you trying to find a reason to be upset about this thread being flagged?


They are just looking for a reason to be upset and/or hoping they can troll you hard enough for that gotcha moment so they can report you. I quoted them and they felt “personally attacked”…/facepalm


“WoW has never had X” is a terrible argument, and only means WoW can’t ever have new things.

WoW was never marketed to have dragon riding until DF
WoW was never marketed to have class halls until Legion

And housing is a common staple in MMO RPGs.

Again, just because WoW never had a thing in the past, doesn’t mean it can’t add new things in the future.


The revolutionary idea of adding new content to an MMO. How very dare people ask for such a thing.


Explaining to people that Garrisons are not housing:

Wall Talking GIF - Wall Talking GIFs


Why? The art assets are all already in the gaming for something like it.

Or better yet, they could retry the Garrison concept with a lot better features (such as I get to choose what my buildings look like) and keep the AH in town this time.