Oh would you look at that

Sorry got mixed up.

Then what are you trying to reference here?

You’re not thinking of the bigger picture.

Player Housing. It might… just MIGHT… mean the end of Goldshire.

I doubt it, but we can hope.

flagged for spamming ,


Keep waiting.

Feel free to go play GW2 though.


A revamp is more than a single mechanic and art. The core systems and game-flow design is solid and a genuinely better design for the average player. The rest of the game needs to be updated and with a fresh start because it’s dated in all other aspects outside of system and core gameplay loop design. It just took time to get there and now that it is, it’s dated.

adding art content and a new mechanic is an expansion or a patch not an entire sequel in a series. Although I guess modern companies like blizz are pushing that boundary

** looks at Overwatch 2 **

Because the money to develop it isn’t worth the return.

If it was worth it and they though enough people wanted it they would do it.

They just realize like most of us it’s dead on arrival.

Their entire engine is scuffed. The game runs terribly even on the most neck beard of machines. GW2 is awesome on paper but their execution was terrible.

This isn’t necessarily true and due to the public market entirely depends on your shareholders board strategy. Which in the case of blizzard, is to ride the formula until there is no more money to be made. They have showcased this with almost every IP since their public ownership where they will ride it until it is on the verge of dying before making sweeping updates.

Thats an engine issue which is typically addressed in a sequel lol.

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That would be spending a lot of money they don’t have and won’t now that they have opened the can of worms that is player housing development budgeting. You are assuming the studio is even capable of the feat after displaying failure after failure in engine patches.

The people advocating for housing are a minority of the minority that lost on the forums.

The amount of money Blizz would need to invest into housing doesn’t show any promise of getting an equal return.

Blizz is about making money. If they thought they would profit they would do it.

See above. If they thought they could make money they would do it.

Because it works.

See above, this isn’t true and entirely depends on board strategy lmao . Blizzard’s board doesn’t play to innovate for profit. They play for stabilization and long term safety. It doesn’t matter if an alternative would make money if the current formula is stable.

You really don’t realize how much of a cost it would be to include player housing.


Then please share the budget sheet with the class senior undercover finance analyst at blizzard entertainment.

With all the survival building games out there, there are far better options for people that like that sort of thing. No MMO housing comes close to what can be done with a game that is more dedicated to those features.

The only thing WoW should do if at all would be to update garrisons. And that’s probably not worth it in the long run as they would probably give up on it like everything else and again it would be left to collect dust along with the rest of all the old expansion features.


Player Housing is… a tricky subject to tackle, I think.

WoW is absolutely at a point in its lifespan where it’s not likely to attract any new players, and those whom stopped playing have felt bridges were burned by some of Blizzard’s decisions over the years, whether that be Flight, Story, Allied Races, etc…

So, Player Housing would not only have to appeal to the existing playerbase, but also be profitable.

Thing is, making it profitable isn’t hard. The cash shop could easily explode with Player Housing furnishings or architecture styles or the likes. A lot of assets already exist to make it work. So, even as a purely cosmetic feature for players, it could make them money.

But the issue is how many existing players would really engage with it. Would it be enough for it to be profitable? I don’t know. I can’t imagine what would go into creating a system for player housing to begin with. Long term it might be quite profitable, but a lot of companies seemed focused on short-term gains these days.


You forgot the “Bowl of Fruit” painting. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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I’ll have a chai flip flop pls.

Housing is lame and a waste of resources.


As someone who tried to go through housing hell in XIV, I’m glad we don’t have it. Between bidding bots, click macros, etc on there it’s a menace. If it’s phased, sure, whatever. But I’m not going to ever play that market on WoW if it ever comes.

Garrisons were a questing and profession hub. Not housing.

Also: why was the OP flagged?