Oh would you look at that

I’m making realistic arguments based on blizzard’s history.

Then garrisons are housing.

Stating a fact isn’t an insult. If I commented an actual insult then that would be different.

Just because you can’t refute points made and taken offense to it doesn’t make it actually an insult.

Get over feelings.


Sadly Blizzard has a control fetish. They will never allow player housing to get to the truly designer level FF14 has. It will just be show off a cool thing in slot 3B.

I wish they would. But alas I know the patterns all too well. It’s a shame however because if they went the FF14 route, house design would be my new end game and I would own some players at last!

It actually very much can be. I know lot of people who left WoW to go play ESO, SWTOR or even Palia, because WoW didn’t have housing— and they’d come back in a heartbeat if their favorite franchise added it.

It’s also definitely player retention, because people would be collecting decos and trophies from everywhere and earning more gold to buy housing. It’s kept other MMOs afloat and raked in millions for them between the subs and the cash shop.


Garrisons isn’t housing lmao. If customization is all it takes for you to consider something as PH then transmog is player housing too

I’ve been making a fool of myself for a while by loudly announcing to my friends that I’d pay a lot of money over time for things like $10 NPC clothing packs, emotes, RP toys, etc. Speaking from experience, I know a lot of people in the RP community (in general, but we’re especially a little crazy about MMO Barbie) would.

If we had instanced housing with decent decorating mechanics, I would bet anything that 10% of Moon Guard’s population would immediately fund Blizzard with the wealth of a small nation, and we would never want for anything again.


I said it’s a possibility. Try actually reading to respond instead of react.

What part of housing is viewed as a bad investment is so hard for you to understand?

Please try to understand the context and follow the conversation.

That’s all you. Because nothing you’ve said made sense and none of it had a point. Then you immediately got hostile and defensive when called out on it. Then acted hypocritical by commenting on what you don’t know but yell at people all the time in raid and M+ threads for commenting on what they don’t know.

Glass houses. Goodbye.

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You literally made the comparison and then went off on a hypothetical scenario on “if” it’s tied to progression systems which is what made garrisons so unpopular to begin with and which people who know and understand player housing don’t advocate for either


Housing would be pretty cool but I don’t know how it would work in a game like wow that is constantly removing teleports/ease of travel features and ignores that the previous expansions/zones exist.

Silvermoon hasn’t been touched in nearly 20 years. You can’t even fly there and its one of the few places where you can’t.

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It’s made sense to multiple people actually. Just read some of Myzrms posts agreeing with me.

It had points. You just didn’t understand them it appears.

I haven’t been hostile or defensive. That would be you after having your points refuted.

Which was also refuted because I do play games with housing. Infact 7 days has literal land claim blocks

Which you said doesn’t count even though it has immense customization AND is a mmorpg it just didn’t meet your definition


I think that’s changing in Midnight. At least they’ve heavily alluded to both draenei receiving a new city and Silvermoon getting an update.

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Please actually read the conversation but since you won’t let me break it down so ukulele understand.

One of the issues with housing is it being a bad investment.

The other is it being forced due to the possibility of player power being tied to player housing as blizzard has a history of tying player power to new expansion features.

The comment you commented on was someone refuting I have played a game with player housing because it didn’t meet their definition which is why I sarcastically stated garrisons were housing.

The part where it hasn’t been a bad investment in the majority of MMOs.

Let me ask you a simple hypothetical question.

If WoW added player housing that was done well by industry standards or even improved upon as bliz does, and it had zero player power attached to it; do you think it would be good for the overall health of the game?


I hope so but we said the same thing in BFA when a Silvermoon warfront got hinted at/leaked but was then cut.

It still doesn’t change the fact that ease of travel just doesn’t exist in this game. How do you easily get to Silvermoon without going to Org? Org has all the teleports but you have to teleport there first from wherever you are.

I would love to hearth to my home in Silvermoon/etc and only go to Org when I need to.

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Citation please

No. I still think it’s wasted investment because most people don’t play wow to play player housing.

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Be a mage :joy:

Sorry I couldn’t help myself lol

You do know about the hearthstone cloaks right?

And then we can hear how those people are “forced” to do content they hate just to get the decorations they want.

God forbid they gate any of that behind content that’s actually hard.

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I feel like it’s a bit stronger than cut content this time around, but I don’t blame you for being skeptical at all.

I won’t lie, I don’t know the perils of travel restrictions. 90% of my characters are mages, I’m a privileged baby when it comes to zooming around the world.

You could make your hearth in Silvermoon and use Legion Dalaran hearthstone for Org? I think the travel time between portals is shorter that way.

Imagine the QQ if they had to kill the heroic end boss of the raid to get a plot and it was limited quantity :joy: