Oh would you look at that

Successful profitable games that continously expand and develop their player housing for 10+ years. Do you think they’d keep throwing money down the toilet on something that wasn’t working?

You mean people don’t play a game for something that it doesn’t have? Wow, genius conclusion. That definitely means nobody would if it did have it.


Well that would just be petty and asinine on Blizzard. So while I doubt they would do that, I couldn’t put it past them either.

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Well, who knows. In FFXIV 90% of the high-end players will tell you they’re doing it for glamour and that’s kind of just an accepted thing. Some folk are willing to go way outside of their comfort zones for cosmetics.

You mean games that are less successful
Than blizzard designed around that type of content where WoW is not?

None of that means anything or that housing would be successful in WoW.

I mean you’re the one going to red lobster and getting mad they don’t sell sandals.

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I mean they just have a history of tying player power to world content especially in BFA and SL.

In WoW people just cry on the forum.

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Kinda. Remix is a good example of how most people in WoW are just vibing with the content and a few bitter eggs come here to complain without actually engaging with the content they’re complaining about.

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And that brings up something totally mind boggling to me: some of the arguments in this thread against player housing have been, “People will just complain about it.”

So apparently we need to stop making any and all content, because “people will just complain about it.” :upside_down_face:


Tying player power to housing would certainly be a choice Blizz would have to make. But being how it worked out with garrisons, they could choose to do the smart thing and… you know… not.

Blizz listens

Blizz provides

Housing Remix
90-day house decorating simulator.

Doing chores like sweeping, dusting, mowing the grass, laundry, ect grants you a new currency called “allowance”

Spend this new currency on furniture and upgrades to your house or spend it on upgrading your characters chore proficiency.

And just like with Remix, the biggest problem would be that I’d never want to go back to the main game. :triumph:


Boom. Gott’em.

I still really like my garrisons though.


Wrong. It’s definitely be a cash cow for them if they made it into microtransaction hell like most other companies do.
There’s valid arguments against it, but this is not one.

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Same, I just wish I could put it somewhere other than Shadowmoon. I like the Horde’s location better.

I really don’t think a lot of MMO players, especially ones who’ve been around for a while, fully appreciate just how much more popular slice-of-life and cosmetic features have become in the past few years, like 'em or not.

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The horde one is better, but the Alliance one does lend itself nicely to Halloween decorations.

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Actually a solid point. Heck, it could be fun with Inky Black potion too. Especially when we get the torch toy in TWW. :smile:

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They refuse to understand that there’s people on the game that don’t play exactly like they do.
They’d be absolutely baffled by walking into an rp server.


Yes, comparing WoW features to other mmo features is definitely similar to comparing restaurants to shoe stores. You’re really doing well here.

If WoW would be better off not looking into the features of other MMOs because it doesn’t need them, why did they just take dragonriding directly from GW2?