Oh would you look at that

Same to you about flagged topics lol

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Pretty much. I like GW2, it’s decent. It’s just not nearly as good as WoW. But like with Dynamic Flying, it has some features that would work pretty well here.

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So, player housing would be forced player power because that’s just what bliz does, but,

Expanding some other secondary content would be fine and not forced?


There was never anything for me to “get over.” I asked a question. I made an observation. You two are the ones who keep bringing it up and coming at me, acting all offended and dramatic.

Glass houses and all that. :yawning_face:

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Yep, same. I may still go check it out when the new xpac hits

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I would love to see player housing. I am and have always been a fan of it. I’m just saying that Blizzards stance in the past has been that it would sacrifice a season of raiding. And that was pretty much the end of it.

Right or wrong and for what ever reason. Blizzard has pretty much decided we as a player base over all do not need or do not want Player Housing.

I honestly would love for them to implement it. But I suspect over all, I am part of the minority when it comes to such a large undertaking.

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Trying to paint me as offended because i questioned your generalized statement? Nah I’m just pointing out and commenting on it.

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I’ve played swtor… and I did just that. it wasn’t really entertaining. But hey thanks for thinking you know my experience.


And I spend most of my time doing stuff to get decos to decorate different Strongholds.

No one sits in their Stronghold 24/7 and most own several so no one is consistently redecorating one room.

But guess what? It’s optional and you don’t have to do it.

Just like all player housing in every MMORPG.


I could have my timeline mixed up here, but I think their most recent comment on it was essentially that it’s something they’re interested in, but it would take a butt ton of work and they’d want to get it just right.

I guess it’s open to interpretation, but I took that as a “maybe down the line” statement more than a hard no.

Still, I get where you’re coming from. I feel like player housing is a really difficult thing to pin down the audience for. I’m willing to bet the vast majority of players who would engage with it if it was fun, harmless side content vastly outweighs how many would actively consider it as something they want. There has to be a lot of guesswork that goes into it; FFXIV may have successful housing, but WoW has built a much different audience for itself.

You could be right. I’m probably a little more optimistic, but even I don’t expect to hear anything about it until at least after the Worldsoul Saga.

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Housing isn’t going to be something that makes people come back to the game or stay subbed to the game. Blizzard probably just doesn’t see any benefit of trying to make their janky, old engine do a good job of it.

I feel like Blizzard is just afraid of doing the work involved in adding and maintaining Housing. It’s easier for them churn out another raid that once is done, is done. Aside from number adjustment they can pretty much forget about it and move on. Player housing in the quality that players demand would require more concentrated effort, especially to be evergreen, than Blizzard wants to put forth. Doesn’t mean I don’t want it. I do. I just realized also it probably wont be anytime soon if ever.

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No one has ever forced you to do anything in WoW, own up to your choices.


Those should and are probably already reported.

I certainly can’t argue with your point of view. It seems all we differ on is Blizzards way of passing on it.

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If it was a good system I would certainly be willing to throw more money at them.


I certainly hear ya


GW2 making strides? LMAO. Ooooo player housing. Such a HUGE stride. How are their raids, LFD, LFR, Dungeons doing? Oh yeah. They aren’t even close to making real strides where it matters. But yeah. Playing housing >>>>> actual end game content

because if they dont, they would lose their last 5 players.
Wow can lose people. It’s that simple.

You keep looking at garrisons but the MoP farm was not incentivized like they did with garrisons. Housing could be treated as another incentive for people to do content like raiding or M+ as well. Blizzard also use professions to make items for homes, giving them more life outside of gear. Housing rewards could add a lot of quests/ content for casual players. WoW is still and RPG and modern MMORPG are adding housing because it is a wanted and liked feature. Housing could be an evergreen feature that is updated.

The issue with WoD is that Blizzard did not take time to do a lot of world content for it so they used garrisons as the major content. This is also the time they were floating the idea of doing year xpacs as well. Blizzard also made hard promises about garrisons and did not deliver on those. Garrisons are not bad but they are not housing, they are military bases.