Oh would you look at that

The primary pillar of WoW is raiding. The other primary pillars of WoW are Mplus and rated PvP.

Everything in the world is considered secondary or wide content.

So you are wrong.

Probably because you are wrong.

Thanks for admitting you’re not good at it.

So… their adding Garrisons to GW2… Good for them? Go play that if you want that. Or go play on your Garrison


Your hypothetical is nonsensical at best, because of what I’ve now said twice. You don’t know what player housing is or how it works in an MMORPG. But yet you keep commenting on it like you do.

You consistently tell people not to comment on raiding or M+ because they don’t participate, yet you feel the need to comment on this subject you don’t seem to understand. How is that not hypocritical?

LOL and now it turns to personal attacks because you don’t have an argument.


Yeah I’m being a little over zealous… I’m just not a fan of housing… But Blizzard will do what they want… they always do. But I know it has been said that it will take a lot of resources at a great expense.

How long did GW2 have dynamic flight before wow copied it? There’s your timeline. :slight_smile:

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Because I’m commenting on blizzards history of tying player power into new features. This is a valid point that you clearly aren’t comprehending.

I also do play games with actual custom building. So you’re wrong again chief.

That’s not a personal attack. And just because you’re either ignoring or don’t understand my points doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

…aw, crap.

Ultima Online had player housing back in 1997. After nearly twenty years I highly doubt it is something that we are ever going to see.

It doesn’t matter who has done it or who is doing it. Blizz feels like it is something we don’t need or truly want.

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Do you think there a significant amount of players who do not partake in those 3 pillars?

Do you think that many of the players who do partake in those 3 pillars also enjoy the secondary or wide content?

If yes to either of those, do you not feel that secondary or wide content is worth expanding on in WoW and would add more engagement for many players, even if not for you personally?


But sitting in housing and redecorating the same space over and over does? :roll_eyes:

Blizz doesn’t see it as a priority or a profitable endeavor and is likely saving that for a “break glass in case of emergency” moment if they ever lose the M+/raiding crowds.

It’s something that has worked great for dying games to stay afloat even if it’s the only thing they have going for them.

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You’re making up bad faith arguments.

Which isn’t player housing in an MMORPG, “chief.”

Try again.

Claiming I’m embarrassing myself because you don’t have an argument very much is.

Have a better day.

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No one does this. But thanks for proving my point about people commenting on what they don’t know.

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I won’t disagree with you there.

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go play the game that has what you want

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Nope. Raiding is around 60% of the player base.

Different people enjoy different things. The issue is being forced into things. I don’t see world content players being forced into anything.

I’m not saying to not expand into secondary content.

I’m saying housing is a bad investment.

Nice reach due to lacking a point though.

People used to call the people asking for vanilla servers a vocal minority too. :woman_shrugging:

I can have a dictionary definition of garrison and people will still say it’s somehow player housing. :rofl:


Unfortunately, no game currently exists that has everything I want. Which is why I am here. It’s the least worst option.

…but you know what would make it better?

Player Housing!


Honestly, I don’t think this is a particularly logical way of looking at it. Development in the MMO genre doesn’t follow a linear path, and the market for slice-of-life and cosmetic features has grown pretty dramatically in the past couple of years.

Of course, that’s also why it’s perfectly legitimate to question Blizzard’s execution of such a feature, and how exactly it would incentivize subscriptions if implemented. It could be as harmless as the TP, or it could be another in-your-face progression hub like garrisons. At the very least, we know it’s on their radar.