Hah, nice one. If I took everything I put into Paladin and converted it into Hunter, that’ll get me back on. But it’s a sad story that DF is the bad expansion that it is(still 50% off even after summer sale until the 17th!).
But maybe I can make up for it in Classic…
Sydney, Australia, yea? That’s good. It showed from you. That’s two people here that went. I have an Associate’s in three science-related fields. Going for the Bachelor’s… that’s another story.
Too many? A 60 vs. a 70 in DF? Just ten levels? 5 missing talents from the spec tree?
You might be right about the science, but it’s the PHILOSOPHY of it I struggle with. We didn’t even get into the tier set bonus yet: the Deathblow system. “Oh, I want my precious ~ -4.5 sec AShot recharge firing plinking rounds! I’ll PLINK the boss to death while everyone else does the real killing work!”
Meanwhile, this semi-retired special operator is trying to show how to go for the magnum…
Do I win the Heath Ledger Joker award btw? Maybe I have a way of showing people what they really are…
He’s not wrong at the root cause of it, though. But as the saying goes, “The devil is in the details.” If there’s a way, a loophole to be exploited, it can and will be to get out of using melee abilities as SV. And the revamp just might help things along…
Some of it is fluff, but there’s crunch too. Do you know how many times it’s been that I keep seeing discounts for DF as well as free trial sessions? It’s as if I’m being BEGGED to come back. And I look at all the cute white cat faces. It’s all nicey-dicey now. How can a Hunter be a true Hunter?
I know it’s sad that raid leaders and dungeoneers could use a Hunter of my background. Well, it’s sad that I could get reported and then banned in the next instant over an in-game drama fight and lose it all. It is what it is. I guess DF being 50% off won’t break my heart? Some ancillary things to consider. Just like Don Shipley, I can safely train and advise Hunters, specifically MMs.