I happen to know the guy and Bepples even linked him earlier in this thread and he definitely does not preach anything similar to you. He’s even paid by both wowhead and icyveins to write guides.
Nope I’m constantly improving and definitely haven’t got where I am or continue to improve listening to the likes of you.
Wow, just like that. “Hey, I know the guy.” But as someone who can’t be in the same circles, I’m probably despised more for this. It took you this long to say something like that. Alright buddy, you win and I must concede, because you played the only card that ever mattered.
Well, it’s not like I’ve been active on the Hunter forums all the time, coming here and there to say this or that.
So yeah, (throwing up my bow/gun/xbow and raising open hands) I have to surrender, because I DO NOT know the top PvE MM personally and I DO NOT have what he has. And that’s how you won the game. That just means that the other 99% are all stupid losers.
*Oh, and on that note, I apologize and I’m so sorry you had to deal with me.
??? Bepples literally linked my wcl page that has all my mythic logs from previous tiers and will have this tier once we kill Sark.
The card that actually matters is the logic and math but I see you are a sucker for appeal to authority I would have hoped that your real deal college would have taught you better.
Nothing wrong with having opinions just stay in your lane and don’t try to pass off opinion as fact and I’m sure you’d have far more success.
Not how it works really but we’re starting to get on the right track at least.
most of it is just being receptive to the exchange of information like what was mentioned earlier, it’s definitely the best/most efficient way of growing as a player and theorycrafter
Well, now that I’m piecing it together, maybe there was always a different reason Bepples isn’t appreciated, and maybe I was wrong about him all this time…
The problem with that is 99% of every other Marks has failed in said logic and math.
Don’t worry about what my college taught me if I don’t have the connections you have. We can forget that talking point since obviously…the good ol’ WHO-YOU-KNOW…
And you know what? You’re right! You’re perfectly right! What the HECK am I doing talking to you? I know I don’t deserve to be in the same space as you. Yeah, perfectly right.
Yes, we are. That is how it works. I’m not even of the 99% in question. I should just give up and move on.
Forget it because edit: IF you’re not where the right people are…
It’s funny because I was aware of the club, the clique type stuff that has existed for practically forever. I’m just a pleb and I said that enough times.
What would a senatorial-class patrician have to do with a lowly plebeian?
*I will say this: I’m in good with Durostar and Cashmeowside. I’m big fans and supporters of those two. I guess I will resign to the lane they’re in.
??? I never phrased it this way only you have lmao. The only reason I brought it up was because you tried to imply that the top might be following your drivel and I know for a fact thats not true.
Sure but the first step to having a better understanding is to accept that we don’t know in the first place. So if anything has come from this I hope its that. Wow has changed a lot since your time and I hope you come to acknowledge that and if that means staying away from retail I wish you the best in classic or if you do decide to pick up retail again I hope you approach it with the right mindset.
But if I’m not like you, my knowledge is nothing. I can do everything you tell me to do, and I will still fail. Just like the other 99%. What do I have to show for it?
I wasn’t gone that long. I last hunted in SW last year, so it was only one year I was gone. I don’t consider that a long time, but since I’m a filthy casual pleb, any hardcore elite will say that even one or two weeks out is too long. Oh well.
Bad mentality, anyone can grow. with tool like warcraft logs, you can track your activities in pve content and compare it against other players to see what areas you can improve on
there are no super secret cliques hoarding information, all of it is public in guides or public discord pins. anyone worth your time in pve areas are happy to help other players learn and grow as long as said player is 1) receptive to information 2) won’t take feedback super personally
No, this is not it. What’s that Japanese proverb, something about a nail?
I just realized that going up against the guy that knows the top MM parser was a losing battle. You don’t do that and win. It doesn’t matter if you have a Mickey Rooney can-do attitude about it.
*And I’ll be honest: it was a mistake I tried. Ignorance of not knowing my audience is no excuse; because if I talk to the right audience I will get somewhere. As I’m not of the 1%, I should not be talking to the 1% and vice-versa. I just didn’t know who’s who, and I feel bad.
It’s not even that I played the most unforgiving and grueling content, where people who play superior class/specs and with superior gear will hand your butt to you unless you can outshine them by skill as in a stroke of luck, that if you don’t want to be a permanent ghostrunner you better know your poo. But if you’re not in the in-crowd, forget it.
I can know everything about the U.S. Navy SEALs. I can be the most read-up guy about Navy special warfare; that doesn’t mean I could ever be one without filling in all the right blanks.
The late Tom Clancy was the biggest military nerd around. He wrote books. He was never the real deal about the stuff he wrote about. He also wouldn’t know and be allowed to know classified information like I was(a little) in my own military days. Words to the wise when you consider those who assume a position of authority in subject matter.
But you got to know something about the “1%” and how they live in the perfect PvE world. I’ve raided before in bad comps and badly skilled people, which makes it harder on each individual to carry through. It’s a lot easier when you have nigh-flawless people who get it done. For the plebeian Marks, it’s a lot of wipes and drama. I can and will talk to them [MMs of plebeian rank] on the level.
Alright boss, I love you and I get that you are trying to come at this from a place of power but we are so far away from actual good discussion about hunters (not even survival) that I think it’s worth it just to reset and begin conversation about it again.
Just real quick, away from the survival shenanigans, do you have any issues with marksman or BM? Or even the hunter tree?
And I want to stress, this is STRICTLY detailed with the current trees. I am not asking you to give a hunter perspective on the entire class as a whole. Mostly just certain talents that you do or do not like with MM/BM/Base Tree and why.
Wait wait, this dude who’s been junking up this forum with 500 posts per day about how they know so much about hunters doesn’t even have a level 70 toon? Are you kidding me???
Buddy, please get off the forums and, you know, actually go play the game. Jesus.
Inasmuch as still being able to solo virtually every bit of SL open-world content, things are actually working pretty well. I can even handle elite mobs in ZM on my own even though my tier set bonuses are off.
Uh, yeah. I’m actually trying to get off goldfarming on Retail so I’ll have more time for Classic and try as I might to get into some Steam games. Tokens are just stupid high right now. Lol I don’t want to keep doing SL dailies, even if I got up to 64 in Hellfire after two solid nights.
Edit: one more thought. DF is doing so badly that tomorrow, they’re trying to pull people out of D4 with an explosion of new Warlock options; almost all the races and a new imp. While we’re squabbling about this class, another class is about to tap into another game’s player pool. These are dark times indeed for Hunter, and coming from a 12-year Warlock main, that’s saying something.
As I recall, you’ve mentioned being involved in guidewriting. It seems as if your fellow colleague does not agree with your sentiment on the topic of mobility(no movement restrictions, in a PvE setting). While the writer focuses primarily on the topic of utility, he does make note of how it’s not common to consider a lack of movement restrictions as something worth taking into account when selecting classes/specs for PvE in general.
And, if I’m not mistaken, you appear to already have engaged in the comment section of that article. Out of curiosity, considering your stance on the topic of zero movement restrictions, how much of an advantage it is, do you disagree with that part of the article?
Mobility as Utility?
Often it is stated that the ability to cast while moving can be seen as a form of utility for Beast Mastery in raiding scenarios. The issue with this perspective is that it still all boils down to a numbers game. If another class can do the same job and do more damage in spite of the extra movement requirement, you would prefer that class. While many Hunters might have enjoyed disarming traps on Zskarn, this was more so a consequence of Aspect of the Turtle’s usefulness on this one fight. It is quite rare that you bring a class to a fight purely based on its ability to move and cast.
I will quote part of the paragraph you quoted at me.
Normally, it would be an advantage. With current tuning, it is not an advantage. Hypothetically, if Munitions was added as a 4th spec with full mobility, and it did such poor damage, I can’t imagine people would be too happy.
Conversely, if it was added with full mobility and very high damage, the rest of the DPS classes in the game would also not be too happy.
Whether people are “happy” or not, regarding something like this, how it is for another class, isn’t really the most important part here, is it? In the end, that part usually boils down to a matter of perception more so than anything else, something that article brought up as well.
If a spec is tuned to have a high performance in general, since most encounters do not heavily promote a lack of base movement restrictions as something which provide you with a huge advantage, numbers-wise, then it is after all not worth considering as a major factor towards said spec’s high general performance(?).
With that said, I can definitely agree with you that, specifically for PvP, the idea of having no movement restrictions should be taken into consideration when looking at our utility and defensives and, in a way, our damage as well. For the hypothetical case of a potential modern RSV spec that is. But again, that is something that can be handled through scaling modifiers and base ability design/contribution in PvP as an isolated area, can it not?