Oh well we trie

i guess we hunters dont paid for the expasion … i gues we free to play or our money is monopoly money … 367days since the last intern at the wow dev look at this forum … like did priest ,paladins,rouge ,mages did they pay twice the amount for the video game or what ups? can we get a cumbaya or a ugga bugga ? or something like bruh … also nice bm hunters got 10% increase dmg to one ability but is ok they reworking the other spec it be our turn once this goes to microsoft i hear they like hunters until then just cancel sub and chill


its a video game. stop crying and play something else already geeze


People like you is one of the reasons why the state of the game so bad atm.


This appears to be English, but it somehow makes my eyes bleed.


Wait. Are you suggesting that Hunter is F2P? If that’s the only class I play, why should I pay a sub for the “premium classes” I don’t really touch?

Much like Age of Empires Online, you had to pay to buy the “Premium Civs” such as the Celts and Persians. Greeks and Egyptians were the only two you could play for free without also purchasing premium content for those two. But if you’re saying Hunter was like that, then I obviously wasted a lot of gold, because gold farming is what I do in Retail these days as a Hunter.

poeple like you ? hmm a bit weep sus to type that .also how so ? go post on ya main beepe

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Want to see my main? Go look it up on EU

my eyes are bleeding
i don’t know what your native language is, but please just use google translate next time


Is this a chocolate cake recipe written in Sanskrit using English characters?


i think they’re saying basically “it’s been ages since blizzard gave hunters more than a cursory glance. did we all collectively imagine buying the expansion? is our money just monopoly money compared to the classes that are getting reworks? maybe it’ll be our turn once the microsoft deal goes through; i hear they like hunters. until then, we might as well unsub.”

idk what the cumbaya/ugga bugga part means. maybe it’s like… “can we have a bone thrown our way?” or “can blizzard at least talk to us for once?”


My translation of the first post (I can’t decipher the others):

Insert generic class whining with no punctuation, points of fact, or anything resembling normal English. Sprinkle in incoherent ramblings that almost make sense.


Ungabunga me big sads


Hunters have only gotten a handful of % damage buffs here and there because we don’t have a Hunter dev and you can’t change my mind. I’m convinced our left blizz mid beta and they never filled the role to save money.


There are no dedicated class devs anymore. You are correct that Hunters don’t have a dedicated dev. You are incorrect if you believe hunters are uniquely impacted by this since all classes share that same problem.

Do you have a source on dedicated class devs?

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The sentence from the originally post is still running… Lord Jesus. My eyes were craving a period in there and I started questioning my comprehension of the english language. Feel like my parses went down.

The same source you’d cite to prove your claim that hunters don’t have a dedicated developer.

So you simply don’t have one. And you’re saying I’m incorrect based on? I simply posted my opinion. Never implied it was official by any means.

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This is an opinion rather than a statement of fact?

If so, then so was this:

If you are making a claim, I bet we share the same sources.

My dad can beat up your dad tho. So what now?

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