Probably because Roic is far easier than WPvP, because ALL PvP is easier than ALL PvE.
Not to mention that in a raid as an example, it’s not ALL on the Marksman spec but the entire comp.
And would you suggest that everyone you beat doesn’t? Or that perhaps the other 1,099 Marks know more than you? What if I told you I COULD HAVE BEEN one of the true Forbes Top 100 types that can easily tell you you’re still lacking?
A feast for thought. I don’t know where you parse among the 1% though.
But when I start asking certain questions and get crickets…hmm…
I thought Bepples said you parsed 99% better than the other Marks. Is the math wrong about that?
Okay. 77th is respectable, but again, why are you not higher than this? *And this is not saying you’re bad, but it’s critical thinking: what do the higher 23 percentiles as it were have and do that’s higher than you?
Edit: And maybe I can get a quick show of hands. Am I the only one in this thread that actually went to university in real life?
No, pretty odd question to ask. A lot of people that play this game or in this community have completed their studies.
I really hope it hasn’t come across as this intense, but I don’t hate you or feel disdain for you. I think both of us are passionate people. I’m sure it was hard too when people (myself) were coming at you like that. I apologize if it seemed like I hate you or held any ill will, it truly is not that deep
I’m talking about the REAL THING, not partying it up at a diploma mill.
And it’s not odd because of the thought pattern. Because the real university experience gets you more personally motivated…
Of course I talk about Internet hate. I appreciate the kind words, because also if I hate MSV more, the stronger MSV gets because the Rule cuts both ways, aha. So if I don’t want MSV to be a thing, it’s in my best interest to hate it less…
I can reinforce that WPvP is the meanest it gets. FoO’s, /spit, nastygrams, and I saw enough of it. It has grizzled me. It’s somewhat comparible to Riggs vs. some Spriest(the video), and that’s the thing: not any one of us can say we’ve been under the thumbs of Dives. And for Hunters since Legion(all Hunters), it’s been Vietnam/Afghanistan. That’s what molds some.
It was not the first time I was told I was trash. It was not the first time I was moralized into actually “playing the real game”. It was not the first time I was called a furry when I played a vulp for a season. It was not the first time I was considered “low skill”. I’ve been through so much of this. I ganked a Glad and he got so bitter about how I took advantage of ganking him from vantage points. I was hated way more than I was loved, but I was Mickey Mouse in a manner of speaking. There’s other WPvP honorable mentions that had it worse…
Yes, I am sure a lot of people go to the ‘real thing’
I’m positive some people here—or at least myself—don’t like PvP at all and wPvP is so far down our list of game activities it can be seen as a non factor. I guess that can be kind of disheartening if people dismiss one of your interests like that
I’m sure that didn’t feel very nice for you. I’ve heard the PvP forums / gamers here can be very volatile and I believe you when you say you were not treated very nicely based on waht you played/who you ganked. If anyone is coming at you with that level of vitriol they should probably put the game down for a bit and relax
Heh, those who actually want to really make something of themselves, you bet.
It’s not disheartening that they dismiss it, but because they think it’s beneath them. But if they have that Mickey Rooney can-do attitude, that’s different, and better. Getting the W, or at least taking a D, is worthwhile from the embarrassment one would suffer.
A certain nelf DK that has hundreds of thousands of HKs from BGs, named after a, uh, “professional lady” called me trash. The hilarious part was that I fled the scene without getting counter-ganked. Sometimes it’s hilarious when you see where the insults come from. But those days are forever gone now in Retail. It’ll never be that ugly again, and I’m not sure Classic may deliver.
I’m a prospecting sort: getting called trash by someone whose toon is named after a corn star is not the same as getting called trash by someone who is more respectable, and perhaps even a popular streamer. If Asmongold called me trash as an example, that could go a long way in ruining my reputation, because a lot of people will take his side lol.
And sadly, while I have called MSV trash most recently, that came from personal resources and experiences. MSV is trash from me because:
It can’t global anything. Too slow of an instakiller.
It doesn’t get access to Lone Wolf for a damage boost that may come in handy when you just don’t want to deal with a pet.
Lack of defensives; Roar of Sacrifice being one of the terribaddest damage reduction CDs ever AND it requires an active pet.
No true immunities; while Turtle is good, you can still get slammed with DoTs and AoE. Essentially every bit of damage sticks to a Hunter.
Can’t use any defensives offensively. Turtle turns off your DPS. Feign Death turns off your DPS. Mending Bandage, as it must be channeled, turns off your DPS.
And of course, this is why I went to Marksman instead. One other spec I can think of that can do what MM can would be Destro, but Warlocks don’t have stealth capability yet and are a bit less mobile.
I see what you mean now, well 99% is a large range and some of the parses were as high as top 10 ranks and at that point kill times, procs etc can come into play.
Well some of it is external buffs, kill times prog kills vs farm kills, you don’t always get to do what does the most damage on prog. There is also the high variance of mm so sometimes u get unlucky on kill pulls.
What an odd question lmao no you’re not special and the only one who went to university.
This is a good thing
None of this is relevant for pve players and in terms of instanced pvp sv has done quite well in arena as a melee spec.
That’s also why I would lean more towards msty and vers. Because it’s all about that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble.
Well, the way I’ve been approaching this…now I know fewer of the male persuasion is not going to college anymore(and that’s more of the college’s fault), so I’m curious as if there was an educational barrier.
Yes and no? “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas,” basically. And I don’t deny that I’ve done my lion’s share of trashtalking(I kept it clean though) too. But I like to think that’s part and parcel of the true spirit of competition. People love the thrill of it, the whole “playing for keeps”. This is why Classic Hardcore is a thing now.
But I never knew that Leg, BFA, and SL–the worst three expansions for Hunter–would be the very last expansions of true competitive PvP spirit for Retail.
Right, and I showcased my thought pattern. A petless MSV that can use defensives offensively and could just waste someone under 10 secs, the optimal numbers being 3-5? I would have explored that more.
It makes the ROGUES jealous, and we haven’t even gotten there yet. I’ve had Rogues getting salty with me at beating them at their own game(sometimes). Hunter vs. Rogue is a hit or a miss, but the funny thing is that Rogues cannot STAND stealth Hunters and because we have flares, traps, and a better nondetectable stealth.
And you’d be wrong to and I’d feel bad for anyone who listened to you as you have no idea on the topic.
Hmm this doesn’t sound very spirit of competition and more people with big egos and toxic personalities over wpvp in a video game where 99% of the playerbase doesn’t even care for that content.
Ok but you didn’t and you haven’t in DF either so you are coming from a place where you are uneducated on the matter and it’s silly.
Or…I never hated Bepples and I can sometimes agree or disagree with a post without blanket loving or hating them based on the poster. Crazy right? Also, my opinion ≠ everyone’s opinion. Lastly, you have odd delusions of grandeur. I don’t think you’re quite as important or as influence as you believe you are.
Edit: you come across as weird. Bepples is clearly thoughtful, and maybe just a little too direct at times. I’m not going to lie, if your posts are serious, they are a bit “off” (that’s the most charitable way I can put it)
Yeah, let’s rely on procs. Let’s rely on crapshoots, because that’s how we win.
“Dumb, dumb, so dumb…” --Donald Trump
When you don’t want to be a ghost…it’s a big deal. When you don’t want to rage QQ–like I have forced plenty–out of Stormwind City, it’s quite a big deal…
I wasn’t going to talk about Hello Kitty Island Adventure. I already had a thread or two about that, I’m sure, that got discontinued a while back. But I was talking more about the Era of Borrowed Power, because we don’t know what’s going to affect Hunters in the here and now, and the foreseeable future because of Aug spec and so on.
I don’t remember seeing you then all that much.
But hey, here comes someone like me that, by comparison to Bepples, might have actually earned distinction in the Hunter class. And everyone should know what that distinction is. When you’ve done something NOBODY ELSE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS DONE BEFORE, that’s going to set you apart from everyone else that hasn’t done it.
And now, with cities being ghost towns and all that Hello Kitty, it might as well be a Feat of Strength to get 2,500 HKs in cities solo.
The key aspect with me is distinction: if you’re not a world-firster in anything, you’re not allowed at the clubhouse as a fellow member. Bepples can be one of the best Hunters, but he’s not world-first, he has to go stand outside the clubhouse lol.
And the glory of world’s first is forever, so long as Retail still exists!
The dumb thing is you thinking you know better than raidbots also weird choice of person to quote.
I think you missed my point so I’ll reiterate being toxic is not spirit of competition its being toxic.
No there have been plenty of examples of you pretending to be an expert on current hunter including you thinking you know better than raidbots on how to gear my character in 10.1.