Nope I’m perfectly happy with what I’ve done on my hunter and don’t need to pretend I’m something I’m not.
Then you need to stay in your lane.
Take your own advice? I’m sure you will plenty of people like yourself in the classic forums and wish you the best with it.
Okay. If you’re happy where you are, you need to RESPECT the same in others. Because I’m more than happy to be where I am. Because you’re petulantly acting like you got a problem with others. Handle it.
And yea, I wouldn’t be acting like you on the Classic forums. Not when I’m starting over as a new student.
Firstly, its different because I’m not trying to pretend to be something I’m not which you have been. Secondly, how are you going to try and preach respect when these are things you’ve said in this thread.
Bit hypocritical no?
Ok off you go then please and thank you.
Respect is EARNED.
You do the same. Btw, you might want to do something about your low Mastery. 2k unbuffed compared to 4.9k crit and 4.1k haste? That’s not how Marks gears up.
You’re welcome for that btw.
Respect is a 2 way street and again for the umpteenth time you have done nothing to ‘earn’ everyone’s respect.
Lmaooooo I use sim myself on raidbots but sure pretend you know everything once again. Another prime example of pretending you’re an expert when you are actually clueless.
I certainly won’t earn respect from the WRONG people, if you want to be more specific on that. To earn THEIR respect? What idiocy is needed for it?
Yeah, you can sim yourself. It doesn’t mean you know what you’re doing on gearing. And such low Versatility too while we’re at it. Yeah, doubtless you’re a novice at Marks.
Yeah ok you are actually clueless and once again showing you have no idea about retail hunter or retail in general given your thoughts on simming lmao. How can you spew such crap and then preach about how you deserve respec? You are truly a nutter.
If you’ve already gotten 20’s down you would be content to sit on your duffer, so there’s no point in going much farther, is there? Grats for you that you somehow got there by hook or crook. Must be nice to have good “friends”.
But you’re going to be in for a rude awakening for PvP, what PvP there is.
In m+ not really probably going to make an alt but I am currently progressing mythic sarkareth so still pushing in that regard.
Are you implying I’m boosted lol
Don’t care for pvp which is why I follow my sims and am geared for PvE crazy concept I know.
Don’t be surprised if you hear something similar to what I told you. I know that Haste is not quite as dumpy as it used to be, but that’s leaving a lot of raw-cut damage on the table without that Msty and Vers. We have procs again now, so I understand Haste’s somewhat important again. I’ve been there before with BFA.
Only that you’re a greenhorn. It would take sponsorship.
In case you change your mind, you better stockpile Msty/Vers pieces.
Edit: Since people don’t believe that I don’t respect the real deal, here’s people like
[Ðurostar - Character (](h ttps://
[Cashmeowside - Character (](h ttps://
These are two of THE BEST Marksmen in the business. How are they gearing? So for PvE, it wouldn’t look like Haste is really that important. But these two gents go REALLY HEAVY on Msty and Vers, particularly Vers since for PvP but I would like to keep Msty and Vers at the same level if I could.
based on what lol
They aren’t doing PvE you can literally check the raid and m+ tabs in the profiles YOU linked.
Again stop pretending you know better than raidbots you don’t.
Nice assumption and once again 0 basis for your claim xD
Watch their stuff on YouTube. They are celebrities.
Well no, but they understand how the class/spec works. That’s all that’s needed.
Have you even simmed yourself with different stat weights? Because I know that the sim only gives you an output for an input.
Yeah, because you went to Icy Veins and you copypastaed what you needed without looking at the stuff critically. 0 basis to stop my argument dead in its tracks and go, “Oh hey, he’s right. I gotta stack Haste and Crit now!”
Yeah, someone who’s been doing this for over 6 years. Give me a break.
lmao you can’t be serious? Your whole point was about their gear and how they are geared for pve but they aren’t doing pve so why or how would they be geared for pve.
stat weight sims have been irrelevant for a while now you are really showing how out of touch you are.
huh? the only one not thinking critically is you which is evident by your “Look how these people who aren’t doing the same content as you are gearing” spiel.
And not well, you did some small keys in SL and thats it, the last time you full cleared a normal raid was WoD. Why are you trying to be an authority on something you are clueless about?
Because DAMAGE. RAW DAMAGE. Marksman has never been about a multiplicity of attacks but attacks that hit hard each time. It’s the way the spec has been designed for eons beyond remembrance now. Not a whole lot has changed.
Oh, really? Do tell. I know that BiS is still a thing and that’s all because of the primary stat. But when you can’t get BiS you have to COMPENSATE for the lack of Agi. Just because a slightly higher ilvl piece has a little more Agi doesn’t mean it trumps the other piece by weight.
You’re trying to shame me into believing you’re right and you know what you’re doing. lowers mouth into mic WRONG. I won’t have it, dude. You can pull that crap on someone else, but that won’t fly with me.
First off smart guy, I don’t specialize in M+. Sometimes for the weekly quest or upon request from others, I’ll tag along and do a few. Pugging M+ is also a cancer. I never bothered pushing because it gets stupidly political and I’m a gamer first and a politician second.
And I gave up raiding. What about it? You’re going up against a computer that does the same thing every time. Much of it is a comp and gear check, along with the boss mechanics. Whoopie.
Even so, it doesn’t hurt to listen to other people and take advice from other people. A true master never stops learning. This isn’t your crappy outcome-based education from K12, this is REAL TEACHING here.
Ok but guess how I know what does the most RAW DAMAGE? The raidbots website not listening to randos.
Ok I’ll bite, top gear and droptimizer do it all but better, instead of running a stat weight sim which spits out a value of how much x amount more stat gives y amount more damage (which then changes as soon as your stats change), I can run a top gear sim select all the gear I have and then it runs thousands of iterations and spits out the highest damage combination to wear. Now in terms of gear I don’t have yet they have a feature called droptimizer which lets me sim all the possible pve drops and then it again runs thousands of iterations and spits out which items are upgrades and by how much.
Then provide a shred of evidence that you are right? Except you can’t have failed to do so time and time again on this thread.
You just admitted you don’t engage in PvE content and the last time you full cleared a raid was 2015 thats 8 years ago. You are completely out of touch with PvE in wow and the fact that you think you have anything to offer is ridiculous.
You’re making a choice taking it from a computer than a human. Hopefully it’s the right one, or people like me will have to try harder to carry you through enctrs.
I’m really going to TUNE OUT. I’m sick and tired of hearing this crap. It’s all you people say! I DON’T CARE. STOP saying that, everyone. Shut up about evidences: go and do the damned research yourself! I CAN’T DO IT FOR YOU.
Now my nerves are really getting wrecked. I’m going to tune out of that. I don’t want to hear it! I gave you what I have and what I know. TAKE IT, OR LEAVE IT. SHUT UP.
*The reason why it dragged on is because you people can’t stop begging. Stop begging. Go and do the work. Stop pulling my leg and asking me to do everything for you. Just go and do it.
It is the right choice and anyone worth listening to would agree with me. You are more than welcome to look at my logs if you think I need carrying though and to suggest people like you are capable of carrying is hilarious.
The reason it dragged on is because normal people have evidence to support their claims. You keep spouting crap with nothing to support it and then when people point that out you stick your head in the sand. I truly hope you aren’t this insufferable in person.
And Hunters like you failed to try and give people like the OP hope. You couldn’t even sell it to Lastvirgil. And everyone gave him crap. Nobody cared about how and why he was hurting. First thing I said:
Because Bepples cares.
A lot more than I have posted, I actually READ much of Bepples’ stuff. And despite that he gives plenty of this beloved, so-coveted “evidence” stuff, people still hated his guts. Even if the right evidence is given, people still won’t take the L and keep on arguing against it.
I then went on to say that MSV was a failed project. I tolerated it, but again, I understood the impact it had on the entire community.
The thing is: the OP criticized that those who played better DPS class/specs paid higher prices, as if a “pay-to-win” arrangement, and the Hunter players’ money wasn’t as good. He would have wanted to cancel his sub and chill. And what does it help when there’s “Hunters” that ridicule him?
There are Hunters that legitimately care, those with experience, those who soldiered on through the hard times. Others that want to put them down are those I don’t want here. I’d wish they’d RR or QQ. Plenty of them are MSV enthusiasts. And right now with this idea of some new “support” type role, it’s crucial right now because this can bar Hunters out of the endgame.
If we can’t compete in damage, utility, whatever such, in any range type for that matter, that’s it. Complete discontinuation. *When Hunters mope and cry on the forums, and the wrong people give the wrong advice, that destroys the class. Edit: I carried a torch for this class and the Marks spec when the easy thing to do back then was QQ, when it was BM or bust, which meant I picked up skills and knowledge that kept me going WITHOUT QQing, having racked up over 200 days played now. That just doesn’t happen organically. That had to have meant I did a few things right, if not a whole lot of things right.
I was on my own. I had nobody who knew more than me, who played it longer than me, rooting for me. I picked myself up by my bootstraps and figured it out. So I couldn’t care less for the petulant attitudes I get. Because not long after I started maining Hunter, that was easy and that was everywhere.