Oh well we trie

Call it what you want, but like I said, I still mained Hunter since Leg until the present day. So I read and watched how SV unfolded, or should I say, folded like a cheap lawn chair over the years. You have to get to know ME and where I CAME from on the subject matter. I won’t disavow or deny that I did show full solidarity for RSV, but I know that I have to pick my battles. I practically knew it since Day 1 MSV was total dog doo and nothing significant really changed it…

But you know, I thought 6 years of this was enough. Maybe it’s high time MSV became something GOOD, and I mean esoterically. I don’t want to hear from the dummkopfs that just want to accept the status quo, even to think that MSV is really something, because that line of thinking never did anything. It didn’t even stop the progressive trends towards RSV like what we’ve seen starting as early as BFA.

I’m still ride-or-die with Marksman regardless, but if RSV wins this, I can be on board just like I was with Mad Bombardier a bit.

So no, you completely blanked your mind out of the entire legacy of ashes. And you can thank Ion for it too by the way. You want to talk about who’s REALLY obtuse, you can start with him. I saw which way the wind blew early on and avoided to main SV like the plague, while at the same time dominating the very, very, very few SVs I saw in holy 1v1 WPvP combat.

I already told you how I would concede, “fellow” “Hunter”.

If you never mained Marks, I’d rather not hear this from you either.

He can get away with it only by virtue that he might have mained Hunter exclusively. I was out and about with different classes, having started as a Warlock(who got Black Harvest btw). So I had nothing against him on that, but what did I say to him? 50 days played in the class will get you “Hello” from me. So far he didn’t object.

Because the dirty little secret is that you do anything that’s worthwhile mentioning in a few tens of days. This is an MMO, last time I checked. I heard that this genre rewards those who PUT THE MOST TIME INTO IT. So I can be a butthole if I want to and practically shut the door in anyone’s face who didn’t play the class long enough and that’ll be the end of that.

I bet Furor thought he was untouchable too.

Or a rather big WHEN.

You mean the sim was missing that, and yes, that’s too bad. Because otherwise, I’d give you an accurate Patchwerk DPS number.

Good! You more than earned it!

Don’t act like it was some “secret” that you can swap weapons, but it’s just an extra button and something like a global to make sure you have the right weapon equipped. I gladly reserve the right to be arrogant to those deserving of it.

We can’t do it on Raidbot, so we’ll have to do it the regular ol’ fashioned way sometime. But you didn’t think I was serious about simming myself in SV kit with a 2Her vs. a ranged weapon? I knew about the popular website and I used it before.

What do you think happens to the thirst when ability doesn’t follow? It’s an attitudinal thing. And what people understand is what they understand; without thirst they are resigned and fall behind.

“The teacher can teach, but the student must learn.”

I tell you what, the upcoming Microsoft acquisition? It would be amazing to see how that could effectuate the right things. Firing Ion wouldn’t be a bad first thing of order. Getting a solid class dev team for all classes would be just as Gucci.

No one needs it more than Hunters, for darn sure.

I can only laugh at the pitiable SV mains from 6.0 to 9.2.5 and 10.0-10.1. BMs and the blue moon Marks soldiered on.

Well, it deals strong damage. The only thing it’s missing is mandatory utility, like every other melee DPS has.

Having ranged abilities does not make a “progressive trend” towards switching to Ranged DPS. Otherwise ( I don’t know why you keep ignoring this) the specs I listed above have the same “trend towards Ranged DPS”

If you keep avoiding showing any evidence this is a pointless discussion.

Cool, I have that title too and it’s utterly meaningless for this discussion.

I mean, that’s the only thing you seem capable of doing. you haven’t provided any evidence otherwise.

Absolutely nothing to do with the current discussion

Irrelevant, he’s the director now and he said no specs are experiencing a shake up :slight_smile:

You can do the same thing the sim does right now. Tell me the damage your Arcane Shot and Steady Shot in game do and you can compare it to the numbers I gave you earlier, as well as the numbers your Mongoose Bite would do.

You’ve still not bothered to show me a single counter to my points, other than being rude to me.

Sure you have the right, but there’s no value behind it. You keep changing what your point is.

I’m still waiting

For political reasons, no doubt.

This is the HUNTER forums. Not the Paladin forums. Not the Shaman forums. Not the Warrior or Rogue forums. You are devoid of understanding history that when Legion launched, we LOST ONE RDPS. We didn’t gain another RDPS until Evoker, so you understand that took six years to do that.

And now it’s quite dumb that Blizzard is talking about adding a new role when we’ve already been there too. Bring the class, not the player…

You being a MSV fan made this pointless before you even made the first post to me. How about that? And you’re still here. I thought maybe I’d be nice and polite this time around to a six-year clown speccer.

Interesting. Congrats, by the way, but I wonder exactly WHEN did you get it before the deadline. Because plenty of Warlocks could have easily outgeared it in 5.3 top gear and smoked Kanrethad in a good couple of minutes.

At this stage, it’s probably the only thing I want to do. I haven’t been gone that long either, but I’m not seeing much in the way of ambition. Not that I blame some people, because DF is practically a full-fledged PvE experience. If you want the real PvP action, it’s Classic WoW or somewhat else.

It means that the true authority that decides things can be changed in a good, hot, bombshell moment. When Microsoft starts to assess the situation critically, they’re going to see who is pulling their weight and who isn’t. If someone at Blizzard who decides MSV shall be a thing isn’t pulling their weight…

You have to understand that it was because of Furor that made Warriors supreme. That DRAMATICALLY changed practically in the blink of an eye when Wrath hit.

For now.

The sim is more public and transparent. You wouldn’t trust me to get the numbers from the game on my side of it.

Until you give up that poo-eating spec you love so much, I think I will continue to be rude and not show counters to your point. You can decide to accept my rudeness or move on.

I would let this go if I were you. You know how I will answer you from now on. Here’s a quarter and call someone who cares.

Keep waiting, then.

What? The entire class is missing unique utility dude. That’s not unique to SV at all.

It doesn’t matter. You’re saying “well SV has ranged abilities so that means it’s going to be Ranged” equally applies to the specs I mentioned.

Why are you pretending like I don’t know what happened? I’ve been playing since 2006 I know we lost a ranged DPS in Legion. Doesn’t impact anything we’re talking about.

Okay, so if talking with MSV people is pointless feel free to leave the thread. You aren’t contributing, you aren’t engaging in civil discourse, you aren’t trying to prove your point. You’re just crying that some people prefer melee and in typical RSV fashion, upset about something that changed nearly a decade ago.

Pretty sure this is what I did because I didn’t main Warlock in MoP. I wanted the special title so I rolled a Warlock to get it. Looks like I got the feat of strength on October 14th 2014. No idea what patch that was.

Again, completely irrelevant to what we’re talking about

Okay, so stick to classic and don’t waste your time upset at retail? Kind of silly to start an argument you have no intention or capability of finishing.

Why do you keep bringing up ancient history?

The acquisition hasn’t even been confirmed yet.

Yes, which means taking what he says to be valued is a reasonable thing. It is not reasonable to say “well if I was in charge he’d be fired so nothing he says matters”

I have no reason to think you’re lying to me especially because the attack power % of all the abilities are also public information.

Sounds about right for an RSV fanboy :wink:

We’re almost done, dude. Just another shining example.

Like I said, I was out of it for a good 90 percent of it. This is not standard fare from me. If I’ve been busy playing some 35 hours a week during BFA(example) and what other projects I had going, I don’t have the time nor the inclination to discuss SV material with a bunch of buttclowns who were already failing in anything. I give my props to those who have, and there are honorable mentions there.

I was never a friend to MSV, but I gave it enough of an open mind. Perhaps to be fair, to understand. And I’ll be glad to see MSV keep failing. I hope it does fail if the job’s not done right. And even when the job’s done right, plenty of other melee will hope that MSV fails.

You didn’t strike me as one of the first Warlocks to get it when 5.2 was live, was my reaction to it. Sure, it’s not a big deal, but when I mention it, it would have more weight than others that just simply went and outgeared it because I got it done in May 2013. So I wasn’t necessarily world-first there, but I might as well have been world-second.

But you did get it, and that speaks volumes. So you would be worth something to me. In the Warlock persuasion, that goes longer than a “Hello” from me as well.

I’m here to show solidarity and help REAL Hunters as I promised I would do, because not all Hunters do WPvP. MSV fans can go fly a kite, but I’m here for these: RSV fans, BMs, and MMs.

Because facts are stubborn things and I already know you don’t want to deal with that. You’d rather deflect like you’ve been doing this entire time and simply testing me to see how far I would go. Well, you earned my rudeness instead.


Haha. O sweet summer child that doesn’t understand the professional world and how it can and does work out that way. But I know Microsoft will want to look at RESULTS. If Retail continues to be a flop–like all this 50% discount spam–some certain heads will roll.

I don’t believe that, sorry.

It gets better than that: I’m PROUD of it. The only reason why this is happening right now is because for the first time in practically, almost NEARLY FOREVER, RSV has a chance of winning. I had the same line of commentary around 9.2.5 as well, and in 10.0 when Blizzard got rid of it.

I can pick my battles. So I came out of the woodwork, as it were, and I don’t care how much that offends MSV. I’m glad you were disgusted about 9.2.5; that showed you where you stood and where I stood. We were never going to be friends in the class unless I honestly gave everything you needed and wanted, but I skulked in the shadows without giving MSV any more support than to say I tried it out. So no one can say I didn’t even try to taste it.

Or the ability, apparently. You just keep bringing up baseless claims then get mad when people prove you wrong, then you say “well this doesn’t count.” Maybe you should just stop responding so much if you “don’t have the time.”

None of what you’re saying here about Warlocks matters

“no true scotsman!” etc etc. People who play SV are just as “real” as people who play BM or MM.

Do you know the top all star on WCL right now for the raid is a SV hunter?

Typical RSV. Bringing up things from more than a decade ago and get mad when people point it out that nostalgia doesn’t really matter. SV has been melee since 2016 and it will continue to be melee whether you like it or not.

In your made up fantasy world where the Microsoft acquisition has been confirmed, you think that Microsoft would look at the popular of Survival Hunters (and not the 3 specs below it) and decide that SV is the problem?

You don’t believe that the attack power coefficients are all public information? Why?

No it doesn’t lol you’re just repeating the very first point you made and ignored what the director says.

What “Chance” are you talking about? It does no damage. It brings nothing to the table. Even Bepples agrees with me.

This is a TREAT for me. But treats don’t really last. In a time NOT TOO LONG BEFORE NOW, so we hope, the talent revamp will come and change the dynamic of discourse completely. So this may even be the last few rare moments I can say something about this before it becomes old news.

Here, or there? I made the switch to Hunter in the strangest of circumstances.

I won’t recognize them as real until the Blues do what needs to be done as I already said umpteenth times. And that’s the best I can do.

Good for him/her that he/she has such fine epic sponsorship. I’m so proud of that one’s, uh, “friends” looking after him/her and giving him/her priority on loot. And all the same, we don’t know anything about how long he/she played as Hunter and what he/she did in that time.

I already knew you were going to reduce the argument to that. I predicted this answer. That’s how much I know. But at least you know I’ve chosen a side. And I’m already on the right side of history on this.

You must not be read up on the news because this was announced last year, and it’s been in litigation since. You wonder why I’m being so rude with you, this is also it. I’m operating at more of a mature adult level, because the outside world has an IMPACT on one’s ability to engage in pastimes. I know that for anyone younger than 25 or 30, that’s hard to conceptualize. But it is what it is. I have more of a reason to look at this stuff on the side than I used to have.

It’s going to be more than just SV. They may decide to delete Hunters altogether if they understand that this will help GROW the game, as in pruning a tree. Who knows what they have in mind? Go to their forums and talk about it with them.

No. See, wrong again. I don’t believe you saying that I don’t have a reason to lie to you. Of course I do! You’ve been saying I’m obtusely trying to make RSV look good and being rude about it. That can be worth ANY LIE I can conjure up. But is that the way I want to win this, though…?

What if I told you that everybody has been largely ignoring him, mainly because he has a lawyer background. He’s literally “Slick Willie” Bill Clinton with the “That depends on what the meaning of the word is, is,” and that frustrates people. Lawyers by professional reputation alone are sinister communicators.

In other words, Ion isn’t going to give it to you straight. When was the last time you knew of a lawyer that gave it to you straight? When was the last time most of us even dealt with a lawyer at all? You don’t trust people like Ion, particularly at their word. That’s not really a personal dig on him, but again: maybe he should have chosen something else other than Law for our benefit.

You didn’t consider what he was really arguing, because I didn’t disagree with him. He’s 110% correct and has been. He knows that all it takes is a leadership change, and me knowing what has happened to certain devs that threw their weight around controversially AFFECTING classes, specs, and roles, the same things that happened to Tigole, Furor, Caydiem, Kalgan, etc. can very well happen to Ion. His smarty lawyer mouth can only get him so far.

Bepples was closed minded; I was open minded. That’s the key difference. He was right like I was right, but I was more prospecting than hard-judgmental. I wanted to see exactly what will happen, and I did, both in-game and out. I was looking at the prima facie stuff like 10.1 tier set bonus, 9.2.5 tier set bonus, and the overall 40-43 yd range resolutions that were not there at the first in Leg. I’m looking at the little things too, tiny possibilities. Great things from small beginnings, yea?

His apologetics were S-tier, make no mistake. And it garnered him plenty of enemies. Just like I garnered enemies for telling it like it is in my own subject matter choices.

I’m sus about the constant discounts for Dragonflight, because this has never happened before in Retail quite like this. That’s why I don’t want to touch it, get to 70, and see what I can do. Not to mention the lack of WPvP opportunities.

So I wouldn’t appreciate being baited to go and buy it. If someone even gifted me DF, I might take offense to that. It has to be el cheapo for a reasono.

We can only hope! You’ve not really brought anything of substance up in this entire conversation.

Good thing you don’t have any authority or important presence, nor does your opinion matter more than someone else’s. What if I said “MM doesn’t count as a Real Hunter Spec because of Lone Wolf?”

You would rightfully think that’s insane to say.

Yup, typical RSV fan. “Well, it doesn’t matter that MSV is strong. It’s because of this or that or the other thing. I will not look into this at all and instead move the goalpost more”

According to whom? Just seems like you’re an old angry person yelling at strangers on the internet who have a different opinion than you from something removed from the game going on 8 years ago.

What a ridiculous claim to make. The FTC filed an injunction and they were just in court last week. If it’s not concluded by the 18th of July, the acquisition does not happen.

Okay so then prove me wrong? Show me the numbers that make you think against all math and reason that RSV is competitive.

Sounds like that’s on them. If you want to ignore what the director says and get mad that your delusions aren’t a reality, that’s on you

Open minded to what? Your whole point has been proven wrong several times over and when asked for any sort of counter argument all you say is “no you are wrong” without bothering to prove your point.

And the game has never had a higher retention rate.

You know…you repeat yourself.

Would I? The petless option was actually NOVEL. It provided new play opportunities. I even considered SV that way too. “Lone Wolf” for SV would have been Guccier for my consideration.

Handling a pet in PvP is a bit tricky. I would argue more in favor of simply having more power in your toon’s hands. That’s what drew me to MM in the first place: I can be a “ranged Rogue”. People have even said the same thing and thought I was crazy for trying to play like a Rogue. So I could permit it.

Haha. I was an almost-hardcore ganker. Do you think I was going to convert to MSV just like that? First off, I never had access to the best gear. I had no sponsors. Nobody thought I would dominate in WPvP if I had the right stuff and would bother selling it to me.

You wanted to know what’s up? Nobody ever convinced me SV was better than MM, and worth going that way more, mainly because nobody cared to. “You should push MSV. It ganks better,” said absolutely-zero nobody.

I’m only old that I actually was here since 1.7…


It took twisting your arm getting this much out of you. You’re quite the glutton for punishment. My knuckles are getting sore.

I’m not going to dig up my old forum history for you, if only because I had different name changes in that time and I’m not sure my old posts or threads that are still there. I’m not sure Bepples remembers what I said, even, but he can tell you we never argued against each other.


That’s why I was given free trial periods of DF up the wazoo, and constant periods of discounted sales.

When it was a FACT that SL OUTSOLD DF at launch. I don’t know what you’re talking about by retention as it seems SL retention is quite terribad. You must be talking about first-timers in DF, but that’s what’s called recruitment. Retention is a matter of whether they will stay, particularly until the next expansion.

A lot of it has to do with scandal and wokeness. I don’t think we need to get into that more here as it speaks for itself.

I guess I can keep getting the repeated, rehashed “you didn’t prove me wrong, didn’t counter, move goalposts, waiting on evidence, blah blah” replies, etc. And quite frankly, I don’t care about continuing to be rude to you anymore. I never really cared because I can go to other threads and advance discussions like I already did today. You’re just lucky I don’t know what your actual Hunter toon is and the principle that I could smoke your MSV in a clean gank. I’m sure you felt brave picking on the semi-retired and seeing if they would entertain a WPvP resolution to your mouth.

I’ll defer to the real Hunter professionals for that still in active service.

And that’s the thing, dude. I don’t care what you do. I just laugh and scorn the MSV puppets that don’t have anything to show for the last six years before I get tired of acknowledging their invalid existence. I care about what I can do, and what I can do is relearn Hunter from the ground up to get ready for Classic Cata, to see exactly how I can dominate in WPvP before I started in WoD.

Well, when you repeat yourself over and over I figured that was okay.

Petless Hunter is “novel” but melee hunter is a “mistake”?

Doesn’t matter

Very few people care about wpvp or consider it an important activity

What are you talking about? You keep acting like the acquisition went through and I told you it didn’t. What’s the punishment there? Are you okay?

Much like everything you’ve said in this thread, this is irrelevant to what we’re talking about.

That has nothing to do with what we’re talking about

:roll_eyes: this speaks volumes

Why do you pretend to care about reasonable discussion when this is all your rhetoric boils down to? You only focus on people calling you out and not any sort of actual discussion they’re having. At least Bepples will attempt to discuss things before he gets banned again.

Each time you bump it, I have a chance to explain my views. You understand I wasn’t talking just to you, but to you, through you, around you, and about you. I said plenty in a very short time. The thread could be archived just for that, because I’m not taking back anything I said. It’s all on the record.

You thought I would make the wrong mistake…as if I came onto the forums yesterday. Ah well. Anyway…

You got more threads to look at about disgruntled Hunters pessimistic of the future. They’re not taken to raids, they’re being ignored on patches, etc… Go motivate and encourage them since you’re so much better argued than me, since you think you’re the better Hunter.

It’ll be interesting sport to see how far you get.

Yet you never take the chance :stuck_out_tongue: You just get progressively more confused that someone would disagree with you.

Each time you reply to me, you’re also bumping the thread and show the 2 people lurking that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

I’m not going to lie to them. In a top level competitive environment, there’s no reason to bring a Hunter right now. 10 out of 13 classes have a unique buff, DK has grip/amz on top of that, and even Enhancement brings WFT. Unless Hunter is tuned to deal the highest damage (it isn’t) you just don’t need to bring a Hunter

Why would that happen? If you disagree with me, there has to be a VERY IMPORTANT reason for it.

Again, that goes back to who I am and what I’ve done in the class. I might as well let it on more that I’m still somebody important.

That’s good. Isn’t that why we should be here, to show solidarity and support the class?

you are truly delusional if you believe this

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You would be delusional if you claimed you were my equal or better, because that’s not going to be many. Not even close.

I think it would be plenty tbh, no one cares about wpvp or your ‘achievements’ and it certainly doesn’t give you a pass to make sweeping statements about the class as if they are fact with 0 evidence to support the claim. I really don’t understand why you are in the retail forums you don’t even own the current expansion and offer no valuable input.

Yeah, you’re delusional. Do you want to know how I deal with delusional people? *Here it is: I will have discourse with those I believe are CAPABLE of it, often with the benefit of the doubt. If I didn’t believe you were capable of understanding, I’ll tell you flat out: I wouldn’t say a thing. And I’m fairer about this than a lot of people.

Because I can tell who’s willing to learn and gain something from those who just want to make assumptions from a pretense of superiority.

Isn’t this what you’ve been doing the whole thread?

No I’m just telling it how it is you seriously need to get over yourself and stop thinking that you are special or somehow an elite hunter its cringe and ridiculous.

There’s a difference. I actually walked the walk.

Do you hate me for it because it makes you feel small and insecure? You need to get over that and go get that Hunter grind.