Okay, go ahead. You don’t even need to log in to see the lose you get from only using Arcane Shot instead of Mongoose Bite. You don’t need to log in to see you physically can’t use Butchery with a bow, so you would lose the damage from Butchery as well as the 5 seconds of free cooldown you get from Butchery.
Look at it like this.
You cast Arcane Shot two times with a full Focus bar and spend 80 Focus. On my Hunter, each Arcane Shot deals around ~20k. This would be around ~40k damage from Arcane Shot and 2 seconds of WFB CDR
You can use Mongoose Bite twice for 60 Focus, which provides the same 2 seconds of WFB CDR. My Mongoose Bite is doing ~26k (reduced by armor) but the second will do 15% more due to Mongoose Fury. However, during Mongoose Bite, I am also using auto-attacks which reduces the cooldown of WFB through Lunge, which gives me an extra second of WFB cd
So, in single target alone, RSV is doing 2 x 20k Arcane damage, spending 80 Focus, and receiving 2 seconds of WFB CDR. MSV is doing 1 x 26k, and 1 x 26k ( * 1.15) damage, spending 60 Focus, and receiving 3 seconds of WFB CDR (60 Focus spent + 1 second from Lunge)
So melee would do more damage with the spender, spend less Focus doing it, and get more CDR for WFB.
In AoE, RSV has no options to reliably spend Focus.
MSV has access to 3 stacks of Butchery, each costing 30 Focus. My Butchery does ~18k (reduced by armor) to each target hit. Each target hit by Butchery reduces the CD of WFB by 1 second up to 5 seconds, on top of the CDR from the 4pc on top of auto attacking with Lunge. Even in a two target situation, the bare minimum for AoE, you are spending 60 Focus (two uses of Butchery) and getting 2 seconds of CDR through the 4 piece bonus, 4 seconds of CDR through Frenzy Strikes, and at least 1 second of CDR through Lunge, which is 2+4+1 (7 seconds) of CDR that RSV has no access to
So in conclusion, MSV spends less Focus to do more damage, yet gets more CDR on WFB, so gets more frequent Bombs.
(this isn’t even factoring in the loss of damage RSV gets from no benefits from Bloodseeker or Internal Bleeding)