Yes it is, during the Legion shaman questline.
Well, no one seems to say that around, and I aint shaman. Nor any of my alts are.
Since you are, I might believe you. I am not like our friend Volkswagen.
But I do know Warcraft “new team” seems to be cleaning up old lore to make up stuff.
I am unable to find old content I used to have in my favorites, and the edit log from websites seems to be “strangely” missing older versions.
Sounds like Blizzard retconning the story to fit in with their conflicting storylines to me…
That same page used to say magic was forbidden.
Mak’gora was a blessed weapon and a loincloth to the death. That’s it.
That’s why the movies follow the old rules. Duncan Jones doesn’t work for Blizzard.
It never said magic was forbidden.
Even the mak’gora between Cairne and Garrosh using the ‘traditional rules’ didn’t forbid magic. Not that a rule like that needed to be enforced as neither of the fighters wielded magic of any sort. The rules of the mak’gora between Cairne and Garrosh were as follows:
- One weapon was allowed (and that weapon could be blessed by a shaman)
- No body armor or clothing, only a loincloth was permitted.
- Each participant must have one witness.
- The fight was to the death.
Those were the rules, and by all means if you have the book, look it up. You won’t find any passages forbidding magic.
Hell, Thrall and Garrosh’s first mak’gora happened before Cairne and Garrosh’s mak’gora, and in that first mak’gora, Thrall was using elemental magic against Garrosh, yet no one called him a cheat despite the mak’gora being held in a large arena full of spectators.
I can hear the “muh Chronicles” weeping in the distance …
Uhhh …
Voljin … getting stabbed … once … which it barely shows.
Arthas, a human paladin …
Jaina? Anduin? Genn?
There are more, I’m sure. Those are the ones which stick out to me.
You can tip my secretary on the way out.
P.S. You’re wrong. Thanks for playing though.
It did.
You’re wrong.
Cry more.
One of the most powerful factors that weighted heavy in my decision to abandon WoW was exactly the fact that as a horde player, you are often demanded to do things that you wouldnt, no matter how much you would hate your “fellow hordes”.
Some are not only self deprecating, they are actually dumb for a horde character to do.
And yes, I know how it is to be an Alliance player, and I know they have moments to do things out of “Alliance ethos”, but those things in the Alliance are never detrimental to the Alliance, they are just not in their interest.
Horde players are obliged to do things that actually go against the Horde.
To sting the people, yet that I was informed they dont like it:
In FF I play an Elezen, which is basically an Elf. Something I would never in WoW. Because if writers love Alliance, then they would die for Elves. Everything has Elf in it. Nothing happens in Warcraft without Elves there. They had to put Elves in the Horde, which went to some extent of stretch to be done, I might add, because I clearly see that Nightborne are not the first elves in the Horde to go there due to idiotic reasons. And if one squint really hard, they can see in between the lines that the actual reason as to why they went to the Horde was “backwards added” after the fact. Anyone who played vanilla (not classic, vanilla), knows that.
Lothar was ambushed.
Yes, but Lothar wasn’t challenged to a mak’gora I don’t believe.
The only time Lothar has fought in a Mak’gora was again in the Warcraft movie, and that Mak’gora was between him and a fel-corrupted Blackhand.
She wasn’t mind controlled…
The good part of her was fractured and seal off.
The worst in her took control and has been in control for a LONG time.
The cinematic even says that she has to take responsibility for her actions, even if they were not what the Ranger General wanted. The SAME thing happened with Uther and no one cries about Uther cause “HE’S A PALADIN”
I will admit Danuser is not a great writer. He’s good - not great. But this is a classic case of someone can’t figure out what is being portrayed and written cause your head is in a sand pile.
Prove it.
Go ahead, I’ll wait. Show me the proof that magic was forbidden in the mak’gora.
Both sides have “bad” groups of individuals; however, good and bad are objective and all dependent on your personal morals/perspective.
While I agree, we’re forced to make linear decisions and participate in things we may not like … at the end of the day, it’s a video game without the luxury of “choose your own adventure” … (that’s what telltale games are for.)
The only solution to this is to play on an RP server and make your own story. Progress through what they require you to do, but ignore the story by making a different one (just avoid Goldshire inn on moon-guard.)
If FF is your niche, then knock yourself out. It’s definitely not mine, but then again … neither is WoW really at the moment.
Never said I have a “bad or good” people issue.
I am ok with being the “bad guy” of Warcraft. What I dont like is being “wrote wrong” to justify someone else’s validity. That is the problem.
To hell, I cheered with Teldrassil burning. I dont care about the morals or the “virtues”. I care about a good story.
And in WoW, the story is Alliance, with Horde being a plot device to make them look important.
This is good writing of nihilistic behavior:
Well, the best I have for you then is to look at the culture we currently live in.
So as to not attract the SJW’s … I’ll just leave it at that. You’ve got a company dealing with a lot of negative PR and they’re trying to compensate at the cost of a decent story arc.
I think BFA it was most notable that Horde players weren’t really a part of the outright evil stuff the Horde was doing. The champions are essentially mercenaries that sometimes get called in for specific tasks and spend the rest of the time doing random stuff for people they meet.
I can’t really remember much of the horde side during MoP though but I don’t recall the faction narrative disconnect being as large as it was in BFA. Though I did note that the Alliance only managed to kill the Zandalari king before the Zandalari were even officially horde, essentially ensuring they joined the Horde.
Plus Blizz essentially changed the Alliance quests with them being gung-ho on Vulpeera genocide just because they were trading with the horde.
At this point they might as well end the Alliance/Horde war and swap to conflict between mercenary companies. They seemed to try to set that up back in WoD BGs but it never caught on .
That really translates to “The horde players were on the side of Alliance heroes”.
Which is EXACTLY the problem.
Nah. I could link 10 examples and you’ll just claim you’re still right. I’m not playing your stupid game.
Going to bed sounds like a better idea.
If you’ve got examples, present them.
Prove your case or shut the hell up.
Sure thing, tough guy.
Gonna threaten to beat me up next?