Oh boy hero talents

The harder question is who shares what.

I’d assume frost gets deathbringer and rider of the apocalypse

One can hope, because I’m not a big fan of San’layn lore or aesthetics.
Rider of the Apocalypse and Deathbringer sound way cooler.

Blood: San’layn and Deathbringer. Deathbringer because of the reference of Saurfang who used a lot of Blood magic in the fight.
Unholy: San’layn and Rider of the Apocalypse.
Frost: Rider of the Apocalypse and Deathbringer.

Better thing to be talking about is not what specs get what, but rather what mixture of our specs makes what

What is San’layn? Blood and what

What is Deathbringer? Frost and what

What is Rider of the Apoc? Unholy and what

Example, for warrior, Slayer is Fury and Arms together, While Mountain thane is Fury and Prot, and Colossus is Arms and Prot

So whats DK? If San’layn is Blood and Unholy, Then that means Deathbringer is Frost and Blood, And Rider of the Apocalypse is Frost and Unholy

I just wanna see the talents lmao

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2% movement speed increase while stunned.


This is my question. They all sound cool but wtf does Deathbringer or rider of the apocalypse mean? San’layn creates a clear picture but the other 2 do not. They’re just titles. Saurfang was just a blood dk and the riders of the apocalypse are probably based on the 4 horsemen who are strong death knights who stick together and ride undead horses. What powers would we even get from that? It looks like there are only passive buffs to skills, so would the san’layn buff death strike and death and decay? Would deathbringer buff obliterate and heartstrike?

I want to see lines that focus on some of the core themes of death knights. Diseases and death magic(could be filled by the san’layn title), Runes and Runic power based weapon attacks (probably filled by deathbringer) and undead minions(maybe rider of the apocalypse?)
With vague names we were given it’s kinda hard to speculate. Would have been a lot more obvious if one focused on minions was called Necromancer or something to that effect.

deathbringer will prolly enhance what we already have and as to what it enhances who knows for now
as for rider i keep seeing people say they want what pallys have and let DKs charge with a mount

It looks like that’s what all lines will do from the limited information we do have. Rider will likely also amplify existing skills.

The damage buffs those skills get looks like they’re fairly small so the other effects are what will be more interesting. For example the one that makes treants cast moonfire is quite unique. it doesn’t look like there are any active abilities so all interesting effects will be based on existing spec and class abilities.

its a superiority complex thing

Why are people speculating that specs are somehow going to be 2 hero talents combined? Thats not what was shown.

You will have your class talents, your spec talents and your “hero” talents.

San’layn will probably have to do with healing stuff. Rider of the Apoc will probably be self defensives and making the DK hard to stop like On a Pale Horse did, and deathbringer could be anything really.

no kel we have access to two but can only choose 1 of the 2

What? There are 3… If you have access to 1 that means just that. Unless people aren’t explaining it properly which is probably the case.

Basically, make the specs a triangle.

Now, put one of the Hero specs between two of the specs.

That’s how it works. So in this instance, Deathbringer might be an option for both Frost and Unholy. San’layan might be an option between Blood and Frost. Rider of the Apocalypse might be an option between Blood and Unholy.

So your options would look like…

Blood: San’layan OR Rider of the Apocalypse
Frost: San’layan OR Deathbringer
Unholy: Deathbringer OR Rider of the Apocalypse.

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They will all suck for dk or be nerfed in 24 hours who cares


And that is bad design and Blizzard hasnt learned from Legion, BFA or Shadowlands. They should just have the spec, you have access to all 3, and let you pick one at any given time. Its going to be people saying “why cant I use x hero talents with y spec, give it” which they should instead of waiting until 11.3 to finally free it up.

Its not even mediocre design at this point, its just a failure and they havent learned ANYTHING.

Previous pruning is how we ended up in the state we are now, I think I’ll pass on that idea.

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I don’t mind the design at all. It would just be an extended class tree if every spec could have it, allowing 2 of the 3 specs to have access to each hero talent tree creates some more ways to differentiate between the specs but it also creates an oppertunity to modify the appearances of your spells and as they were saying, make certain parts of your kit more important and can create situations where, say the frost dk in your raid team is a deathbringer and you’re a rider of the apocalypse frost dk but you’re both playing obliteration, there’s still a difference between how you’ll both play. It helps for roleplaying too. For example you can finally be a dark ranger if you play a hunter now.

It’s fine that you don’t like it but it’s an evergreen system which means they’ll support it moving forward and may even add to it.

I think it’s fantastic.

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Doing it in classic lol

Unholy’s rotation isn’t really that complicated outside of the opener, which itself is largely dependent on the specific fight and what gear you have.

Minus opener, Unholy TLDR can be thought of like this:
-Apply and maintain diseases
-FS to maintain Wounds
-SS/CS to pop Wounds
-DC/Epidemic to dump RP

Basically just maintain DoTs, and build resource/spend resource. Again the opener throws the wrench into the rotation when you’re tracking timers, pre-pot, buffs, CDs, etc, and the only real advanced play during the normal rotation is knowing when to hold and when to use CDs outside of the opener.

I mainly included unholy because of all the akwardly time CDs, its not as bad as other specs for sure but to me it still feels bad to play.