The specs are already too different that they don’t feel like specs they feel like classes.
You guys are also making some pretty big definitive statements with basically nothing to go on.
Sounds like Azerite Armor with the restrictions of covenants. You will pick the best one and that will be the end of it.
I also highly doubt it’s going to have any major impact on specs. You won’t become a dark ranger, or a rider. They will never do mounted combat since they tried it and scrapped it before anything hit the test phase in Wrath.
It’s a bad system akin to the systems they already scrapped.
you don’t have to like it, or anything really for that matter. but that’s okay.
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And it’s highly likely others won’t either. Look at Azerite Armor and people saying it’s not finished and more was coming and it was going to be great… It fell on its face.
Or the covenant system where you were stuck with your choice for a long time until they opened it up but requiring you to jump through hoops, or opening up finally towards the end of the expansion.
Am I the only one seeing the similarities in this “new” system with that of previous systems that people complained about?
The main difference is that it doesn’t go away after the expansion ends. They’ll keep it forever.
Yeah I agree with kel here also they keep’d other crappy stuff even with overwhelmingly nagative feedback against stuff
It could work or be such a dumpster fire and I hope our dk counsel members are on it when it becomes available for testing
Council members only mean something if Blizzard listens.
i forgot to add everybody who has alpha and or beta and add feedback to say if it works out not or need tweeking
It doesn’t matter how long they keep it around. Say you want a few talents from San’layn but you don’t have access to it. Do you really think the people on the forums are just going to go “oh well”? It goes the same for every class, just have 3 options you pick from and put points in it.
They just don’t want to expand the already existing talent system because of what happened to the initial talent system.
This is one thing that playing the different versions of Classic in general has gotten through my head, is how much Legion served to heavily differentiate the specs into almost being different classes with some shared baseline abilities.
They’ve gone back a bit more towards shared abilities, but Death Knight in particular got hit hard with Legion’s class design, and we’re still sitting on Legion’s class design, more or less.
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i wouldnt mind having blood boil back along with the heal and blood plague with the two part talent that makes oblit do more damage per disease. i miss that along with merciless combat.