Unfortunately none of those things are confirmed, and I find it unlikely hero talents will allow for playing a tank from a DPS spec or vice versa.
I honestly went back and looked, and I don’t understand why people liked this. I don’t understand why I liked this as a kid. It was and is less interesting than Frost or Unholy ever were in Wrath, it did minimal to no AoE, and it was STILL mediocre even when played well for most of WOTLK.
As a former member of “bring back Blood DPS”, I’d rather they not try to make current Blood function as a DPS. DK as a whole would need to be upended and rebuilt for that to work.
While it would be cool and interesting, that is in no way, shape, or form how the hero talents are going to work. They showed on ability from prot warrior, which allowed stormbolt to hit multiple enemies instead of just one. Your hopium would require complete redesigns. Again, while cool, just not happening.
are you basing this off of the classic version? cause thats version is the nerfed final version of blood, and even then its still compentent, blood was OP since DRW used to copy the full damage you did, the nerf brought it down to about 50% (was 25% due to a bug that was recently fixed i think)
people only think its medicore cause they dont really give it a chance and look at numbers that are just inflated by aoe damage.
I like the simple rotation, the healing, DRW is honestly a cool ability, and overall love the theme of blood, I just dont want tank.
It confirms low impact changes, like DND rooting targets on cast or Asphyxiate hitting multiple targets. Anything that’s an actual change, like everything you listed, is impossible.
Because people just want a true 1 button spec, even when we’re already seen how terrible 2 button specs play.
It doesn’t matter if it was the worst or best DPS. WoTLK Blood DPS was a “spam Heartstrike and occasionally press Coil/Death Strike”. We already have a similar version now with Frost and it’s horrible to play.
I played Wrath in its original form and remember being incredibly dissatisfied with Blood in general as a DPS.
Blood has mediocre to little AoE damage and wasn’t even really best at single target. It had no niche and didn’t really have a place next to Frost or Unholy.
This is what people seem to typically refer to. Sure, I enjoyed that too when I was a 9yo.
If I want something as boring as Wrath Blood I can just play Obliteration Frost on retail. Pretty damn similar in some ways.
It astounds me how you cannot see any form of facetiousness in my comment. Asphyxiate hitting multiple targets is absolutely not low-impact regardless.
not really sure what your on about, but blood was pretty strong that they had to do insane nerfs and its still pretty decent.
Hell even on classic its simming higher then frost/unholy for single target in icc, hell Iv even seen some logs here on these forums that showed blood doing more dps in alot of cases and that was before icc/toc which has more armor pen which is what blood really needs for its dps, its aoe might not be great sure, but aoe is just padding lets be honest.
Anyways as I said, I liked the way it played/plays and the overall class fantasy of blood, I just dislike tanking, honestly I dont mind the retail rotation, I just wish I could dps as it.
I also think that full blood dps and especially frost tanking are very unlikely. These are expanded talents that are like a subspec of your current spec which help give you a bit more flavour and power in specific areas. I’m sure blood dk will gain some more dps, but i highly doubt there will be role changing talents in here.
Only with Shadowmourne and Hysteria (Unholy Frenzy). If you are putting UF on anyone else then you lose a lot. DRW is also pretty bad. Hysteria/UF should be put on a Fury Warrior or a Feral Druid.
There is nothing to it. Its the most simple spec probably ever. Keep up diseases, convert runes when needed, spam heart strike, dump RP with death coil.
Asphyxiate is Storm Bolt by another name, and we have confirmation that will get to hit at least 3 targets. That is 100% low impact in the context of talents. Changing a single target stun to a 3~ target one doesn’t increase DPS and increases utility in M+ & PvP. That is the very definition of a “low impact” talent.
I’m hoping the Hero talents don’t result in less work on an overall rework for the class.
There is nothing wrong with simple rotations man, if anything the overly complex rotations(such as mage, rogue, unholy dk ect) are hurting this game more then anythin, who wants to play a game with 30 button rotations.