Oh boy, gargoyle AGAIN as a talent

my choices are based on my given needs at any given time, what holes in my toolkit that need to be filled.

the fact is the devs talked big about unpruning, even mentioning gargoyle specifically and now they are walking that back. bait and switch. at this point, can any blue post be trusted?

What is cool about not having Gargoyle?
Whats cool about dark transformation being tied to a melee ranged ability.
Whats cool about army of the damned being better in every way?


So death coil now baseline reduces Apoc by 1.5 sec? Does this stack with the Army of the Damned talent…so 2.5 sec? And then you have the conduit that reduces the Apoc CD when you burst wounds…

LOL so what can you get Apocs CD down to? 20 sec or something ridiculous like that?


No. We do not have the haste or gcds to even make it a 1 minute cd. these changes are useless and all of them this time around should be reverted.

Night fae dks should not have epidemic. They shouldn’t be the best at everything. They shouldn’t be the best in any scenario for dks.


Yeah, there’s a build that has nutty Apocs. Negatively over reacting to these changes is nonsensical. These changes are good and open up new interactions.

is anyone happy about this?

Yes. The spec’s flow is objectively improved and 2 locked tallent rows just opened up. Arguably 3 if you consider the 50 tier, but Unholy Assault looks spicy.

Unholy Blight and Epidemic were 100% pick rate on beta prior to this. It was a non-option. Gargoyle is parasitic and dominates the decision making for Unholy’s building. Removing it opened the spec up to many more builds.

Prior to this change, the level 25, 45, and 50 talent rows were hard locked.

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here’s a better question:

are you happy about this change and what is your primary area of play?


I do not like this change, im a pvper.


Good riddance to that Gargoyle and it’s “Spent RP increase damage” mechanic, in an already bloated pool of things to manage.

Unholy didn’t need it frankly, I for one didn’t like the Gargoyle being baseline, it was just something else to manage on top of already managing 3 ressources and many cooldowns. It would have been near impossible to pool and dump the RP needed to make it effective in the opener anyway, where you’re already trying to get wounds up and start the rest of your stuff.


I’m a pve’er and im not happy with ANY of the changes in this build today.


I am a Blood tank, mainly PvE (main tank) and wishing to once again to dip into pvp.

I do not like these changes.

Today’s changes upsets me for a few reasons.

  1. The force of Rune Tap into rotation (with a lack of needed resources)
  2. Blood Tap removed baseline that paired well with full spec to allow freedom and decision making during tanking.
  3. Talent row 30 is still a dead talent row. mandatory talent for mandatory talent flip. (Blood Tap is not themed the same as row 30)
  4. Tombstone is even more worthless, since its baseline punished by Ossuary.

Added note: Say Tombstone and now Blood Tap switch talent rows. Then we pretty much have BFA talents.
Blood Tap == Rune Strike
Tombstone would be in the correct themed row with all interacting with Bone Shield charges. Honestly this could fix both talent rows…

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Legitimately who was even asking for anything close to this, all I remember is people being mostly happy with Unholy on the GCD issue now because the only remaining fluff button was Dark Transformation but that wasn’t a big deal because there were situations where you would want to pop it by itself.
These changes are so far from the Bullseye that Blizz just nailed the bartender with a dart.


legit lol’d


This is a classic case of careful what you wish for. Even after all the streamlining of the opener, the fact the opener had like 4 buttons that were not attacks, people were still complaining on and on and on about it.

So there you go, now you have Ret Paladin levels of openers. Pre-cast Army, run in, Pop unholy Assault, pop Apoc, build and spend wounds. The perfect super streamlined opener.

People stopped saying it was bad though, they felt our GCD issue was largely alleviated and were pretty satisfied with where we sat. Then this change got pushed out that makes Apocalypse into a clown car ability.


Uh, no, I’ve been blasted enough on the FEEDBACK thread to tell you that in fact trying to say it wasn’t bad was a death sentence there, you had a pile up of 3-4 regulars just pounding how it was still the worst thing in game.

Literally just 3-4 days ago, some guy said “We pop nothing but CDs for 15 seconds” and when I simply pointed out that that wasn’t true, the 3-4 FEEDBACK regulars just started harassing me and claiming I’m wrong.

There was very much still a lot of whining about the opener.

The funny thing, those regulars are now all like “buuut buut Gargoyle was iconic!”.


I agree at first I was like ohh wow they really love us and saw the exchange and was like ohhh no.

The changes to unholy seem strange as wel. Did UH Dks issue with ideas spread ever get address outside of a talent? I haven’t played UH to much (planned to in Shadowlands the apocalypse change seems clunky?)

And frost, my lovely ice wielding knights the nerfs to Obil are here =/

what even is this change

I swear like 50% of unholys damage is going to come from pressing apoc

I press apoc and do damage, all my wounds pop and do damage, my ghoul goes crazy and i summon a bunch of ghouls and skele mages, i get 5% more str and some damage link

lord they just put way too many cooldowns onto unholy. I’m starting to resent having apoc as a part of the tool kit


Well it’ll certainly live up to its name.


These awful changes were caused by all these people complaining about too many buttons, thanks a lot, you just screwed unholy over because your brain could not comprehend having litterally just 1 more offensive cooldown in Shadowlands. Now gargoyle will be a dead talent like in BFA because nothing will outscale the haste from unholy frenzy, and we lost separate dark transformation in PVP, on top of having Soul Reaper a bad execute that doesnt refund runes anymore and wont be used in PVP because you don’t kill targets in arenas.

So they litterally removed like 2 offensive cooldowns and reneged on their unpruning for gargoyle.

I’ve lost: arena usable soul reaper, baseline gargoyle, dark transformation not tied to apocalypse which means I lost controllable pet kick in pvp too

All of that because a bunch of people playing with no haste in beta said it took too many GCDs to get started.