Oh boy, gargoyle AGAIN as a talent

Thanks blizzard for another change no one asked.
For the people who want to read it, just remove the bar after h


May I add the blood change was a joke too…

Make a go to talent baseline Ossuary… sure great… but remove the ability to gain runes (which blood needed) to only take Ossuary’s Talent slot… another must have -_-


slams head repeatedly in desk
Blizz why. They basically changed the cooldown problem UH had by making one of the CDs a talent, and gargoyle is too weak to bother taking as a talent. Compared to the other 2 talents in that row, it will probably never be taken.


Well, another 2 years of gargoyle sitting in a corner. Because removing it from the gcd like other spells is too dificult i guess…



  • Epidemic is baseline.

well you got something right.

Dark Transformationhas been removed, and its functionality has been added to Apocalypse.

dark transformation is an essential PVP CD. like, what the hell?! and you know i dont mean hell.

and still

  • Developers’ notes: When you cast Apocalypse, your Dark Transformation is no longer delayed by a missile travel time.

what does that even mean? DT only has a delay when you have to summon the ghoul.


So wtf… take away a must pick blood talent for a talent that will be a must pic?
Christ. Don’t even get me started on the UH changes… just when I was excited to try dk again


I’m happy about Epidemic being baseline… so, using Apoc now will summon your extra ghouls, and transform your main one, and create the chain between you if you have Unholy Pact? Just seems like that’s a number of things happening in one skill, but I guess it sort of makes some sense…

Can’t say I’m thrilled about having 2 less CDs (and reduced skillcap) though. I’d like if they could move Gargoyle instead to where Epidemic is instead so that we could have the choice of taking another active, I’m not really a fan of how that whole row is now going to just be 3 passives.


It had a little thing that flew towards our ghoul, but it was almost imperceptible

This x1000


so in other words the devs are trying to sell us a solution nobody asked for to a problem that never really existed?


Apocalypse doing 4 things is hilarious and not at all what people are asking for.


So DT is baked into Aplocalypse? The entire effect?

Yes, these solutions are 5 steps backwards in Shadowlands design philosophy. (Bringing back Class flavored old favorites baseline)


Apoc doing so many things seem to be what they’re going with when they say they want button presses to be “meaningful” with the whole GCD drama. But removing ENTIRE abilities and baking them into apocalypse is the wrong way to do it.


At least 2h frost is lookong fun.
I’m honestly super annoyed by this. Like… especially since they said after today they are going to “tuning” phase. So I guess this change is staying…

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So, i’m just thinking that, blizzard cannot even balance classes right and they wont release covenants because they think they can balance it… Shadowlands will be interesting to say the least

Well there were many complaints about the number of GCD’s in UH in several threads…it looks like this was the result of that…I think tuning Apocalypse will be a whole other can of worms.

What do you think will be the pick in the 45/60 talent row now that epidemic is gone and Gary is back?

So if you take Necromancers Bargain and the Apocalypse talent do you just have perma dark transformation rofl?
Seems like it would be legit with “Frenzied Monstrosity - Dark Transformation also increases the attack speed and damage of you and your Monstrosity by 20%.”. Also Unholy pact could be permanent too.
Did anyone at Blizzard even consider any of that or is it all about to get nerfed.


those complainers need to go play DH. its nothing but 4 spells that do 50 things each. GCD bloat is a complaint of a player who doesn’t understand unholy. like really, cant see the forest for the trees level of spec misunderstanding.

while the GCD complaint is opinion, the DT being a PVP CD is not. right now our 2nd interrupt is tied to dark transformation. the ability to send our ghoul out, park him, near a healer, and then transform him to put pressure on healers for 15 seconds of play because they have to account for the interrupt being ready and waiting for them.

additionally in hybridpvp where unholy rotates playstyles, a combo of DT and necrostrike spam is often used as a finishing move after you have spend CDs.

and also, the ability to use DT for AoE is crucial and why it needs to be separate from apoc.

@Ion and devs, if you are just going to bake it into a spell to remove the GCD cost, then just remove the GCD cost and make it instant. amateur players can macro it into apoc while master players can retain the option to independently use it for optimal payoff.


Gargoyle is a spec defining talent that’s utterly dominant and warps stat values. The last time Dark Arbiter was optimal, there was no other build, and the entire rotation and playstyle was built around it. I’m an Unholy one trick and this is 100% fine. Garg w/ Darbiter is not a spell I want to have to manage. It was not fun in the past, the only viable trinkets with Darbiter existing are on use Haste trinkets to stack RP into Darby. It’s not a fun rotation, and the spell shoehorns the rotation into a single playstyle with 0 deviation.

Removing Garg baseline is a fantastic change and I can’t say how happy I am to see it gone.

Epidemic being baselined, and DT being baked into Apoc are also good changes that improve the spec’s flow and damage profile.

All of these Unholy changes are good. You just don’t realize the repercussions baseline Dark Arbiter has on the spec on a stat weight and rotational level.