Ogre playable race

Gorian for Alliance!
Highmaul for Horde!


"It's time to civilize these wretched orcs!"
If there is some how still a need for more playable races then ogres would be welcome over any more elves.
11/08/2018 01:35 PMPosted by Razmo
Gorian for Alliance!
Highmaul for Horde!


"It's time to civilize these wretched orcs!"

ogres joining the alliance? I think not, you can have this instead

12/12/2017 11:58 AMPosted by Rickflairwoo
This guy gets it.
Rip rickflairwoo you will always be remembered friend.

Please make ogres a playable race for alliance.
11/08/2018 01:41 PMPosted by Swiftraven
11/08/2018 01:35 PMPosted by Razmo
Gorian for Alliance!
Highmaul for Horde!


"It's time to civilize these wretched orcs!"

ogres joining the alliance? I think not, you can have this instead


ZOINKS! Did you see that?!

We can never say never, nothing have put then out of the table yet

sorry but its nonsense in all of this, they do have a lot of variety, skin colors, eye options, horns, tusks, sure they are outdated, but even the wod model look good

about the equipment? well nightborne had the same problem, and they fix it just fine

they do not have female models, sure, but neither worgens had, the art team come up with new creatures/mounts and npcs every week, a female model for ogres will no cost us a raid tier.

there is not rly much effort, compared other races, the allied race system is exactly to cut the big effort, they could easily use the kul’tiran model as base, like with rexxar.

no one would play then? why? they still are the number one horde race in many pools, even winning against vulpera, if people are playing the highmountain, sure hell they would play ogres

I seriously don’t see why they shouldn’t add 4 new allied races.
Alliance ~ High Elves, and Half Elves
Horde ~ Ogres, and Half Ogres

It has been on our racial wish list for a while, now.

You would have to rebuild half the game, Ogres are to big. Lets say you make small Ogres… well are they really still Ogres at that point ?

They had a model made at one point. It was scrapped, but I can see them making a sub-species of ogre that is maybe about the size of a Tauren.

Ogres should have been added a long time ago.

I really want the hybrids added. I have Rexxar following each of my Hunters around the broken isles when I am there, and he fits through doorways just fine.
At this point, Half breed elves should be more common than full bloods of most of the elven races. Even before Teldrassil, Night Elves are so long lived, and the death rate is so high on Azeroth, there really shouldn’t be that many of them left. The Silver Covenant elves are still Alliance, and High elves have a habit of falling in love with Humans. ( the Windrunner sisters, and Kael’thas Sunstrider ((even though his advances weren’t reciprocated, he is still an example of a High Elf that had a thing for Humans.))

there is nothing to rebuild, they are, by lore, small than taurens, and you have tauren playable already

If Orges were introduce as a playable race many wouldn’t like the end result.

  1. They’ll be much smaller, just taller Orcs
  2. I can image Armor warp around them would look out of place
  3. And they’ll feel sluggish.

I have no issue with Orges as a race but just pointing this out

This size is what they rly are, why people would not like the result? not all ogres are gigantic like the ones in the highmaul arid or other dungeons, if they stay in tauren size, it will be tall enough

im sure will not look worse than pandarens and kultiran humans, thats for sure

not more than taurens, like, we already have plenty of toys to turn into ogres, and they are just fine.

did you not play WoD? or see any of the ogres in the rest of the game? Ogres are much bigger than Tauren and they would have to dismount for all but the biggest doors even if they used a small mount

Again, by lore, they are smaller than taurens, taurens stnd at 10ft and ogres 8ft

you just see ogres big because of game mechanics, like any other npc who can be bigger than their normal counterparts

A ogre tauren size playable would be totally fine and big enough

If Kul’Tiran humans are a thing than ogres can be a thing. Just mix it up a bit and you got some ogres. They are already allies of the Horde so they fit fine lorewise.

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Only if they’re two headed and play just like Cho’gall in HOTS.

Damn I wanna play an Ogre so bad.