Ogre playable race

Ogres are a big part of World of Warcraft they already have the model for it. Are the highmaul ogres just going to sit around or will they join the fight? Please make ogres a playable race.
This guy gets it.
inb4 Orges one day get added and Alliance cry Horde bias because they got Void Elves.
I think ogre's would make a good neutral race. Let em pick a faction like panda's do.
Maybe they'll make them unlockable after you unlock flight in WoD, Legion, and BFA, then gain exalted rep with a spider faction by belly-flopping them, some more exalted with dark iron by helping them fall asleep and one more exalted with the dance studio by forming a congo line in the opposing faction's capital city. After that you will need at least three gnomes level 110 or higher on whichever server you do decide to roll an Ogre toon on.

Oh yeah, the Ogre racial will be that hangliders don't work and only 2+ seater mounts can hold them. :)

Void Ogres.
I wouldn't play them over Orcs, Tauren, or even Mok'nathal.

I just feel like they're inferior options to similar races so I can't support adding them in.
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12/12/2017 12:04 PMPosted by Hargruo
I think ogre's would make a good neutral race. Let em pick a faction like panda's do.

At this point, I'd be happy for individual players of any race to be able to defect to whichever faction they want. And maybe one more third-party outcast type faction for very IC DH DK and Warlock folks to drop into maybe.
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12/12/2017 11:54 AMPosted by Furyeon
Ogres are a big part of World of Warcraft they already have the model for it. Are the highmaul ogres just going to sit around or will they join the fight? Please make ogres a playable race.

Having the model is 1/1000th of the work.
12/12/2017 12:33 PMPosted by Hamstar
12/12/2017 11:54 AMPosted by Furyeon
Ogres are a big part of World of Warcraft they already have the model for it. Are the highmaul ogres just going to sit around or will they join the fight? Please make ogres a playable race.

Having the model is 1/1000th of the work.

True. But the Development team has been actively considering Ogres since the Development of Cataclysm.

That's a lot of time, and a lot of talented designers.
Still is disgusting how blizzard managed to put another elf on the Horde first than Ogres, baffle me. With context the Allied races they have no excuse to don't make then playable

Imb4 ogres are to big = No they aren't, Taurens are bigger and are playable !@#$

12/12/2017 12:02 PMPosted by Frostscythe
inb4 Orges one day get added and Alliance cry Horde bias because they got Void Elves.

then we get void ogres
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The Alliance will be taking the Gorians.
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Finally more people who want the best race ever to finally be added to Horde
Two headed ogre option would be cool. They would have the best emotes too with 2 different VAs.
The ogres in brackenwall village in dustwallow don't seem to be much bigger than the tauren. And no one says the ogre females have to be ugly. There's a female ogre in an anime called monster musume that's just a big girl with a horn. And before anyone complains if they decide to look up Tionishia (The aforementioned female ogre) she doesn't have to be that big measurements wise.
I am pro High Elves and I am pro Ogres!
My complaint about Ogres is that unless we go Highmaul, we're going to get "Basically Orcs BUT REAL TALL-LIKE AND ALSO A LOT DUMBER" with their Orcish-esque culture and whatnot. Obviously some differences, but nooot a lot.

I supported the swap of Goblins instead of Ogres because of Goblins and their exaggeration and parody of western culture/capitalism and whatnot. It was funny, unique from other races, and gave us some fun little green men to add to our rosters. Ogres... well, excluding Highmaul (to my knowledge, anyway) it would bring... a tribal-esque group all about strength. Because the Horde definitely didn't have that already.

I'd so be up for Highmaul, though. Highmaul are cool as hell.

Maybe Allied Races will bring in Ogres, I wouldn't really be unhappy about that. That'd be neato.
12/12/2017 12:52 PMPosted by Syegfryed
Still is disgusting how blizzard managed to put another elf on the Horde first than Ogres, baffle me. With context the Allied races they have no excuse to make then playable
Because not everyone wants to be a fat, smelly, ugly ogre. Some of us want to play Horde but don't necessarily care to be hunchbacked, brutish, repulsive, and/or a half-rotted race.

Having said that, yes, some people love being a more monstrous race. I'm glad that people have that option. It's all about having available choices... which you seem to think only yours is the valid one.
I need an Ogre so I can make a toon named ‘Shrak’ Or Shrek, if it isn’t taken.
I have a theory that actual High Elves and Ogres are behind these posts and are in a competition to stroke their own egos by demonstrating which race is more popular.

It is all they can do to silence the inner turmoil that comes from the knowledge that neither one will ever, ever be added to the game as a playable race.