Offline play


Sorry to burst your bubble. less than 0.1% of the playerbase would play an offline mode.


I’ll do exactly what I want with my time and leave you in peace to do the same. Goodbye.

Better asking for Blizzard to make an actual single player Warcraft game.

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I just got here!


I don’t think you have a source for that, it’s just your bias talking.

take your own advice.

mic drop.

Are you sure all the files are on the client? If each player had their own WoW world, how would we see each other? And what about all the code that runs the actual game, wouldn’t that be on the server?

If not, then just what does the server do?

I didn’t give any advice in the quotes you posted LMAO

Sorry, let me word it so you get the point.

Take your own statement and apply it to your thinking*

thank you.

I’m not talking about the whole world, only old instanced solo content. Did you only skim the OP?

OP knows full well, that his suggestion will never happen. So, I don’t know why they are getting defensive over it.

Please try to make more sense, I have no idea what you’re referring to.

You saying that my statement was just my bias talking.

Yet you claim it’ll make the game better for everyone, which is also bias talking.

Hypocrites at it’s finest.

I don’t in fact know that it will never happen, and nor do you. No one knows the future.

Your posts are getting tiring, Rapidstrike.

You’re telling me people couldn’t give themselves money or other things? Mmhmm

Now I don’t believe you

You don’t have to read them Mr sockpuppet

Just block me

i’m not trying to hide like you :wink:

The quality of life improvements for the people using it would perhaps be small, but significant, and it would reduce stress on the live servers which would help everyone who doesn’t use it.
Please try to think issues through a little more before making declarations about things you’ve never thought of before.

Let me fix this request for you:

Please Blizzard, I want to be able to cheat and get myself items in the game and your servers to just trust that I earned them legitimally.

There’s no proof of this. servers are running fine and don’t have a habit of DC’ing due to people running old content.